链接是出现 example1.asm : fatal error L1101: invalid Object file offset: 1 Record type: 3b
;Example assembly language program--adds 158 to number in memory
;Author: R.Detmer
;Date 1/2013
Exitprocess PROTO NEAR32 stdcall,dwExitCode:DWORD
.STACK 4096; reserve 4096-byte stack
.DATA; reserve storage fo data
number DWORD -105
sum DWORD ?
moveax,number;first number to EAX
addeax,158;add 158
mov sum,eax ;sum to memory
INVOKE Exitprocess,0;exit with return code 0
PUBLIC _start ;make entry point pubic
END;end of source code
;program to evaluate the expression-(x+y-2z+1)
;for doubleword values stored in memory,leaving the result in EAX
;date: revised 4/2005
ExitProcess PROTO NEAR32 stdcall,dwExitCode:DWORD
.STACK 4096 ;reserve 4096-byte stack
.DATA ;reserve storage for data
x DWORD 35
y DWORD 47
z DWORD 26
mov eax,x ;result :=x
add eax,y ;result :=x+y
mov ebx,z ;temp :=z
add ebx,ebx ;temp :=2*z
sub eax,ebx ;result :=x+y-2*z
inc eax ;result :=x+y-2*z+1
neg eax ;result :=-(x+y-2*z+1)
INVOKE Exitprocess,0 ;exit with return code 0
PUBLIC _start ;make entry point public
END ;end of source code
上面那段代码被我误删了,这个的问题也一样。用masm611汇编 展开
;Example assembly language program--adds 158 to number in memory
;Author: R.Detmer
;Date 1/2013
Exitprocess PROTO NEAR32 stdcall,dwExitCode:DWORD
.STACK 4096; reserve 4096-byte stack
.DATA; reserve storage fo data
number DWORD -105
sum DWORD ?
moveax,number;first number to EAX
addeax,158;add 158
mov sum,eax ;sum to memory
INVOKE Exitprocess,0;exit with return code 0
PUBLIC _start ;make entry point pubic
END;end of source code
;program to evaluate the expression-(x+y-2z+1)
;for doubleword values stored in memory,leaving the result in EAX
;date: revised 4/2005
ExitProcess PROTO NEAR32 stdcall,dwExitCode:DWORD
.STACK 4096 ;reserve 4096-byte stack
.DATA ;reserve storage for data
x DWORD 35
y DWORD 47
z DWORD 26
mov eax,x ;result :=x
add eax,y ;result :=x+y
mov ebx,z ;temp :=z
add ebx,ebx ;temp :=2*z
sub eax,ebx ;result :=x+y-2*z
inc eax ;result :=x+y-2*z+1
neg eax ;result :=-(x+y-2*z+1)
INVOKE Exitprocess,0 ;exit with return code 0
PUBLIC _start ;make entry point public
END ;end of source code
上面那段代码被我误删了,这个的问题也一样。用masm611汇编 展开
反正你帖的这段代码问题很大 比如 moveax addeax 这能编译过么
而且你这里好像是个API Exitprocess 但应该是ExitProcess 难道你这个不是大小写敏感
光代码 也不说你的编译方法 编译参数 没法回答 祝你好运
而且你这里好像是个API Exitprocess 但应该是ExitProcess 难道你这个不是大小写敏感
光代码 也不说你的编译方法 编译参数 没法回答 祝你好运
一般都用 Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler Version 6.14.8444 这个版本的MASM
ml.exe /c /coff /Fo"a.obj" a.asm
link.exe /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /OUT:"a.exe" "a.obj"
这是MASMPlus(一个汇编的IDE)里面命令行程序的编译参数 初学汇编推荐这个IDE