
税收筹划在现代公司财务光里中运用的研究(汉译英)eachbasicmethodmighthaveseveralvariations.Youcanreduceyourinc... 税收筹划在现代公司财务光里中运用的研究(汉译英)
each basic method might have several variations. You can reduce your income, increase your deductions, and take advantage of tax credits.
Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) is a key element in determining your taxes. Lots of other things depend on your AGI (or modifications to your AGI)-- such as your tax rate and various tax credits. AGI even impacts your financial life outside of taxes: banks, mortgage lenders, and college financial aid programs all routinely ask for your adjusted gross income. This is a key measure of your finances.
the number one way to reduce taxes is to reduce your income. And the best way to reduce your income is to contribute money to a 401(k) or similar retirement plan at work. Your contribution reduces your wages, and lowers your tax bill.
You can also reduce your Adjusted Gross Income through various adjustments to income. Adjustments are deductions, but you don't have to itemize them on the Schedule A. Instead, you take them on page 1 of your 1040 and they reduce your Adjusted Gross Income. Adjustments include contributions to a traditional IRA, student loan interest paid, alimony paid, and classroom related expenses. A full list of adjustments are found on Form 1040, page 1, lines 23 through 34. The best way to boost your adjustments is to contribute to a traditional IRA.
As you can see, two of the best ways to reduce your taxes is to save for retirement, either through a 401(k) at work or through a traditional IRA plan. Contributions to these retirement plans will lower your taxable income, and lower your taxes.
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One key tax planning strategy is to keep track of your itemized expenses throughout the year using a spreadsheet or personal finance program 。You can then quickly compare your itemized expenses with your standard deduction. You should always take the higher of your standard deduction or your itemized deduction. Take Advantage of Tax Credits Once we've tweaked our taxable income, we are ready to focus our attention on various tax credits. Tax credits reduce your tax. There are tax credits for college expenses, for saving for retirement, and for adopting children.(英译汉)
(英译汉)The Hope Credit is for students in their first two years of college. The Lifetime Learning Credit is for anyone taking college classes. The classes do not have to be related to your career.
You may also want to avoid additional taxes. If at all possible, avoid early withdrawals from an IRA or 401(k) retirement plan. The amount you withdraw will become part of your taxable income, and on top of that there will be additional taxes to pay on the early withdrawal.
One of the best, and most abused, tax credit is the Earned Income Credit (EIC). Unlike other tax credits, the EIC is credited to your account as a payment. And that means the EIC often results in a tax refund even if the total tax has been reduced to zero. You may be eligible to claim the earned income credit if you earn less than a certain amount.
Increase Your Withholding
2008-04-29 · TA获得超过2878个赞
调整后的总收入(完)是一个关键因素在决定你的税。许多其他的东西,取决于您的完(或修改您完) -如您的税率和各种税收抵免。完,甚至影响你的财务生活以外的税费:银行按揭贷款,高校财务援助计划的所有经常会问及你的调整的总收入。这是一个关键的措施,您的财政状况。
数目的方法之一是减少税收,以减少自己的收入。和最好的方法,以减少你的收入是作出贡献的钱交给一个401 ( k )计划或类似的退休计划的工作。您的贡献,降低您的工资,降低了您的税务条例草案。
您也可以降低您调整总收入通过各种调整收入。调整扣除额,但你不须逐项他们就附表A相反的,您带他们在第1页就您的1040年,他们调整降低您的总收入。调整包括贡献了一个传统的爱尔兰共和军,学生贷款所支付的利息,支付赡养费,与课堂相关费用。的完整清单,调整上发现的形式1040年,第1页,线路23 条,通过34 。最好的方法,以提高您的调整是有助于传统IRA 。
你可以看到,两所最好的办法,以减少您的税,是为了节省退休,要么通过的401 ( k )在工作中或通过传统IRA计划。的贡献,这些退休计划,将降低您的应课税收入,并降低你的税。
一个关键的税收筹划的策略是保持跟踪您的逐项开支在整个一年中使用试算表或个人财务计划。然后,您就可以快速比较您的逐项开支,与您的标准扣除。你应该始终以更高的标准扣除您或您的逐项扣减。利用税收抵免,一旦我们已经扭曲我们的应课税收入,我们愿意把注意力集中于各种税收抵免。税收抵免降低您的税。有税收抵免大学的开支,为退休而储蓄,并采取儿童。 (英译汉)
问题补充: (英译汉) ,希望信贷是为学生在他们的头两年学院。终身学习的信用是对任何人采取学院班级。阶级不一定要与你的职业生涯。
您可能还希望,以避免加税。如果在所有可能,避免早期退出爱尔兰共和军或401 ( k )计划退休计划。数额你将成为撤回的一部分,您的应课税收入,以及最重要的是会有额外的税收来支付就早日撤出。
其中一个最好的,最常被滥用的,税收信用是信贷的收入(三电) 。不像其他的税收抵免,三电是存入您的帐户,作为一种付款。和这意味着,三电,往往结果在退税,即使税款总额已减少到零。你可能有资格申请信用卡的收入如果您收入低于一定数额。
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