我想要外国人向中国人介绍圣诞节的对话 要英文加翻译
We like to celebrate Christmas Day and our feelings to Christmas is the same as your feelings to Spring Festival.
Things we do on Christmas Day is basically baking cookies for Santa Claus and decorating Christmas tree with stars, sparkling balls and bands. Other than that, we might hide some gifts for our families undered the tree and hopefully they wouldn't notice that before the opening time. The most representative colors for Christmas are red and green, we either wear things with those colors or dye our food, usually cakes or ginger man, into those colors. If things get crazy, we will even build a ginger house which might not be edible.
我们喜欢庆祝圣诞节,就像你们喜欢春节一样。我们就是给圣诞老人烤饼干,用星星 亮球 和带子装饰圣诞树 除此之外我们会在树下藏点礼物给我们的家人 希望它们不会发现 最具有代表性的颜色就是红色和绿色 我们要么穿这种颜色的衣服 要么把食物染成这样 比如我们的蛋糕和姜饼人 如果疯狂起来 我们会造大的姜饼屋 但是就不能吃了。
都是我自己写的 希望你能喜欢
Things we do on Christmas Day is basically baking cookies for Santa Claus and decorating Christmas tree with stars, sparkling balls and bands. Other than that, we might hide some gifts for our families undered the tree and hopefully they wouldn't notice that before the opening time. The most representative colors for Christmas are red and green, we either wear things with those colors or dye our food, usually cakes or ginger man, into those colors. If things get crazy, we will even build a ginger house which might not be edible.
我们喜欢庆祝圣诞节,就像你们喜欢春节一样。我们就是给圣诞老人烤饼干,用星星 亮球 和带子装饰圣诞树 除此之外我们会在树下藏点礼物给我们的家人 希望它们不会发现 最具有代表性的颜色就是红色和绿色 我们要么穿这种颜色的衣服 要么把食物染成这样 比如我们的蛋糕和姜饼人 如果疯狂起来 我们会造大的姜饼屋 但是就不能吃了。
都是我自己写的 希望你能喜欢