我都是先装 win ,再装 Ubuntu 双启动。我记得我是选的 sda,好像默认就是吧。下面是 Ubuntu help 上的一段话(原文标题:Grub2/Installing):
Installing Ubuntu to a Specific Partition ("Something Else"):
When using the "Something Else" option, you will be offered to choose the "Device for bootloader installation". Please select: * either the disk (eg /dev/sdX, not /dev/sdXY) on which the BIOS is setup to boot (recommended for normal use) * OR the partition (eg /dev/sdXY, not /dev/sdX) on which Ubuntu (/boot, else /) will be installed (only if you want to chainload it from another bootloader; if any doubt, do NOT choose this)
Never choose any other partition! (this may break the boot of your other systems, see Bug #1049549).
它的意思是有两种选择:或者装到 sda 上(或者 sdb,总之你的计算机首先启动的那个硬盘),或者装到 /boot 或 / 目录所在的分区上。
我说的情况可能跟你的需求不一致,不过,你这样先装 Ubuntu,再装 Win,后者出问题的可能会稍大一些,毕竟这是个 Win 的世界,是 Ubuntu 在适应 Win,而不是相反。