MATLAB中: set(imh, 'erasemode', 'none') 这句命令是什么意思?
在 Matlab 里利用图形的“EraseMode”属性可以实现显示新对象,擦除旧对象,而
normal 方式
none 方式
xor 方式
background 方式
当新对象的属性修改后,应刷新屏幕,使新的对象显示出来。Matlab 里屏幕刷新
的命令是drawnow。drawnow 命令使Matlab 暂停目前的任务而去刷新屏幕。若不使用
drawnow 命令,Matlab 则等到任务序列执行完后才刷新。
{normal} | none | xor | background
Erase mode. Controls the technique MATLAB uses
to draw and erase objects. Use alternative erase modes for creating
animated sequences, where control of the way individual objects are
redrawn is necessary to improve performance and obtain the desired
normal — Redraw the affected
region of the display, performing the three-dimensional analysis necessary
to correctly render all objects. This mode produces the most accurate
picture, but is the slowest. The other modes are faster, but do not
perform a complete redraw and are therefore less accurate.
none — Do not erase the
object when it is moved or destroyed. While the object is still visible
on the screen after erasing with EraseMode none,
you cannot print it because MATLAB stores no information about
its former location.
xor — Draw and erase the
object by performing an exclusive OR (XOR) with the color of the screen
beneath it. This mode does not damage the color of the objects beneath
it. However, the object's color depends on the color of whatever is
beneath it on the display.
background — Erase the object
by redrawing it in the axes background Color,
or the figure background Color if
the axes Color property is none.
This damages objects that are behind the erased object, but properly
colors the erased object.
MATLAB[1] 是美国MathWorks公司出品的商业数学软件,用于算法开发、数据可视化、数据分析以及数值计算的高级技术计算语言和交互式环境,主要包括MATLAB和Simulink两大部分。
在 Matlab 里利用图形的“EraseMode”属性可以实现显示新对象,擦除旧对象,而
normal 方式
none 方式
xor 方式
background 方式
当新对象的属性修改后,应刷新屏幕,使新的对象显示出来。Matlab 里屏幕刷新
的命令是drawnow。drawnow 命令使Matlab 暂停目前的任务而去刷新屏幕。若不使用
drawnow 命令,Matlab 则等到任务序列执行完后才刷新。
{normal} | none | xor | background
Erase mode. Controls the technique MATLAB uses
to draw and erase objects. Use alternative erase modes for creating
animated sequences, where control of the way individual objects are
redrawn is necessary to improve performance and obtain the desired
normal — Redraw the affected
region of the display, performing the three-dimensional analysis necessary
to correctly render all objects. This mode produces the most accurate
picture, but is the slowest. The other modes are faster, but do not
perform a complete redraw and are therefore less accurate.
none — Do not erase the
object when it is moved or destroyed. While the object is still visible
on the screen after erasing with EraseMode none,
you cannot print it because MATLAB stores no information about
its former location.
xor — Draw and erase the
object by performing an exclusive OR (XOR) with the color of the screen
beneath it. This mode does not damage the color of the objects beneath
it. However, the object's color depends on the color of whatever is
beneath it on the display.
background — Erase the object
by redrawing it in the axes background Color,
or the figure background Color if
the axes Color property is none.
This damages objects that are behind the erased object, but properly
colors the erased object.