问题一:阴历一月一日用英语怎么说? 不要被误导。外国人是没有阴历的,所以如果说 January 1,外国人一定会误以为阳历的一月一日。-所以要说明是阴历,即中国人的一月一日,必须说成:The first day of the first month of the Chinese calendar.-当然,用 lunar calendar 来取代 Chinese calendar 也是可以的,但是世界上不只中国人使用阴历,还是有可能引起误会。而说成 Spring Festival 或 Chinese New Year,自然也是正确的,不过那就是特殊用法,不能延伸到一年中另外的日子。 补充: 刚刚发现自己一个小小的语病:不应该说外国人没有阴历,应该说英语国家的人一般都没有阴历。以色列人和 *** 世界都有自己的阴历,跟中国的阴历不一样。 追问: 谢谢你的回答,能不能撇开你刚才的说法,我只是单单想知道阴历一月一日用英语怎么说,因为这是今年英语中考作文中要用的,除了以上说法,还可以怎么表示? 回答: 直接翻译的选择:the first day of the first month of the Chinese calendarthe first day of the first month of the lunar calendar简化的说法(因为一年的第一天当然是在第一个月):the first day of the Chinese Calendarthe first day of the lunar Calendar特殊的说法Spring FestivalChinese New Year-当然了,假如你在作文中要说“春节是阴历一月一日,也称为中国人的新年”,就要可以写成:Spring Festival is on the first day of the Chinese calendar. It is also known as the Chinese New Year. 追问: 那请问可不可以用Spring Festival is on lunar January 1st ? 回答: 不可以,因为 January 只能于罗马历法,即我们认识的阳历。我刚搜了一下,还真的有人像你那样说的,但是考试的话就别冒这个险了。
问题二:一月一日用英文怎么讲 January First
问题三:一月一日用英文怎么说 一月一日:one day each a month
一月:one month
每月:each month
一日:one day每日:each day
问题四:英语:在一月一日怎么说 在一月一日 on the first of January; on Juanuary 1st;January the first
[例句]My birthday is on the first of January.我的生日在一月一日。
一月一日:January 1st (Juanuary the first的简写)
在一月:in Juanuary
问题五:他的生日在一月一日用英语怎么说?用两种说法怎么说 His birthday is on January 1st.
January 1st is his birthday.
He was born on January 1st.
问题六:在一月一日的晚上.用英语怎么说 On the evening of January 1
问题七:一月一日用英语怎么写啊? January the first
问题二:一月一日用英文怎么讲 January First
问题三:一月一日用英文怎么说 一月一日:one day each a month
一月:one month
每月:each month
一日:one day每日:each day
问题四:英语:在一月一日怎么说 在一月一日 on the first of January; on Juanuary 1st;January the first
[例句]My birthday is on the first of January.我的生日在一月一日。
一月一日:January 1st (Juanuary the first的简写)
在一月:in Juanuary
问题五:他的生日在一月一日用英语怎么说?用两种说法怎么说 His birthday is on January 1st.
January 1st is his birthday.
He was born on January 1st.
问题六:在一月一日的晚上.用英语怎么说 On the evening of January 1
问题七:一月一日用英语怎么写啊? January the first