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2022-10-30 · TA获得超过5500个赞



Supermarket is very importment for us! We need them!We can buy anything when we must use it! Sometimes Supermarket is more expensive than shop!But it is butter than shop.We can look for to the happiness from it.Supermarket has lots of toys,foods,drinks,clothes,shoes and other things.But it doesn't have many other things such as gold fish,tables,sofa and ice.You can see many books in the supermarket.Because of this,you don't go to the bookshops.
注意:1.前几个文章有许多问题!比如第二篇将supermarket写成surpermarket.第三篇也有错,比如说 I like looking 他却写成了Ilike to looking .

以“A happy day”为题,写一篇英语作文

A Happy Day
Winter came and the first snow began to fall. It was early Saturday morning. When I got up and looked out of the window, I saw trees, roofs and the ground all covered with snow. The world seemed to be a vast expanse① of whiteness②. How beautiful!“A heavy snow, a rich harvest.”Peasants must be very happy. I was happy, too, because…. Well, let me tell you.In the previous afternoon, when school was over, our teacher came into the classroom. “Shall we go to the hill and have a snow fight?”she asked us with a *** ile.“Good!”the whole class shouted cheerfully.
That's why I was so happy in the morning.
When we got to the hill, we started making snow balls at once. Suddenly a snow ball hit me in the face. How cold! When I had made enough snow balls, I began to throw them at my“enemies”.
We threw snow balls at each other; we kept laughing and shouting. What great fun! We were children again. We did not s enjoying ourselves until we could not see each other clearly for the dark.
On our way home, we were still talking about our snow fight. The wind was blowing hard, but we did not feel the cold. What a happy day!

以a visit to yuxi为题,写一篇英语作文

English is the most important language in the world and it is one of the most important subjects in junior high so we should learn it well.Learning English just like learning other language, is hard work so we should spend lots of time on it every day. We should have good ways of learning English, such as listen to the teacher carefully,review what is learned regularly, prepare each lesson carefully before class, do our homework carefully, copy good sentences and recite them and attend English debbates and speech contests. What's more,it is very useful to listen to English programs and read English magazines and books. When we make mistakes, correct them at once. Don't be shy of asking others for help when we have difficulties. I believe" practice makes perfect". I am sure if we study hard, we will learn English well.

以noodles house为题,写一篇英语作文

noodles house
Today,I e to the House of noodles to brief Members on the noodles.Since it is the House of noodles,the noodles are mainly positive,there are a variety of characteristics of noodles; there are beef,chicken,mutton and other meat; tomatoes and other home-style cooking scrambled eggs.Is the size of noodles in a bowl,and bowl 8 yuan,5 yuan in the bowl, *** all bowl 3 yuan.There are all kinds of desserts:Dessert:Strawberry ice cream,banana ice cream,apple ice cream,etc.; there are green tea beverages.Noodle House is very delicious,I like!

以to protect whales为题,写一篇英语作文

Nowadays, the whales is in danger. Bec ause many countries kill them for differe nt use, they are dying out. To protect ou r earth and ocean, especially the diversit y of creatures. we must realize that we s hould take effective measures to protect them. If the whales died out, it would ha ve an important influence on other anim als in the sea. Also, the environment will be changed. I sincerely hope that we ca n make our effort to save them!

以a special birthing为题,写一篇英语作文

All languages stem from the same source,claim scientists,after tracing origins of speech to sub-Saharan Africa around 150,000 years ago 科学家们对于撒哈拉以南非洲地区的语言追根溯源至15万年后指出,所有的语言都来自于同一个发源地.
Using sophisticated *** ysis of hundreds of languages,the researchers have managed to trace back their beginnings to the same place and the same time.在对于近百种语言做了复杂的分析之后,这些语言的开端被研究者们追溯到了同一个地方的同一时期.
They now believe that language may have been one of the "tools" that boosted humanity and led to the colonisation of the whole pla.现在他们相信,语言也许已经成为人类发展以及整个地球殖民化的工具之一.
"We think that this language was a stepping stone in civilisation which led to better co-ordination and co-operation that might have led us to expand," said Dr Quentin Atkinson,at the University of Auckland and Oxford University.Atkinson博士在奥克兰大学、牛津大学说:“我们认为,这种语言是文明中的一个进身之阶,它引导我们更好的去协调、合作以及发展.”
"It could have also led to petition that would have given us a push." 它可能也已经导致了竞争,但正是这竞争,为我们的发展助了一臂之力.
Dr Atkinson *** ysed 504 languages to see how many phonemes – particular sounds – they contained.Atkinson博士分析了504种语言以得出它们包含了多少的音素-特殊的声音.
To his surprise he found a direct correlation beeen the age of the civilisation and the number of phonemes in its language.他惊奇的发现,一个文明它历史的悠久度以及其语言中所包含的音素数量之间有着一个直接的联络.
So while many African languages had more than 100 phonemes,Hawaiian language had as few as 13.English,French and German had about 45 each.所以,许多非洲语言有100多种音素,夏威夷语言只有13种,而英语、法语以及德语各自有大致45种音素.
The *** ysis,which used the World Atlas of Language Structure as the main resource,relies on the theory that older civilisations have picked up more linguistic diversity as they age – from genes to language.以语言结构的世界地图集为主要来源的分析是以这样一个理论为基础的:古老文明随着时间的推移,从基因到语言积累到的更多的语言多样性.
It then used this to extrapolate back the origins of language to Africa.由此推断出语言的发源地为非洲.
It pinpointed the time as around 150,000 years ago as this was when cave art – one of the earliest forms of munication – began.此研究指出,发源时间为15万年以前,因为此时正是洞穴艺术,也就是最早的交流方式开始的时间.
It is thought that early man then left Africa around 80,000 years go – taking with him some of the diversification but not all of it.研究认为,非洲的早期人类在大约8万年前离开非洲,并带走了一部分的语言.
In general,the areas of the globe that were most recently colonised incorporate fewer phonemes into the local languages whereas the areas that have hosted human life for millennia still use the most phonemes,the report concluded.报道总结指出,一般而言,那些最近被殖民的地区更少的将语素并入到当地语言中,然而,在那些人类存在了几千年的地方,最多的语素仍在被运用着.
"The evidence suggests that there was a single origin of language rather than a number that happened independently," said Dr Atkinson.Atkinson博士说:这些证据暗示了我们,语言的源头只有一个,而不是各自独立发展的.
"I was pretty surprised." 我感到非常的惊讶.

以an unfortable teacher为题,写一篇英语作文

My dream is to be a teacher.If I became a teacher,I will work with children.I love children,so I'll be happy.I'll also go to work in the mountain villages.The children in the mountain villages are poor,so I will help them study English,maths,history and so on.I will help them open the door to the world .If I bee a village teacher,I won't be famous and rich.But I don't mind.I hope to be a good teacher

以A busy Saturday为题,写一篇英语作文

On the WeekendI'm always very busy on the weekend. On Friday night, I watch TV with my family. On Saturday morning, I go to play basketball with my friends. At about ten, I e back home and help my mum do some housework. In the afternoon, I often go shopping with mum. The next day, I begin to do my homework. After I finish my homework, I do some reading. How busy I am!我周末总是很忙。星期五晚上,我和一家人一起看电视。周六上午,我和朋友们去打篮球。大约10点回家帮妈妈干点家务活。下午,我经常和妈妈去买点东西。第二天,我开始做作业,做完作业后,看点书。我多么忙啊!

以Advanced Life in the Future为题,写一篇英语作文

张人体解剖图解开了人体结构之迷,奠定了近代医学的基础,但同时也给人类带来很大的困惑. 女娲造人时,上天便赐于我们眼睛.有一天人们用它第一次在水中惊喜地看见了自己的倒影,而后人们通过镜子看自己,直到现在,人们又通过基...

2023-06-17 · 专注于与读者分享有趣、实用和启发性的内容
采纳数:48 获赞数:16

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In the bustling city, the supermarket stands as a symbol of convenience and abundance. It is a place where people from all walks of life gather to fulfill their daily needs and desires. The supermarket is not just a mere building, but a vibrant hub of activity and a reflection of modern society.
As I step into the supermarket, I am immediately greeted by a myriad of sights, sounds, and smells. The neatly arranged shelves are filled with a wide variety of products, ranging from fresh fruits and vegetables to packaged snacks and beverages. The vibrant colors and enticing aromas create a sensory overload, tempting shoppers to explore and indulge.
The supermarket is a treasure trove of choices. It caters to the diverse tastes and preferences of its customers, offering a vast array of international cuisines and specialty items. From exotic spices to organic produce, the supermarket is a haven for food enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals. It is a place where one can embark on a culinary adventure, discovering new flavors and experimenting with different ingredients.
Beyond food, the supermarket also offers a plethora of household goods, clothing, electronics, and much more. It is a one-stop destination for all our daily necessities. The shelves are stocked with cleaning supplies, toiletries, and home appliances, making it convenient for shoppers to find everything they need under one roof. The supermarket truly simplifies our lives, saving us time and effort in our busy schedules.
However, the supermarket is not just a place for transactions. It is a social space where people come together, interact, and connect. Families stroll through the aisles, children eagerly pointing out their favorite snacks. Friends meet for a quick catch-up while browsing the latest deals. Strangers strike up conversations over shared interests in the same product. The supermarket fosters a sense of community, bringing people from different backgrounds together in a shared experience.
In this bustling environment, the supermarket staff work tirelessly to ensure a smooth and pleasant shopping experience. They assist customers, answer queries, and maintain the cleanliness and organization of the store. Their friendly smiles and helpful attitudes create a welcoming atmosphere, making the supermarket feel like a second home.
As I leave the supermarket, my shopping bags filled with necessities and treats, I am reminded of the convenience and abundance that it offers. The supermarket is not just a place to buy groceries; it is a reflection of our modern lifestyle, a hub of activity, and a social space. It is a testament to human ingenuity and the ever-evolving needs of society. The supermarket truly embodies the spirit of progress and convenience in our fast-paced world.
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