
四篇,原创的,拜托,有分!只要是作文就OK,内容符合高一就行!!!!!!... 四篇,原创的,拜托,有分!
2013-02-12 · TA获得超过9402个赞
1.Nowadays, people like to travel a lot.Many people go travelling on their holidays.We can enjoy ourselves and be far away from stress or pressure .So,travelling is very good for our mind.We can also learn much when we go travelling.
However,there`s somthing we should pay attention to.At first,we shouldn`t litter ererywhere.we must protect the environment no matter if we are in our hometown.If we are travelling abroad,our behaviours can even represent our country.Secondly,you`d better not take nuch money with you.if the money is stolen,the travel won`t be very enjoyable. Thirdly,we can`t eat or drink too much when we go travelling.if we eat too much and get sick,it`s difficult for us to find the hosptal.the illness will also affect our travelling plan.
So,if you feel stressed or tired,it`s a good idea to go travelling.and we should pay attention to sth .

2.①三峡博物馆三峡博物馆,重庆市人民大礼堂位于西端的积极建设的主要157.3米,宽98.085米,高32米的长度,总建筑面积4万多平方米。该建筑本身的形状来进行一些历史和文化意蕴。②三峡博物馆,依山而建,整体呈一个大弧线形状。在人民广场,博物馆,站在那里,看着像奔腾的长江三峡大坝。该博物馆是最明显的大面积的弧形蓝色玻璃幕墙和古方正的砂岩墙。蓝色玻璃象征着水,砂岩墙代表了山,这体现了重庆城市景观的特点。博物馆是在顶部的漏斗状的圆形穹顶,很像一个巨大的承诺露盘,同时采取“三峡水利天堂”之意,另一方面,水通过三层叠瀑,一泄下来,和人民广场,三峡博物馆反映的历史文化,提水,滋润大地的文化和涵义。③三峡博物馆展出面积的23225平方米,有四个基本陈列,即:反映历史,三峡工程,三峡文化和精神三峡“的壮丽三峡”,反映地方重庆的历史和文化的起源的“古代巴渝”,反映了20世纪初,在重庆市的“重庆城市之路”的变化反映在重庆,“战争年代的文化战争。” 这里重点介绍前两个展厅。④“壮丽的长江三峡”位于一楼展厅的右侧,三峡博物馆,博物馆展览的迹象。进入展馆,参观者来到瞿塘峡,如果崇高的。面对的是一个长9米,高6米的三峡壁画,它被放置所造成的各种三峡石,共同构成了雄伟的夔门,美丽的桃花峰。游客在时间的时候,脚下踩到了一杯水,长江流域建立一个水密的方式。的声音,川江呗,河岸边的声音,以及长江三峡猿啼独特的声音,构成了一个真实壮丽的三峡。⑤“壮丽的长江三峡”三峡大厅摆放了很多天然石材。瞿塘峡口切的瀑石,瞿塘峡中间的黑石,三峡纤夫切石,纤夫路,和作为“世界第一古代水文站”的白鹤岭铭文也已经取得了一些进展削减举措厅。目前在全国的博物馆还没有把这么大的规模的大型天然石头的先例。⑥与“壮丽的三峡”相比,“远古巴渝”展览的大厅似乎古老而厚重。“远古巴渝”,位于二楼展厅的左侧,三峡博物馆,展览面积的以上1160平方米的,展品超过1000。这是三峡博物馆,其中一个最丰富的文物展厅,其中80%以上的文物是自1997年以来,在重庆的三峡,新的考古发现,这是第一次公开的,如,小田溪出土的巫山县龙骨坡巫山人化石的牙齿和下颌骨,兴隆洞遗址发现的剑齿象牙石,陶奉节鱼腹浦发现的雕像出土的鸟形等。这主要取决于文物陈列馆说,它要证明的客观存在,古老的巴渝文化和无穷的魅力。
2013-02-12 · TA获得超过14.6万个赞
一,Too Much Pressure on Students
Students in China don't have a comfortable school life.From the day they enter school,mountains of homework,exams and tests pour to them,they even have no time to breathe,have no time to do something they like.What's more,their parents have been worrying about their future since they begin to go to school.They say and say,"Study hard!"And they are always inclined to compare their children with others.Some parents are not satisfied with their present life and wish their children to creat a better life for them.All these would give their children a great pressure.
二,Live a Low-carbon Life
As is known to us all,our environment is getting worse and worse.In order to protect our environment,we should live a low-carbon life.
First of all,when we go out,we should take a bus or ride a bike instead of driving a car.Cars not only let out carbon dioxide but also waste energy. Second,we had best not use plastic bags which can bring about the white pollution.We should use the environmentally friendly bags.Third,it's of great use to plant trees.Trees can absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.Finally,we should start out small.Therefore, as students, we ought to turn out the lights the moment we leave,turn off the tap in time,and reuse our textbooks and so on.
三,the Differences Between the Chinese Culture and the Western Culture
As we know ,there are many differences between the culture of China and the west.The differences of the diet custom and the teaching system are two aspects.
The Chinese use chopsticks when having meals.But western people prefer to forks and knives.This difference is based on different food they like.Western people like eating beefsteak and salad,while the Chinese people enjoy noodles and rice.Besides,the Chinese prefer to drinking tea while western people prefer to drinking coffee.
The teaching system of China is quite different from that of the west.Chinese students always have much homework to do.They have less time for relax.Chinese students think their classes are boring,so many of them skip classes.But the study in the west is more interesting and enjoyable.
四,Growing Pains
We high school students do have some growing pains, but we can get rid of them correctly and wisely.
So you think you do not have a perfect figure? Well, let me tell you. We do not have the right to decide where we come from and how we look. But we do have control over what we can do and how we can make our image better. So why feel upset over something we cannot change? People should be judged by their character and content, not the color of their skin. Martin Luther King Jr. said this in his "I have a dream" speech. Let's hold our head high for who we are.
Some of us may not have many friends and others may not like us. I think if we communicate more each other, that should not be a big concern for any of us. We all have friends, maybe a few are very close ones.
Now, about the pressure from our family and the society. Yes, it's true that people around expect highly of us. Our parents want us to excel in school and to go to ideal universities or colleges for a better future. We all agree with that. It's just how we try to take the pressure off and just be ourselves, do the things we love and at the same time realize our dreams.
It's also true that a lot of us are from families that not wealthy. We are students now, so allowance is not a problem for us. We do not need that much money. We should learn to live an austere life. Live simple, and enrich our minds.
With that, I think as long as we have confidence, have a definite and practical goal, and know what we're doing. We can all reach our goals and live a happy life.
Thank you all!

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