
师哥师姐啊!救救我吧!我明天就要英语口试了。我想要求助你们问路和看医生的英语对话要一问一答的方式每个人说话不可以少于六句也不要太复杂如果可以现编就太好了网上我找不到考试要... 师哥师姐啊!救救我吧!我明天就要英语口试了。
要一问一答的方式 每个人说话不可以少于六句 也不要太复杂
如果可以现编就太好了 网上我找不到
考试要求两个人配合,有经验的Help Me!
 我来答
2008-04-25 · TA获得超过1.1万个赞

1 ① ⑴ What’s wrong ( with you )? 你哪不舒服啊? 怎么了?
⑵ What’s the matter ( with ) you ? 你哪不舒服啊? 怎么了?
⑶ Anything wrong ? 你哪不舒服啊? 怎么了?
⑷ Is there anything wrong ? 你哪不舒服啊? 怎么了?
⑸ What’s troubling you ? 你哪不舒服啊? 怎么了?
⑹ What’s the trouble ? 你哪不舒服啊? 怎么了?
⑺ What’s hurts ? 你哪不舒服啊? 怎么了?
⑻ What’s your complaint ? 你哪不舒服啊? 怎么了?
⑼ What do you complain of ? 你哪不舒服啊? 怎么了?
② ⑴ Can you describe the problem ? 你能把情况说说吗?
⑵ Can you describe the symptoms? 你能把症状说一下吗?
⑶ Describe what’s wrong . 说说哪不舒服。
③ ⑴ Has it been a problem before ? 以前有过这种情况吗?
⑵ Have you had this problem before ? 以前有过这种情况吗?
⑶ Have you had this before ? 以前有过这种情况吗?
④ ⑴ When did the trouble start ? 什么时候开始不舒服的啊?
⑵ When did it start ? 什么时候开始不舒服的啊?
⑤ ⑴ How long have you had these symptoms ? 这些症状有多长时间了?
⑵ How long have you been like this ? 你这样多久了?
⑶ How long have you had this problem ? 你这样多久了?
⑷ Have you had this problem long ? 你这种情况已经有很长时间了吗?
⑥ Does it hurt when I do this ? 我这样时,疼吗?
⑦ Is there a history of heart disease…… in your family ? 你家有心脏病……病史吗?
2 ① ⑴ I’m not feeling well . 我觉得不舒服。
⑵ I don’t feel well . 我觉得不舒服。
⑶ I’m not myself . 我觉得不舒服。我状态不佳。
⑷ I feel terrible . 我觉得难受极了。
⑸ I’m feeling rather out of sorts these days . 这几天我一直觉得不舒服。
② ⑴ I feel chilly / dizzy / feverish / sick / hot and cold / short of breath ……
⑵ I have a headache / stomach-ache / backache / toothache / cold / fever / cough / chill …… 我头疼/胃疼/后背疼/牙疼/感冒/发烧/咳嗽/着凉……
⑶ There’s something wrong with my head / neck / back / stomach / throat / heart / abdomen / …… 我头疼/脖子疼/后背疼/胃疼/嗓子疼/心脏疼/肚子疼……
③ ⑴ I pulled a muscle . 我拉伤了肌肉。
⑵ I trained a muscle . 我拉伤了肌肉。
④ ⑴ I sprained my wrist . 我扭伤了手腕。
⑵ I twisted my ankle . 我扭伤了脚踝。
⑶ I threw my back out . 我后背扭伤了。
⑤ ⑴ I’m bleeding . 我出血了。
⑵ It keeps bleeding . 血在不停地出。
⑶ It won’t stop bleeding . 血止不住。
⑷ I’m bleeding like a stuck pig . 我血流个不停。
⑥ ⑴ I’m suffering from insomnia . 我近来一直失眠。
⑵ I’ve been losing sleep . 我近来一直睡不好。
⑶ I can’t sleep . 我睡不着觉。
⑷ I lie awake all night long . 我一整夜都不能入睡。
⑸ I’ve been really sleepy . 我的确睁不开眼睛。
⑹ I’m always drowsy . 我总想打瞌睡。我总是昏昏欲睡。
⑺ I can’t seem to stay awake . 我好象眼皮很沉。
⑦ ⑴ I’ve got diarrhea. 我拉肚子了。
⑵ I’ve got the runs . 我拉肚子了。
⑧ I’m constipates. 我有便秘。
⑨ ⑴ My skin itches . 我的皮肤发痒。
⑵ I have a rash . 我发皮疹了。
⑶ I’ve got blotches all over my skin . 我浑身上下都发了疹块。
⑷ I’ve got these bumps on my skin . 我的皮肤上长出了这些肿块。
⑩ I’m aching all over . 我浑身上下都疼。
3 ① ⑴ Do you have any allergies ? 你患有过敏症吗?
⑵ Are you allergic to any medications ? 你对药物过敏吗?
⑶ Are you allergic to penicillin ? 你对青霉素过敏吗?
4 ① Let me examine your heart / lungs / throat …… 让我检查一下你的心脏/肺脏/嗓子……
② ⑴ Don’t worry . 别担心。
⑵ There’s nothing to worry about . 别担心。
③ Let me feel your pulse . 让我先给你把把脉。
④ Your temperature is a little high . 你的体温有点高。
⑤ Put the thermometer under your arm . 把体温计夹在胳膊下面。
⑥ Open your mouth and show me your tongue . 张开嘴,让我看看你的舌头。
⑦ I’d like to run a few tests first . 我最好还是先给你做几个检查。
⑧ You’d better go and have an x-ray . 你最好还是先去透视吧。
⑨ In that case ,you’d better have a general check-up . 那样的话,你最好做一次全身检查。
⑩ I think you’d better take it easy for several days . 我看你最好静休几天。
5 ① ⑴ I’ going to write you a prescription . 我这就给你开处方。
⑵ I’m going to give your prescription . 我这就给你开处方。
⑶ I’m going to give you something for the pain . 我这就给你开药。
② I’d like to take a blood sample . 我要采些血样。
③ The results should be back in a week . 检查结果要一周后能知道。
6 I’m going to refer you to someone else . 我将把你转诊到另一个医生那儿。
7 ① ⑴ Take a dose three times a day . 每日服三次,每次服一剂。
⑵ One teaspoon daily . 一天服1茶匙。
⑶ One teaspoon three times daily . 每天服3次,每次1茶匙。
⑷ One tablet three times daily . 每天服3次,每次服1片。
⑸ Two capsules three times daily . 每天服3次,每次服2粒胶囊。
⑹ Take three times daily . 每天服3次。
⑺ Take in the morning . 上午服用。
⑻ Take after eating . 临睡前服用。
⑼ Take before eating . 饭后服用。
⑽ Take before going to bed . 饭前服用。
⑾ Take two of the pills each morning for two weeks . 每天上午服2丸,连服2周。
⑿ Not to be taken more than four times within 24-hour period .
⒀ This medication should be taken with meals . 这种药需在进餐时服用。
⒁ This medication should be take with food . 这种药需在进餐时服用。
⒂ Don’t eat for half an hour before or after taking this medicine .
⒃ Don’t operate heavy machinery while taking this medication .
⒄ Don’t drive after taking this medication . 服用此药后切勿开车。
② Drink more hot water . 多喝热水。
③ Drink plenty of water . 大量地喝水。
④ Have a good rest . 好好休息一下。
⑤ Be careful of your diet . 注意饮食。
⑥ ⑴ Stay in bed as much as possible . 尽量在床上多躺几天。
⑵ Have a good long lie . 好好地多躺一躺。
⑦ Be sure to keep warm and rest . 注意保暖和休息。
⑧ Don’t overdo things . 不要过度劳累。
⑨ Don’t drink . 切勿饮酒。
8 ①⑴ I’m improving . 我正在好转。
⑵ I’m getting better . 我正在好转。
⑶ I’m getting back on my feet . 我正在好转。
⑷ I’m getting back on my legs . 我正在好转。
⑸ Tings are looking up . 我的病情正在好转。
⑹ I’m getting over it . 我正在康复。
⑺ I’m bouncing back . 我正在康复。
⑻ I’m on the road to recovery . 我的身体正在复元。
⑼ I’m getting back to normal . 我的健康正在恢复正常。
② I’m out of the woods . 我已经脱离了危险。
③ I’m better now . 我现在好多了。
④ I’m better than I was . 我比原来好多了。
9 ① ⑴ I’m well now . 我已经痊愈了。
⑵ I’m all better . 我已经痊愈了。
⑶ I’m completely over it . 我的病已经完全好了。
② I’m as good as new . 我恢复得像原来一样。
③ It’s like it never happened . ( 我觉得 )好象是没病过一样。
④ I feel like a new person . 我感到自己好象换了个人似的。
⑤ I’ve got a new lease on life . 我感到心情更愉快,生命更有活力了。
My nose is stuffed up . 我的鼻子塞住了。
I’m always running at nose . 我老是流鼻涕。
I got a stiff neck . 我落枕了。
stroke 中风
lose hair 掉头发
feel sick 想吐
face is swollen 脸肿了
chapped lips 嘴唇干裂
have a cramp 抽筋
have a fracture 骨折
have gooseflesh 起鸡皮疙瘩
have a stiff neck 落枕
sneeze 打喷嚏
snore 打呼噜
hiccup 打嗝
vomiting and runs 上吐下泻
have the runs 拉肚子
lose one’s fluids 脱水
have an injection 打针
blood transfusion 输血
acupuncture 针灸
cupping treatment 拔火罐
mass therapy 按摩
have a blood test 验血
have a stuffy nose 鼻塞
have blister on the heels

1 Excuse me . ① Where is … ? …… 在哪里啊?
② Could / Can you tell ( show ) me the way to … ? 能告诉我……在哪里吗?
③ How can I get to .. . ? 我怎样才能到…… ?
④ How do I find … ? ……在哪里 ?
⑤ Could / Can you tell me how I can get to … ? 能告诉我我怎样才能到达……吗?
⑥ Could / Can you tell me how to get to … ? 能告诉我我怎样才能到达……吗?
⑦ Do you know where … is ? 你知道…… 在哪里吗?
⑧ I’m trying to find … . Could you tell me where it is ? 我正在找……
⑨ Could you please direct me to … ? 你能告诉我……在哪里吗?
⑩ Is this the way to … ? 这是去…… 的路吗?
2 Excuse me . ① Is there a bus to … ? 这儿有去…… 的车吗?
② Is … straight on ? …… 是一直走吗?
③ Can we catch a cab / taxi here ? 我们在这儿能叫到出租车吗?
④ What street is this ? 这是什么街啊?
⑤ Which is the shortcut to … ? 哪条是去…… 的捷径啊?
⑥ Does the bus take us all the way to … ? 这辆车直达…… ?
⑦ Is there a / any restaurant … near / around here ? 这附近有饭店……吗?
⑧ Where can I take the bus going to the airport ? 我该到哪儿搭乘去机场的汽车?
3 ① Go down / Go along this street / road . 沿着这条街/路一直走。
② Go straight down the street / road . 沿着这条街/路一直走。
③ Walk down Fifth Avenue for two blocks . 沿着第五大街走两个街区。
④ Walk up / Go up First Avenue to Fifth Avenue . 沿着第一大街走到第五大街。
⑤ Just keep walking . 一直走。
⑥ Just go straight ahead . 一直走。
4 ① Turn left / right . 左转 / 右转 。
② Make a left / right . 左转 / 右转 。
③ Take a left / right . 左转 / 右转 。
④ Turn left / right at the first / second … crossing . 在第一/ 第二……个十字路口左转 / 右转。
⑤ Turn left / right at Fifth Avenue . 在第五大街左转/右转。
⑥ It’s on the left / right . 在左边/右边。
5 ① It’s across the street . 在街的对面。
② It’s around the corner . 在拐角处。
③ It’s across from the park . 在公园的正对面。
④ It’s next to the park . 紧挨着公园。
⑤ It’s between First and Second Avenues . 在第一大街和第二大街之间。
⑥ It’s on the corner of First and Second . 在第一和第二大街的拐角处。
⑦ It’s on Guilin Road . 在桂林路上。
6 ① Well , I think I can draw a map for you . 我想我可以给你画张示意图。
② I’ll show you the way . I’m going in the same direction . 我给你带路吧。我正好和你同路。
③ I’m walking that way . Let me lead you the way . 我正朝那边走,我给你带路吧。
④ I’ll walk you to … It’s on my route . 我陪你去……吧。咱们顺路。
⑤ I’m afraid you’re going in the opposite direction . 恐怕你走反了。
7 ① You’d better take a taxi / minibus / Bus No. 5 … 你最好坐出租车/小公共/5路公共汽车……
② You’ll get there directly . 你直接就能到那里。
③ You can get there in about 10 minutes . 十分钟左右你就可以到那里。
④ Take Bus No. 6 , and you’ll get there directly . 乘6路车就可以直接到达。
8 ① Take this one-way street . 走这条单行道。
② You’ll stay on the street for a while until you hit the first / second … traffic light .
③ Keep going 50 yards before you come to a fork road . 继续走50码,直到你走到一个三叉路口。
④ Take the opposite side of the road , and when you get to the end of it , turn to the left , and then take the first turning to the right .
⑤ Just a couple of blocks that way . 往那个方向过两条街就到了。
⑥ Walk three blocks west , then you’ll find it . 向西走3个街区就会找到它。
⑦ Walk for about 100 meters , and then turn left / right at the intersection . you’ll see it there .
⑧ Just go down this street . You’ll see it on your left . 沿着这条街一直走,你会在你左面看到它。
⑨ This is a dead-end street . 这条路前面不通。 / 这是个死胡同。
9 ① I’m sorry , I don’t know , either . 对不起,我也不知道。
② I’m sorry , I ’m a stranger here . 对不起,我也不知道。
③ I’m sorry , I’m new here . 对不起,我也不知道。
④ You’d better ask the policeman . I’m sure he’ll give you all information you want .
⑤ You’d better ask someone else . 你最好问问别人。
10 ① How far is it from here ? 那儿离这儿有多远?
② Is it far from here ? 那儿离这儿远吗?
③ Will it take me long to get there ? 到那里远吗?
④ It’s about … meters from here . 那儿离这儿大约……米。
⑤ It’s about … minutes’ / hours’ walk . 走路……分钟/小时的路程。
⑥ It’s about … minutes’ / hours’ drive . 开车……分钟/小时的路程。
2008-04-26 · TA获得超过189个赞
A:Excuse me, Is there a hospital nearby?( 打扰,附近有医院吗?)
B:There are two hospital here,the People Hospital and the Skin Hospital,which would you like to go to?(这儿有两家医院——人民医院和皮肤病医院,你想要去哪一家呢?)
A:The People Hospital,How can i get to it?(人民医院,但是我应该怎么走呢?)
B:Go down the street,turn left in the second crossing and you will find it on your right hand.(沿着这条街走下去,在第二个十字路口向左转,你就会发现它在你的右手边)
A:Thank you Very much.(非常感谢你)
B:Not at all.(不客气)

Doctor:Come in, please. I’m Dr. Evans.
Peter:I’m Peter Mathews.
Doctor:Have a seat. What seems to be the problem?
Peter:I’ve lost a little weight recently, and I don’t seem to have as much energy. My head and stomach were killing me yesterday. I might have had a fever, and I thought I ate something bad because I had the runs.
Doctor:(checking Peter’s file) Everything was fine with your last checkup 3 months ago. Are you eating OK? Do you bring anything up?
Peter:I’m eating fine, more or less. Last night, I thought I was going to vomit.
Doctor:Do you sleep well?
Peter:A little fitfully sometimes. This morning, I felt too sick to even get out of bed.
Doctor:(after checking Peter’s heartbeat, blood pressure, and temperature) Everything seems to be OK. Any other symptoms?
Peter:No, nothing I can think of. I must say that things have been quite hectic around the office, recently.
Doctor:I think you may have a touch of the flu that’s going around. And you do seem a little tired. I’ll give you a flu shot and I recommend you take some vitamin supplements. Try to take it easier at work for a while, too.
Peter:Thanks, Doctor.
Peter:我是Peter Mathews.
Doctor:我觉得你染上了正流行的风寒。你看起来确实有点儿疲倦。我给你打一针,并建议你补充一些维生素。还有,最近一段时 间工作不要太紧张。
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2008-04-25 · 超过20用户采纳过TA的回答
A: Excuse me , could you tell me the way to the nearest bookshop?
B; Go along the street , then take the second turning on the left . At the end of the road , you'll find it.
A: How far is it from here?
B; It's about thirty minutes' walk.
A; Thirty minutes? That's too long. Is there a bus?
B: Yes. The No.20 Bus will take you there .
A: But where is the bus stop?
B: It's on the other side of the street .
A;How often is the bus?
B; Every five minutes.
A: Thanks a lot .
B: Not at all.


A: Hello,Dr.Lee.
B: Hello, Kelly. What's the matter with you?
A; I feel terrible. I have a bad headache and my body hurts all over.
B: Let me have a look at you . Oh, your temperature is a little high. Have you got a cough?
A: No, I haven't got a cough.
B: You have a very bad cold. Don't worry . Take the medicine three times a day after meals . It's also important to drink lots of water.
A: Mum says that too. I'll do it. And can I go to school today?
B: You'll have to be in for a few days.
A; Oh,but I want ...
B: You may be able to go back to school on Friday.
A; All right.Thanks, doctor!
B; You're welcome.
每人各6句 还符合要求吧。 祝你考出高分!
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2008-04-25 · TA获得超过829个赞
A: Excuse me,would you like to tell me how to get to the post office?

B:OK!Go along this street and turn left when you see a big cimena, then you should walk straight and turn right at the second turning,and...en,it is far from here.I suggest you taking a bus.

A:Oh,which bus should I take? How long will it take me to get there?

B:You can take the NO.8 bus that will pass by the cinema .
I think it will take you 30 minutes.And you can take the bus over there.

A:It is kind of you to tell me aboat that.Thank you very much!

B:You are welcome.


I:May I come in?
D :Yes,please.
D:What's the matter with you?
I:I am not feel very well. I feel headache, nausea and vomiting(头疼,恶心,想吐),and I can't sleep very well.
D:Let me have a look...You have catched a bad cold.I will give you some pills.You should take medicine on time and three times a day.
I:I see.I will follow your advice.Thank you a lot.

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2008-04-25 · TA获得超过238个赞
--Excuse me.Could I know the way to **Hospital?
--Sorry,I am new here.
--Thank you all the same.

--pardon me,sir.
--I wander if I can know the way to **Hospital?
--The **Hospital?Oh,yeah.go down the street and turn left at the 2th turning ,and then,you will see a bank on your left hand.The Hospital is just next to the bank.You must not lose it.
--Many thanks,sir.
--You are welcome.
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