今年初三毕业,想找些英语题目,那种选择题,急! 40

 我来答
( ) 1 -Have you got some water to drink?
-Here you are. There___ still some in the bottle.
A. are B. were C. is D. was
( ) 2 _____ there many American friends in the school last Friday?
A. Is B. Was C. Are D. Were
( ) 3 There ____ a great many accidents last year.
A. were B. are C. is D. was
( ) 4 -How many children ____ in the picture?
A. has there B. is there C. have there D. are there

( ) 5 In 1850, about a third of U. S. A___ covered by forests.
A. were B. has been C. / D. was
( ) 6Most of our earth____ covered by water.
A. are B. is C. was D. were
( ) 7 Sunday ____ the first day of the week.
A. is B. are C. am D. be
( ) 8 Neither___right.
A. answers are B. answers aren't C. answer is D. answer isn't

( ) 9 The population of the world ____ still ____ now.
A. has; grown B. will; grow C. is; growing D. is grown
( ) 10 There ____ many people running in the park every morning.
A. is B. were C. are D. have
( ) 11 These police often___the children across the street.
A. help B. helps C. helping D. is helping

( ) 12 ___ going to England by air next week.
A. The Green family are B. The Greens family are
C. The Green's family are D. Green family are
( ) 13 The whole family ____ enjoying the beautiful music now.
A. is all B. all is C. all are D. are all
( ) 14 Our class ___ big.
A. is B. are C. were D. will

( ) 15 Neither he nor I ____ from Canada. We are from Australia.
A. is B. are C. am D. be
( ) 16 Either you or he ____ right.
A. are B. is C. does D. were

( ) 17 Neither Mary nor her brother____ good at singing.
A. is B. are C. is not D. are not
( ) 18 Not only Tom but also Alice and Mary ____ busy.
A. is B. was C. are D. has
( ) 19 Physics ___ interesting to us.
A. are B. has C. is D. were
( )20 The news____ exciting. We got excited at it.
A. is B. was C. were D. are
( ) 21 Though mathematics____ hard, we all work at it hard.
A. are B. were C. was D. is
参考答案: C D A D D B A C C C A A D AC B A C C B D


1.That woman has a bag in her right hand. What's in her ______ hand?

A. another

B. other

C. one

D. The other
2.Could you give me ______ second chance please?

A. an

B. /

C. the

D a
3.Black, ______ father of ______ Tom, lost his new watch.

A. /, /

B. the, the

C. the, /

D. /,the
4. Do you know Susan's address?

Yes. She lives ____ 201, Dongchang Road, Liaocheng City.

A. in

B. at

C. along

D. on
5.What do you think of the report on the UFO? Great! Many students were interested in it and they kept on standing ______ the
end of the meeting

A. until

B. in

C. on

D. about
6. ______ the sports meeting might be put off.

Yes, it all depends on the weather.

A. I've been told

B. I've told

C. I'm told

D. I told
7. Shirley ______ a book about China last year but I don't know whether she has finished it.

A. has written B. wrote

C. had written

D. was writing
8. We don't allow ______ in this room.

A. smoking

B. to smoke

C. people smoking

D. people to smoking
9. I haven't got a chair ______. Will you make room for me?

A. to sit

B. to sit in

C. for sitting

D. sitting on
10. "Are you

from America?" "No, neither of us."

A. each

B. both

C. all

D. neither
11. Have you ______ your father recently? No. He doesn't often write to me.

A. heard about

B. heard of

C. heard from

D. got from
12. ______did you sleep last night? I was reading too late to fall asleep.

A. How long

B. Why

C. How soon

D. How
13. Has Jack finished his homework yet? I've no idea, But he ______ it the whole afternoon.

A. would do

B. was doing

C. did

D. had done
14. He's never stolen anything before, ______ he? ______. It's his third time to be taken to police station.

A. hasn't; Yes

B. is; Yes

C. has; Yes

D. has; No
15. I will spend as much time as I ______ the lesson.

A. can go over

B. can to go over

C. can going over

D. go over
16. She ______ his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right.

A. looked for

B. looked up

C. looked after

D. looked like
17. Every morning, WE are asked ______ taken our temperatures.

A. if we have

B. if have we

C. if we had

D. if had we
18. I will give ______ students ______ minutes for them to finish their exercise

A. the other; other five

B. the other; another five

C. other; five more

D. other; more five
19. I called you just now, but you weren't in.

Sorry, I ______ the reading room.

A. was in

B. have gone to

C. studied

D. had been to
20. The family ___ at the lunch table when someone came to tell them what had happened at ___.

A. were sitting; Mr. Brown

B. were sitting; Mr. Brown's

C. was sitting; Mr. Brown

D. was sitting; Mr. Brown's
21. ______ you the truth, she knows nothing about it.

A. To tell

B. Telling

C. Tell

D. Told

22.The old man walked in the street, ______.

A. followed by his son

B. followed his son

B. and following his son

D. and followed by his son
23.Jim's family went to visit ______ family last night.

A. Miss Sun's

B. the Suns'

C. the White

D. Miss Suns'
24.They stopped ______ and ______ out

to play when they ______ the bell ring or rest.

A. working; went; heard

B. work; to go;

C. working; go; hearing

D. working; going; heard
25.I am going to Qingdao and stay there for a week. ______ you are there, would you please buy some books for me?

A. If

B. While

C. Since

D. As soon as
26. It's very kind

______ you to get the tickets ______ the World Cup.

A. for, of

B. of, for

C. of, to

D. to, for
27. How many teachers are there in your school?______, I think. But I don't know the exact number.

A. hundred

B. Hundreds

C. Hundreds of

D. Hundreds or thousands
28. Will you stay for lunch? Sorry, ______. My brother is coming to see me.

A. I mustn't

B. I can't

C. I needn't

D. I won't
29. When he was there, he ______ go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day.

A. would

B. should

C. had better

D. might
30.There ______ no hurry, need there?

A. need be

B. need to be

C. doesn't

D. needs
31. I'm afraid I won't come ______ 7 and 9. I will be at work then.

A. until

B. between

C. during

D. for
32. Butter and cheese ______ in price.

A. has gone up

B. is gone up

C. have gone up

D. are gone up
33.______ neither you nor he enjoy fast food?

A. Do

B. Does

C. Is

D. Are
34.In our country every boy and every girl ______ the right to education.

A. has

B. have

C. is

D. are
35.A man of words and not of deeds ______ a garden full of weed.

A. like

B. likes

C. is like

D. are like
36.Would you like some coffee?

Yes, please. By the way, do you have any milk? I prefer coffee ______ milk.

A. from

B. with

C. to

D. for
37.These Germans want to have some ______ for supper, so they decide to catch ______ now.

A. fish; many

B. fishes; much

C. fish; much

D. fishes; many
38.What do you think of his surfing?

Oh, no one does ______.

A. good

B. well

C. better

D. best
39.Aren't you tired, Kate?______. I like going shopping.

A. Not at all

B. I'm so sorry

C. You're welcome

D.Y es, of course
40.Don't forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.


A.I don't

B.I won't

C.I can't

D.I haven't
41.The book ______ you want is on the desk.
Which of the following isn't right?

A. that

B. which

C. /

D .it
42.I'll never forget the days ______ we spent together in the country.

A. which

B. on which

C. when

D. on that

43.Is that book ______ he borrowed on Friday?

A. that

B. which

C. the one

D. who
44.The number of people who ______ cars of their own is increasing.

A. has

B. have

C. there is

D. there are
45.The first school ______ we visited yesterday is not far from here.

A. that

B. which

C. to which

D. where
46. I have the same pen ______.

A. which you have

B. as yours

C. that you are

D. as you
47.The train ______ she was traveling was five minutes late.

A. that

B. on that

C. by which

D. on which
48.The teacher said ______ wanted to go to the cinema must be there before 6:00,

A. those who

B. that

C. who

D. which
49.______ has questions is welcome to ask.

A. Who

B. Anyone

C. Those

D. Anyone who
50.Tom is one of the people who ______ they are now.

A. from

B. like

C. with

D. as
51.The teacher asked ______ students to do homework ourselves.

A. the

B. his

C. some

D. us
52.______ either you or I good at drawing?

A. Am

B. Are

C Is

D. Do
53.The room ______ as a meeting room.

A. used to being used

B. was used to being used

C. used to be used

D. was used to be used
54.The boy was seen ______ the piano at 9 yesterday evening.

A. to play

B. play

C. playing

D. played
55.Last month Miss Han ______ a doctor.

A. married with

B. married to

C. was married with

D. got married to
56.It's time for Meimei and ______ to the Palace Museum.

A. I going

B. I to go

C. me going

D. me to go
57.______ a year does your school have sports meeting?
Twice a year.

A. How often

B. How soon C. How long

D. How many times
58.There are four pairs of socks to ______, but the woman doesn't know ______ to buy.

A. choose from; which

B. choose from; what

C. choose; which

D. choose; what
59.It is in 1960 ______ Chinese first put out flag on Mount Qomolangma.

A. when

B. that

C. which

D. in which
60.The old men who gave away lots of money ______ highly of at yesterday's meeting.

A. spoke

B. spoken

C. was spoken

D. were spoken
61.Mr.Black, some boys are going to flight.

You'd better _______ the police.

A. send for

B. send to

C. look for

D. look over
62.Many ________ trees must be planted every year.

A. thousand

B. thousand of

C. thousands of

D. thousand
63.The post office is not far from here. It's only ten _________ by bike.

A. minute

B. minutes

C. minute's

D. minutes'
64.She doesn't know the school, but it's ________ to be quite a good one.

A. told

B. spoken

C. talked

D. said
65.You must leave here now ________ your mother can get some more rest.

A. became

B. though

C. so that

D. so

66.Lucy, ________ all your things on the desk.

A. puts away

B. put away

C. takes away

D. take away
67. (At the doctor's) It's nothing serious, doctor?

No, __________________.

A. you'll be all right soon

B. You won't be all right soon

B. There's some trouble with you

D. It's very serious
68.We can't buy _______ much mutton with ________ little money.

A. so, much

B. such, so

C. so, so

D. such, such
69.There is ________ W in the word

woman ,and ______ M is the third letter of the word.

A. a; an

B. an; /

C. an; the

D. a; the
70.Need he come a little earlier?

Yes, he _________.

A. can

B. must

C. need

D. needn't
71.John plays football ______, if not better than David.

A. as well

B. as well as

C. so well

D. so well as
72.Naturally, after I told her what to do, my daughter ______ go and do the opposite.

A. may

B. can

C. must

D. should
73.______ Yancheng today is more beautiful now. Mr. Jackson said he would visit it ______ fourth time.

A. The; /

B. The; the


D. The; a

74.To tell you the truth, I became a college student at 15.


A. You must be

B. Thank goodness

C. You don't say so

D. It doesn't matter
75.Excuse me, can you show me ______ to run the machine?

A. what

B .if

C. whether

D. where
76.Today some newly-produced mobile phones can take pictures ______ a camera.
A. as B. for C. like D. of

77.I felt it is right ______ you should know.
A. whether B. and C. that D. how

78.A fool has gained nothing from the time ______, for he ______ nothing.
A. passing; has paid B. passed; has been paid
C. passing; has been paid D. passed; has paid

79.This kind of T-shirt is ______.
A. easily worn out B. easy worn out C. easy to worn out D. easily to be worn out

80.Jim's father said to him, "I hope you ______ what I ______ you to buy.
A. didn't forget, told B. not to forget, have told
C. won't forget, have told D. haven't forgotten, will tell

81. It's your turn to be on duty. _______
A. So am I B. So it is C. So I am D. So it is

82.The TV needs ________.
A. to repair B. repaired C. being repaired D. to be repaired

83.They are _______ there.
A. near B. to near C. near to D. nearly

84.The boy said he wouldn't eat _______.
A. any longer B. no longer C. any more D. no more

85.Nobaby noticed the thief slip into the shop, because the lights happened to _______.
A. put out B. turn out C. give out D. go out

86.The days are short, _______ it is no December.
A. because B. for C. goes D. want

87.The education in China has developed _______ these days.
A. quick B. high C. highly D. wildly

88.Will you tell me a story?
OK. Shall I _______ it in English or in Chinese?
A. tell, tell B. speak, tell C. tell, speak D. tell, say

89.The lady is always _______ in white at the party.
A. wearing B. dressing C. worn D. dressed

90.They ____ 3000 English words by the end of next month.
A. learned

B. had learned

C. will learn

D. have learned

(1-5) B D A B A
(6-10) A D A B B
(11-15) C D B C A
(16-20) B A A A B
(21-25) A A A A B
(26-30) C C B A A
(31-40) B C A A C B A C A B
(41-50) D A C B A D D A D D
(51-60) D B C C D D D A B D
(61-70) C C B D C D A C D B
(71-80) B C D C D C B D A C
(81-90) B D D C D B C A D C
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