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2022-10-25 · TA获得超过5087个赞


Ihad a busy and interesting summer vacation. I did my homework every day so I finished doing my homework ten days before the new term. I also played table tennis and basketball with my friends every day. I sometimes went movies and went to the parks with my friends. I surfed the inter, read books and watched TV every evening. I visited my grandparents and helped them with the housework, too. I helped my parents clean the room and cook meals. The most important was that my parents and I went to Hannan Island and spent a week there.So I really had a fantastic summer vacation.
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写一篇英语作文,80字左右,题目是:我的暑假,参考一下,谢谢 用过去式 初1 水平

My Summer Vacation

At college, I missed my parents a lot. As the term was drawing to an end, I eagerly looked forward to going home. And I planned to do a thousand and one things during the vacation. Above all, I wanted to help my mother with housework. I also wished to read many hooks which my teachers had remended.
However, at home, my mother would never let me do anything. She pletely deprived me of sharing her work. As soon as I opened a book to read,she would sit down beside me and ask me about all kinds of things at the college. To please her,I told her one thing after another,and soon I fot all about books. Even when I was actually reading,she would, now and then,insist that I should eat an egg or drink a cup of tea.
When I left home at the end of the vacation, not a thing in my plan had been carried out. But I felt very happy. I believed much more deeply than before in the old saying: Home, sweet home. There's no place like home!
My Summer Vacation
Last summer I spent a o-week vacation at my aunt's place. My aunt lived alone in a mountain village, with a *** all river winding its course everyday.
One morning I went fishing in the river, where o women washed clothes. I fimnd a most favorable point. Casting out my line I waited anxiously for a bite. Suddenly there came a cry: "Help! Help!" I looked in the direction of the call and saw a boy falling into the river. Throwing the fishing pole, I dashed over like an arrow, jumped into the river and swam very quickly towards the boy. Then together with his mother I carried the boy on my back to a nearby hospital. That boy was saved. The mother gave me a thousand thanks.
Back to my fishing place, I fimnd my fishing pole floating on the water. I managed to get it. But to my great surprise, there was a big fish on the hook.


my holiday
this year ,i will spend my summer holiday in hangzhou.it's really a beautiful place. the westlake is full of water lily,it's wonderful. the water is clear ,the people is friendly. the hotel is fortable.the weather is nice and the food is tasty.
i enjoy myself very much


This summer holiday I plan to go to the beach.I will go there with my parents and cousins.We'll stay there for three days at the local hotel.The trip will be the most wonderful one that I have ever had.Because we will do a lot of things there,such as playing volleyball ,windsurfing ,having barbecue at night.I'm really looking foward to it.

以“jack o lantern”为题目写一篇80字左右的英语作文

jack o lantern
In my spare time, I'd like to watch some movies, especially some foreign ones. Such as One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest(1975),Babel(2006) and so on. The movie is not only a great feast for my eyes, but also makes me more sensible and knowledgeable.
It's regular for me to have a movie dinner after finishing all my work, which is so fortable and profound. In the futuer, I will keep it as a hobby which is being part of my life, and I will make the most of the benefits it brings to me.

英语翻译,帮写一篇英语作文,题目是:Both benefits and costs of globalization。(150字左右。)

In the U.S. labor is relatively scarce (particularly low-wage labor) and capital is relatively abundant. In poorer countries, labor is relatively abundant (particularly low-wage labor) and capital is relatively scarce. Integrating markets with poorer nations thus results in lower wages for U.S. workers and increased returns to U.S. capital holders. (We should note in passing that many American workers also own capital.) So in the U.S., globalization means that the value of the stock market increases while wages stagnate or decrease.
But this describes only the effect of globalization in our nation. In countries with an abundance of labor relative to capital�0�3which is the case in most poor countries�0�3the opposite oute ours: Globalization means that wages increase, and can increase significantly. This is what the U.N. report describes. (The other oute would be stagnation or decline in returns to domestic capital in poorer nations. This provides a potential reason for opposition to globalizationamong economic elites in less-developed countries.)
Put the o predicted effects together for labor, and we get the seeming paradox ofthe middle class rising throughout most of the less-developed world, while the middle class stagnates or declines in the U.S.


I had an extraordinary time in this summer vacation. Not only did I finish my homework assigned by my teachers, but also volunteered in the library of my society, helping people find books they looked for. The minute people assisted delivered their thankfulness to me, I suddenly found my work meaningful. I hope I can spend my winter vacation like this.

谁能帮我写一篇600字左右的作文? 题目是《暑假趣事》。

暑假的一天,妹妹到我家来玩。她是个机灵鬼,一天到晚整人的鬼点子可多了,妈妈常常笑着骂她说她是一肚子坏水呢!中午,爸爸喝了点酒,晕乎乎的坐在沙发上看新闻。看着看着,躺在沙发上呼呼大睡了。妹妹神秘兮兮地把我拉到一边,把小嘴巴凑到我耳朵跟前,小声地说:“我想出了一个主意,咱们来整整大伯好不好?保证好玩极了!”我经不住她的诱惑,便决定和妹妹联手,戏弄老爸一下。 说干就干,我们拿出一盒水彩笔,蹑手蹑脚地走到他身旁。老爸睡得正香呢,鼻孔轻轻地发出鼾声。我俩见他没反应,就放心大胆地开始了我们的“杰作”。 我先用黑色彩笔在爸爸脸上画了几根胡子,这下爸爸成了“猫人”了。我俩抿着嘴偷偷地笑。我又在他的两道眉毛中间竖着画了一只眼,这下活像个“二郎神”了。我们俩高兴得乐不可支。妹妹用红色的彩笔小心地给爸爸涂嘴唇,一个大嘴巴涂得腓红,如同吸血僵尸一般。我们笑得直不起腰来。 这时,爸爸忽然咳嗽了一声,把我们两个小鬼吓得个半死。还好,只是虚惊一场。爸爸咳嗽过后又安然入睡了。我们那颗悬着的心才终于放下来了。 我和妹妹继续工作,又给爸爸涂了鼻子、眉毛,还用许多彩色画笔在爸爸脸上画了大肥猪、独眼龙等。过了一会儿,我们的“大作”完成了,我和妹妹给起了个名字叫“活人脸部秀”。 我们俩双手叉腰,正在得意洋洋地欣赏“活人脸部秀”,忽然我听见门外传来钥匙开门的声音,我猜肯定是妈妈!我和妹妹以最快的速度收拾好彩笔跑回了我的房间关上门。在门缝里我们偷看妈妈的脸部变化:只见她先是一愣,随后发出一声尖叫,爸爸被叫声惊醒了。只见妈妈用颤抖的声音说:“你怎么变成这样了?”显然妈妈已经知道那是爸爸了。我和妹妹终于忍不住笑着从房间里爬了出来。 妈妈拿了面镜子给至今没搞清楚是怎么回事的爸爸。爸爸一看,刚要发火,但他再看看自己的“芳容”,也笑了。爸爸又好气又好笑地说:“看我呆会儿怎么收拾你们两个小鬼头!”说完,跑进厕所里去了,去干啥?我不说你也知道吧! 暑假里的这件事真好玩,我现在想起来还忍俊不禁一个劲发笑呢!

写一篇题目是Why i choose to be a nurse的英语作文,字数150左右。

“Nursing has broadened my horizons…it's caused me to focus outside myself and my own little world…I like being in a profession that helps people. And I find the body of knowledge I've gained is helpful in everyday situations. Plus, nursing gives you lots of varied opportunities for a career…you can change from one realm of nursing to another…and the flexibility of the schedules offered is a definite plus for those of us trying to balance family life with work.”
As the nurse quoted above states, there are many reasons to consider being a professional nurse. In addition to the career advantages and personal satisfactions, the demand for registered nurses in the U.S. health care market has never been higher. Today people ranging in age from their 20s to their 50s are changing careers and moving to nursing. They're finding that when they've already trained and worked in another field, they can leverage their knowledge and training in a new career that offers them challenge, stability, and fulfillment.
One profession, lots of possibilities
As a professional nurse, you can use your knowledge and experience in so many different ways. You could anize a disaster relief effort…manage a hospital…educate the munity…deliver babies…shape public policy…or make new discoveries doing critical research. Each day is anything but routine—nurses must always be ready to think on their feet.
Check out some of the specialties and career paths available for nurses today.
You'll find the question should be less about “Why be a nurse?” and more about “What kind of nurse do you want to be?”
Consider all the benefits of professional nursing
Personal satisfaction and growth. As a nurse, you're making a real difference in people's lives every day. No o days are the same, and nursing provides you with knowledge and experience you can use for yourself, your family, and your munity, in addition to your patients.
Career mobility. Once you bee a registered nurse (RN), you can take your career in other directions, too. You could work on the front lines in trauma care or in the justice system as a legal nurse consultant. You can work as a teacher, a writer, or as a researcher…interact with children or the elderly…work directly with patients or direct a health care agency. The opportunities are virtually unlimited—especially for nurses who continue to learn and educate themselves in their fields of interest.
Job security. Because there's a shortage of nurses nationwide, you can find career options no matter where you want to live in the U.S. If you're married and your spouse is transferred for work, you won't have to worry about finding nursing work in your new munity.
Scheduling flexibility. More than half of the nation's professional nurses work full time. You could work the day, evening, or night shift. Nurses can work three 12-hour shifts and have four days a week off! Some professionals are part-time or per-diem nurses. Many nurses like the fact that they can bine a real career with the demands of raising a family.
The best of both worlds—a profession that offers both collaboration and independence. Yes, nurses often work in teams. But they also have a great deal of autonomy. With advanced education, many nurses enjoy a great deal of independence as managers, educators, researchers, nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, and more.
Nursing is a great second-career choice. In fact, nursing has bee one of the most popular choices as a second career, in part due to salary levels. Nursing allows single parents to support their families on one ine, and for o-ine families, nursing provides an additional and flexible financial resource. And as people are laid off in other industries or decide to find more personal satisfaction in their work, nursing offers the chance to fill that need and help them make a real difference every day. The University of Rochester School of Nursing has a program specifically designed for students who already have at least a bachelor's degree in another field and want to bee registered nurses. It's called the Aelerated Bachelor's and Master's Programs for Non-Nurses (APNN), and it provides the education you need to enter a wide range of generalist nursing roles in just one year. There is even a three-year option for those who wish to bee nurse practitioners. Find out more.
Competitive salaries. More job opportunities for nurses translate into higher salary and petitive benefits for you as a future nurse. Aording to the U.S. government's Oupational Outlook Handbook, earnings for registered nurses are above the national average. The median annual salary for registered nurses was $48,090 in 2002. The median annual salary for nurse practitioners is well into $60,000 nationally. Advanced practice nurses (APNs) can expect annual salaries of $60,000-$90,000, depending on their geographic location and previous experience, aording to the Nursing Programs 2005 10th Edition.
What other profession offers you as much mobility, challenge, personal satisfaction, and job security? Once you bee a registered nurse, the opportunities are virtually unlimited.


my winter vacation
Many children are always looking forward to the winter vacation; this is because during the vacation, children needn’t go to school; They can do everything they like, such as playing, watching TV, traveling, or even sleeping all the day and so on. and when winter vacation e on ,it means that spring festival will e on soon.I spent the whole day at home nearly every day, I played with my puter .I played puter games and surfed the inter. during the vacation ,I still stayed in touch with my clas *** ates and my friends. I think I have been a potatoes mouse .During the spring festival, I visited my relatives ,and I got a lot of red bags. Even though my vacation was crazy and exciting, but I really learnt a lot. It was good for relaxing, and I am getting ready for the ing new term now. Good-bye, my winter vacation.
许多孩子总是盼望着寒假。这是因为在这个假期间,孩子不用去学校,他们可以做任何他们喜欢做的。象:玩,看电视,旅游,或者睡上一整天等等。而且当寒假来临的时候,也意味着春节即将到来。我几乎整天都呆在家里,玩我的电脑。我玩电脑游戏和在网上冲浪。在寒假期间,我仍然和我的同学、朋友保持联系。我想我就快成“薯条鼠标”了。在春节期间,我拜访了我的亲人,而且我得到了很多红包。尽管我的假期是疯狂和兴奋的,但我的确学到了很多。这对放松是有好处的,我已经为即将到来的新学期做好了准备。再见!我的寒假。(“薯条鼠标”是指整天玩电脑,就只是吃点肯德基或其他junk food充饥的人)

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