1. Charge
interests in and to all Collateral as a continuing security (Charge§)for the payment and satisfaction on demand of all monies and liabilities absolute or contingent and performance of all obligations under the Margin Facility Terms which are now or at any time hereafter may be due, owing or incurred from or by the customer to the Company or any Affiliated Company , or for which the Customer may be or become liable to the Company or any Affiliated Company on any account or in any manner whatsoever (whether alone or jointly with any other person and in whatever name style or firm) together with interest from the date of demand to the date of repayment, and any commission , legal and other costs, charges and expenses as they appear in the records of the Company or any Affiliated Company
2. power of Attorney
The Customer by way of security irrevocably appoints the Company to be the Customer*s attorney on the Customer*s behalf and in the Customer*s name to do all acts and things and to sign, seal, execute, deliver, perfect and do all deeds, instruments, documents, acts and things which may be required for carrying out any obligation imposed on the Customer by or pursuant to the Margin Facility Terms and generally for enabling the Company to exercise the respective rights and powers conferred on it by or pursuant to the Margin Facility Terms or by law including (but without limitation)
4. Security Unaffected
any agreement, security, guarantee, indemnity, payment or other transaction which is capable of being avoided under or affected by any law relating to bankruptcy, insolvency or winding 每up or any release, settlement or discharge given or made by the customer on the faith of any such agreement, security, guarantee, indemnity, payment or other transaction, and any such release, settlement or discharge shall be deemed to be limited accordingly; or any other thing done or omitted or neglected to be done by the Company or any other person or any other dealing fact, matter or thing which, but for this provision, might operate to prejudice or affect the Customer*s liabilities under the Margin Facility Terms
5.Governing Law and Jurisdiction
The Customer hereby irrevocably submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of any court in Hong Kong in any action or proceeding arising out of or relating to this Margin Client Agreement and hereby irrevocably agrees that all claims in respect of such action or proceeding may be heard and determined in such court in Hong Kong , provided that nothing herein shall effect the Company*s right to bring any action or proceeding against the Customer or the Customer*s property in the courts of any other jurisdiction. 展开
interests in and to all Collateral as a continuing security (Charge§)for the payment and satisfaction on demand of all monies and liabilities absolute or contingent and performance of all obligations under the Margin Facility Terms which are now or at any time hereafter may be due, owing or incurred from or by the customer to the Company or any Affiliated Company , or for which the Customer may be or become liable to the Company or any Affiliated Company on any account or in any manner whatsoever (whether alone or jointly with any other person and in whatever name style or firm) together with interest from the date of demand to the date of repayment, and any commission , legal and other costs, charges and expenses as they appear in the records of the Company or any Affiliated Company
2. power of Attorney
The Customer by way of security irrevocably appoints the Company to be the Customer*s attorney on the Customer*s behalf and in the Customer*s name to do all acts and things and to sign, seal, execute, deliver, perfect and do all deeds, instruments, documents, acts and things which may be required for carrying out any obligation imposed on the Customer by or pursuant to the Margin Facility Terms and generally for enabling the Company to exercise the respective rights and powers conferred on it by or pursuant to the Margin Facility Terms or by law including (but without limitation)
4. Security Unaffected
any agreement, security, guarantee, indemnity, payment or other transaction which is capable of being avoided under or affected by any law relating to bankruptcy, insolvency or winding 每up or any release, settlement or discharge given or made by the customer on the faith of any such agreement, security, guarantee, indemnity, payment or other transaction, and any such release, settlement or discharge shall be deemed to be limited accordingly; or any other thing done or omitted or neglected to be done by the Company or any other person or any other dealing fact, matter or thing which, but for this provision, might operate to prejudice or affect the Customer*s liabilities under the Margin Facility Terms
5.Governing Law and Jurisdiction
The Customer hereby irrevocably submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of any court in Hong Kong in any action or proceeding arising out of or relating to this Margin Client Agreement and hereby irrevocably agrees that all claims in respect of such action or proceeding may be heard and determined in such court in Hong Kong , provided that nothing herein shall effect the Company*s right to bring any action or proceeding against the Customer or the Customer*s property in the courts of any other jurisdiction. 展开
1.委托在利益和所有抵押品作为一个持续的安全(委托§ ) ,用于支付与满意度上的需求,一切款项及负债的绝对或特遣队和性能规定的所有义务保证金设施的条款,这是现在或在此之后的任何时间,可能是由于由于或招致或由客户到公司或任何附属公司,或为客户可能,或成为被公司或任何附属公司的任何帐户,或以任何方式(无论是单独或联同任何其他人不论以何种名称的作风或公司)连同利息自公布之日起需求的日期还款,以及任何委员会,法律和其他费用,收费及开支,因为他们出现在公司的记录或任何关联公司
2 。律政司的权力
客户通过担保方式不可改变的任命,该公司将客户* s律政司对客户* s代表,并在客户*姓名做的一切行为和事物,签署,盖章,执行,交付,完善和尽一切事迹,文书,文件,行为和事情,可能需要进行的任何义务强加给客户使用或根据保证金设施的条款和一般为使该公司能够行使各自的权利和权力,赋予它或根据保证金设施的条款或法律规定,包括(但不限于)
4 。安全未受影响
任何协议,安全,保证,赔偿,付款或其他交易,是能够被避免下或受其影响的任何有关的法律,破产,破产或清盘每向上或任何有关此次释放囚犯,定居或放电提供或由客户对信仰任何此类协议,安全保证,偿金,偿付或以其他方式交易,任何这类释放,定居或放电应被视为是有限的;或任何其他的事做了或忽略或忽视了必须由公司或任何其他人或任何其他处理事实上,事情或东西,但对于这项规定,可能会运作,以损害或影响客户* s下的责任保证金设施条款
2 。律政司的权力
客户通过担保方式不可改变的任命,该公司将客户* s律政司对客户* s代表,并在客户*姓名做的一切行为和事物,签署,盖章,执行,交付,完善和尽一切事迹,文书,文件,行为和事情,可能需要进行的任何义务强加给客户使用或根据保证金设施的条款和一般为使该公司能够行使各自的权利和权力,赋予它或根据保证金设施的条款或法律规定,包括(但不限于)
4 。安全未受影响
任何协议,安全,保证,赔偿,付款或其他交易,是能够被避免下或受其影响的任何有关的法律,破产,破产或清盘每向上或任何有关此次释放囚犯,定居或放电提供或由客户对信仰任何此类协议,安全保证,偿金,偿付或以其他方式交易,任何这类释放,定居或放电应被视为是有限的;或任何其他的事做了或忽略或忽视了必须由公司或任何其他人或任何其他处理事实上,事情或东西,但对于这项规定,可能会运作,以损害或影响客户* s下的责任保证金设施条款
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