
 我来答
2022-12-25 · OfferComing一站式留学攻略

1、When there's no expectation,losing won't bring hurt, gaining makes you surprised. 不去期望。失去了不会伤心,得到了便是惊喜。

2、You are the one I have been looking for. 你就是我一直在追寻的幸福。

3、Be crazy if you love. If you don't. then be strong. 爱就疯狂,不爱就坚强。

4、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是(她)的整个世界。

5、I have searched a thousand years. And I have cried a thousand tears. I found everything I need. You are everything to me. 我寻觅了千万年,我哭泣了千万次,我已经找到了需要的一切,你就是我的一切。

6、It is universally ackonwledged that you are indispensible to me. 全世界都知道你是我不可或缺的。

7、We've sticked for a long time but finally defeated by eternity. 我们撑了好久,最后输给了天长地久。

8、Loving you is closely to my life. 爱与我的生活息息相关。

9、When I met you I knew would forever be by your side -- forever your partner and forever your love. 当我遇到你的那一刻,我知道我将永远在你身边!

10、I will always keep a warm place in my heart for you. 在我心里永远有一块最温暖的地方属于你。

2022-07-13 · TA获得超过7333个赞
1、你脑子里装的都是屎吗?You are on my mind is shit?

我脑子里装的都是你啊。I: you are on my mind.

2、希望有一天他亲口叫我马子。I hope one day he call me bitch.

盼望有一天他亲口叫我凯子。Hope one day he asked me to kyle.

3、如果爱情是一场迷局,我愿意当局者迷。If love is a puzzle, I am willing to a distance.

如果婚姻是一座坟墓,我愿意长眠不醒。If marriage is a grave, I am willing to forever.

4、同样的曲子,却怎么也听不出从前的旋律。The same tune, but how also couldn't hear the former melody.

同样的我们,却怎么也找不到从前的感觉。We are the same, but how also can't find the Pvious feeling.

5、释怀一些不能释怀的感情。A lingering feelings get some.

忘掉一些不能忘掉的回忆。Cannot forget to forget some memory.

6、任溺水三千我只取一瓢。As a drowning three thousand I only take a gourd ladle.

任群芳百艳我只在乎你。Ren Qunfang hundred I only care about you.

7、年轻时,一见钟情,未见而思,见面畅谈。When young, it was love at first sight, did not see and think, meet to talk.

年老时,相濡以沫,你中有我,我中有你。In old age, dawei, sometimes-complex mix-and-match I have you in.

8、一遍遍的思念。Thinking over and over again.

一遍遍的心碎。A broken heart over and over again.

9、情已欠费爱已停机缘分不在服务区。Feeling already owe the love already stop the fate is not in service area.

思无应答想也占线感情不能再充电。Thought no answer is also busy feelings can't recharge.

10、既然两情相悦,何不到莪怀里来。Since two of a kind, why don't you to me my arms.

既然无法逃开,那就到迩怀里去。Since can't escape, that go into you arms.

11、在某天我穿上拖地白婚纱你娶我可好。In the land one day I put on my white wedding dress to marry you I am.

在某天我穿上西装革履你嫁给我可好。In one day I put on a suit and tie you to marry me just fine.

12、即使有再美的容颜,也有衰老的时候。Even if there are beautiful appearance, also have aging.

即使有再久的爱情,也有终结的时候。Even if there is a long time of love again, also have end of time.

13、我笑我变成了老头子。I laugh I turned into a old man.

我笑你变成了老婆子。I will laugh at you become old.

14、卑微的付出。The humble effort.

廉价的回报。Cheap returns.

15、大手牵小手,十指紧扣到天涯。Big hands holding hands, clasped hands to the end of the world.

小手牵大手,十指紧扣到海角。Hand hold hand and clasped hands to the ends of the earth.

16、如果整个世界都否定了你,我就陪着你否定整个世界。If the whole world deny you, I'll accompany you deny the whole world.

如果整个世界都否定了你,有你陪着我就什么都不怕。If the whole world deny you, have you accompany I what all not afraid.

17、你的幸福今生我无权参与。Your happiness I don't have the right to participate in this life.

你的未来今生我无权过问。Your future I have no say in this life.

18、全世界都可以不理我,但是你不可以不要我。The whole world can ignore me, but you can't not to me.

全世界都可以不理你,但是我不可以不要你。The whole world can ignore you, but can't I don't want you.

19、总是执着不该执着的执着。Always persistent shouldn't persistent persistent.

总是难过不该难过的难过。Always sad not sad sad.

20、爱生活丶爱爷们儿。Love life, love a gentleman.

爱生活丶爱媳妇儿。Love life, love her.

21、还是害怕夜深人静的时候会想起你。Still afraid of the dead of night will think of you.

还是害怕不经意的会听见你的消息。Or fear you will hear your news.

22、我爱过你笑的脸庞。I love you smile face.

我爱过你心地善良。I love you has a kind heart.

23、失去的再挽留便不会像以前那样开心。Lost to retain won't be as happy as before.

得到过的再失去会比没得到过还伤心。Received will lose than never get sad.

24、我们曾经不哭不闹不炫耀。We used to cry not make not to show off.

我们曾经不打不闹不撒娇。We had not dozen don't make that whine.

25、贱人永远都是贱人,就算经济危机了,你也贵不了。Bitch is always bitch, even if the economic crisis, you also your not.

贱人永远都是贱人,就算通货膨胀了,你也贵不了。Bitch is always bitch, even if inflation, you also your not.

26、我深知如果我没有帅气的外表,你不会在我身边。I know if I am not handsome appearance, you wouldn't by my side.

我深知如果我没有美丽的外表,你不会在我身边。I know if I am not a beautiful appearance, you wouldn't by my side.

27、他说,我对你最好,你又不是不知道。he said, my best for you, you are not I don't know.

她说,你对我最好,我一直藏在心里。she said, you are my best, I have been hidden in the heart.

28、因为没有你在我身边,所以即使是代表着幸运的四叶草也被折断了。Because without you by my side, so even the clovers rePsents luck has been broken.

每一天每一天我就像拥有四叶草般的幸运,因为上帝让我遇见了你。Every day every day as I have a clover lucky, because god let I met you.

29、谁了解墙壁下他只留背影和孤独。Understands the walls down his stay back and loneliness.

谁了解角落里她回忆痛苦的泪珠。Understands the corner she recalled it is the tears of pain.

30、顾源说眼泪是忠诚。Tears are loyal Gu Yuan said.

顾里说眼泪是盐水。Gu said that tear is salt water.

31、为迩矛盾,为迩纠结,仿佛失去了一切。Contradiction for the family, for you, as if lost everything.

失去想念,失去知觉,为迩颠覆了所有。Miss lost, lost consciousness, overturned for you all.

32、见一次就心动的人怎么做朋友。See a crush of people do friends.

爱一次就舍不得的人怎么放手。Love once is to how to let go.

33、你是一杯毒酒,早已渗入骨髓。Are you a cup of wine, already seeping into the bone marrow.

你是一种毒药,早已要莪性命。You are a kind of poison, has long life to me.

34、勾勾手,垫垫脚,仰起头,么嘛。你是我的哟。Hook hand, shoes, looked up, yao. You are my oh.

握握手,弯下腰,低下头,吧唧。我是你的耶。Shake hands, bent over, head down and yum. I am your.

35、来单挑,输了你嫁我,赢了我娶你。Lost to one-on-one hit, you marry me, beat me to marry you.

来就来,输了你娶我,赢了我嫁你。Lost to come to you to marry me, beat me to marry you.

36、黎明之前很温暖。It's warm hour is that before the dawn.

黎明以后太冷漠。After the dawn is too cold.

37、我女神是我媳妇啊我特么就骄傲了啊。My goddess is my daughter-in-law I yao is proud.

我男神是我男人啊我特么就骄傲了啊。My male god is my man, I was proud ah.

38、有的路,永远不能走。Some road, can't go forever.

有的错,永远不能犯。Some wrong, and should never be made.

39、在失去了你的风景里面你却占据了每条大街。In lost your scenery you have occupied every street.

在失去了你的风景里面你却占据了整个世界。In lost your scenery but you fill up the whole world.

40、你说太阳很暖,说明你没见过她的眼睛。You said that the sun is very warm, that means you haven't seen her eyes.

你说深海很广,说明你没见过他的肩膀。What you said is very wide, deep means that you haven't seen him on the shoulder.

41、在深的记忆也敌不过一世的时间。In the deep memory, also enemy but th time.

在长的时间也敌不过错过的遗憾。In the long time the enemy but also miss regret.

42、听说鲨鱼可以勘测深海中万分之一的血。The deep, heard that sharks can survey one over ten thousand of the blood.

我想我可以捕捉到人海中闪闪发光的你。I think I can capture the crowd shining you.

43、我满身是刺你别靠近,你会受伤。I'll is you don't close to, you will hurt yourself.

你满身是刺你别逃离,我不怕伤。You covered in thorns don't escape, I fear of injury.

44、你、是我不花心的理由。The reason why you, is I don't flower heart.

你,是我不滥情的借口。You, is I'm not promiscuous.

45、看到此地的帅哥是男神。See the handsome boy is the male god here.

看到此地的姑娘是女神。See the girl here is a goddess.

46、满身伤痕会否得你半点怜惜。Covered in bruises will get you any pity.

满脸泪痕会否获你半句安慰。A full face of tears will get you half words of comfort.

47、-原谅我,孤独成性,不懂感情。- forgive me lonely, don't understand the feelings.

-原谅我,孤独成性,心软成命。- forgive me, loneliness, melted down.

48、有时像患了忧郁症一样,会突然心情不好。Sometimes like suffering from dePssion, suddenly in a bad mood.

偶尔像患了自闭症似的,会突然不想说话。Occasionally like had autism like, will suddenly don't want to speak.

49、今天天气这么好你做我男朋友吧。The weather is so good you do today my boyfriend.

明天下雨你岂不是会乱刀砍死我?It rains tomorrow will not disorderly knife chop down dead you I?

50、爱是空白日记,莪是笔,任迩涂鸦着回忆。Love is a blank diary, I am a pen, graffiti as a family memories.

爱是七彩光影,莪是雨,给迩缤纷?雨季。Love is a colorful light, I am the rain, give you color the rainy season.

51、向前跑,迎着冷眼与微笑。Run forward, meet along the way with a smile.

往前冲,顶着嘲讽和蔑视。Sprinting, ridicule and contempt.

52、我会一直在纵使一切苍白。I would have been even if all the pale.

我会一直爱纵使寂寞成海。I will always love even if lonely into the sea.

53、无止境的任性我只对你一个人。Endless capricious I only a person to you.

无止境的宠溺我只对你一个人。Endless spoil me only a person to you.

54、彼时少年,他找到青梅。When young, he find a childhood.

呐年青梅,她拥有竹马。In childhood, she has a sweethearts.

55、不管你的条件有多差,总会有个人在爱你。No matter how bad your conditions, there is always someone in love you.

不管你的条件有多好,也总有个人不爱你。No matter how good your condition, always someone doesn't love you.

56等不到的晚安就别等了。Don't wait wait for the good night.

挤不进的世界就别挤了。Don't squeeze into the world don't squeeze.

57、我的男人,就必须支持我所想要做的事情。My man, you have to support what I want to do.

我的女人,就必须站在我身后让我来守护。My woman, you have to stand behind me, let me to guard.

58、亲爱的,你答应过我,一辈子都要和我在一起。Dear, you promised me, to the rest of my life with me.

亲爱的,你对我承诺,一辈子都不要和我分开。My dear, you promised to me, don't and I separated the rest of my life.

59、男人,易承受不住幸福的考验。Man, easy to withstand the test of happiness.

女人,易承受不住痛苦的考验。Woman, easy to bear the pain of the test.

60、少年为我盘起长发陪我在海滩上漫步。Young as I set up the long hair accompany me to walk on the beach.

姑娘为我烫好衬衫陪我在夜晚看星星。Iron good shirt girl for me to accompany me to see the stars at night.

61、我找女朋友不需要多漂亮,只要不离开我就好?I don't need much more beautiful, to find a girlfriend as long as don't leave me?

我找男朋友不需要多帅气,只要爱我疼我就好?I find a boyfriend do not need to be more handsome, as long as love me hurt me?
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