
1.5医疗药物的研究进展:该病毒于1976年首次被发现,1995年在刚果民主共和国爆发后才被人们所认知。由于疫情只局限于非洲,零星发病而且持续时间较短,因此均未受到普遍重... 1.5 医疗药物的研究进展:
目前进展较好的为美国国家卫生研究院 (National Institutes of Health,NIH) 与葛兰素史克公司共同研发的基于复制缺陷型黑猩猩3型腺病毒载体的埃博拉疫苗“cAd3-EBOV”和加拿大公共卫生局(Public Health Agency of Canada) 国家微生物实验室研发的基于减毒水疱性口炎病毒载体的埃博拉疫苗“rVSVΔG-EBOV- GP”,这两个候选疫苗已通过快速通道进行Ⅰ期临床试验,试验证明“cAd3-EBOV”具有很好的安全性及免疫原性。
2.1 基本假设:
2.2 团队的工作:
 我来答
2015-02-08 · TA获得超过728个赞
Research progress of 1.5 medical drugs:
The virus was first discovered in 1976, 1995 and was recognized in the Democratic Republic of Congo after the outbreak of. As the epidemic is confined to the Africa, sporadic onset and shorter duration, and therefore were not paid much attention. Until the 2014 outbreak in West Africa, up to now, the number of infections has reached 22495 people, including 8981 deaths, all over the world hitherto unknown attention.
Although there is no formal approval of the listing of the Ebola vaccine, but has a plurality of the investigational vaccine made good protection effect in non-human primate animal, and there are few has entered the stage of phase 1 clinical trial, is expected to soon for the prevention and control of the Ebola epidemic situation.
The current progress of good for USA National Institutes of Health (National Institutes of Health, NIH) and common development and GlaxoSmithKline Co based replication defective chimpanzee adenovirus type 3 vector for Ebola vaccine "cAd3-EBOV" and the public health agency of Canada (Public Health Agency of Canada) National Microbiology Laboratory attenuated vesicular stomatitis virus vector for Ebola vaccine "the rVSV Delta G-EBOV- GP" on the basis of research and development, the two candidate vaccines have been through the rapid channel for phase I clinical trials, tests prove that "cAd3-EBOV" is safe and good immunogenicity.
Two, our work
2.1 basic assumptions:
(1) drug assuming who release is already mature to mass production.
(2) hypothesis
2.2 team work:
(1) the professional knowledge of the different drugs we, we cannot work on Ebola, so we are trying to establish the mathematic model of Ebola diffusion, we hope to predict and mitigate the epidemic situation of Ebola help.
(2) at present, some developed countries also increased the drug research, predictable and effective drug is able to in the short term applied, therefore, drug distribution scheme and the transportation plan is worthy of study. Therefore, our work also includes according to the spread of the disease, the required drug dosage, the production of vaccines and drug delivery system speed, and the destination and other elements of the study drug distribution and transportation scheme.
(3) we hope that through our research, to reduce tensions in the current Ebola. In order to make the people to establish the confidence of the Ebola, we will write a letter to the World Medical Association introduced the results of our research.
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