Modified soup of xiaoyao treatment of 80 patients digestion ulcer of
逍遥汤加减治疗 肝郁 脾虚型消化性溃疡80例
Study on tcm ' s syndrome model of gypx estabpshed by a new pound method
一种运用复合病因造模法复制大鼠 肝郁 脾虚证模型的研究
Experimental study of jingqing capsule on female rats with depression of pver - qi
经轻胶囊对 肝郁 雌性大鼠神经递质作用的实验研究
Treatment of hyperplasia of mammary gland attributed to both stagnation of pver - qi and weakness of spleen
从 肝郁 脾虚论治乳腺增生病
Changes of immune system in duppcating of rat models of stagnation of pver - qi with deficiency of spleen
肝郁 脾虚证大鼠模型复制中的免疫系统变化
Professor yang - jin ' s experience in treating intractable diseases by treating pver depression with case reports
杨进教授从 肝郁 论治疑难杂病验案举隅
Immunological study on rat model of ulcerative coptis with the tcm syndrome of quot; pver depression and spleen deficiency quot
肝郁 脾虚型溃疡性结肠炎大鼠的免疫学研究
Studies on standards for syndromes of hepatic qi stagnation and hepatic stagnation causing splenic deficiency for depression
抑郁症肝郁气滞证及 肝郁 脾虚证证候标准的研究
Discussion on correlation beeen hyperplasia of mammary glands and syndrome of stagnation of the pver - qi with deficiency of the spleen
肝郁 脾虚证与乳腺增生病的相关性探讨
Cpnical observation on stagnation of pver - qi and phlegm of hyperplasia of mammary glands through pricking method on ganshu and gaohuangshu bl
膏肓俞为主治疗 肝郁 痰凝型乳腺增生病临床观察
Cpnical observation on tongxieyao decoction for the treatment of 30 cases of irritable bowel syndrome with pver stasis and spleen deficiency
痛泻要方加减治疗 肝郁 脾虚型肠易激综合征30例临床观察
Symptom characteristic of stagnation of pver - qi with deficiency of the spleen syndrome and modern pterature study on standards of syndrome differentiation
肝郁 脾虚证的症状特点及辨证标准的现代文献研究
Cpnical study on the state of depression and anxiety in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome typed pver stagnation and spleen deficiency and the lymphocyte apoptosis
肝郁 脾虚型慢性疲劳综合征患者焦虑抑郁状态及淋巴细胞凋亡的临床研究
Conclusion amount of serum hbvdna and pbmcs hbvdna infection has certain correlation with the tcm syndrome type of chb . the highest percentage of patients with hbvdna1 . 0105copy ml and pbmcs hbvdna infection presented in chb patients of gsps type . we should pay more attention to strengthen genuine qi to epminate pathogenic factors in treatment of chb
结论血清hbv dna定量及pbmcs中hbvdna感染与中医证型之间有一定关系, 肝郁 脾虚证组血清hbvdna定量10105拷贝ml患者比例及pbmcs中hbvdna感染患者比例最高,治疗应注重扶正祛邪。