关于i did mistakes写一篇作文
In my job of helping executive teams improve the performance of their businesses I see many different leadership styles. I have to say that the best leaders are those that allow employees to make mistakes. They take away the fear of admitting mistakes and instead give people support so they can take risks and learn from mistakes. I find that the same also applies to good coaches, good parents, good teachers, etc. They all understand that everyone makes mistakes and that it is best to create an environment in which it is safe to make and admit them.Of course, it is not acceptable to make the same mistakes all over. Successful people are not afraid of making mistakes but they don’t make the same mistake twice. Take Thomas Edison’s attitude to mistakes during his quest to develop the light bulb: “I have not failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work”. It is exactly this attitude and his ability to learn from mistakes that enabled him to eventually succeed. Edison also said “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”So the overall lessons here are: Be comfortable making mistakes in your pursuit of success. Don’t be ashamed or put yourself down for making mistakes, but be sure you learn from them and you don't repeat them! And, of course, never give up pursuing your dream (even if it means changing direction a few times along the way)!What do you think? Do you agree or disagree? Is there anything you would add? What is your experience with learning from mistakes? Any of your own lessons you could share? Any stories you could contribute? Please let us know your thoughts…