的艺术成就,不愧是中国古典园林的一颗灿烂明珠,是世界园林实例中的奇迹,是我们中华民族的骄傲。 展开
的艺术成就,不愧是中国古典园林的一颗灿烂明珠,是世界园林实例中的奇迹,是我们中华民族的骄傲。 展开
From the perspective of Garden art, When Emperor Kangxu built the summer resort, he made full use of the villa in the mountains, streams, lakes, plains and other natural conditions, local conditions, construction of pavilions pavilion, to retain the rustic charm of nature in the mountains as much as possible.
Although the buildings in palace area strictly adhere to the rule of "Son of Heaven occupying the Nineth Could," it has the plain simple characteristics of the North Quadrangle, no yellow glazed tiles, but roof with brick walls and gray tiles instead, so that the entire palace area of the building and Hill consistent architectural style, appears to be simple and unsophisticated,elegant. It can be said Mountain Resort is a China's royal garden with the richest artistic characteristics, which brings together the best of ancient gardening art, forms a unique national style, and enjoys a high degree artistic achievement. It is indeed a splendid Pearl of classical gardens in China, the miracle of the world's garden instances, and the pride of the Chinese nation.
From the perspective of Garden art, When Emperor Kangxu built the summer resort, he made full use of the villa in the mountains, streams, lakes, plains and other natural conditions, local conditions, construction of pavilions pavilion, to retain the rustic charm of nature in the mountains as much as possible.
Although the buildings in palace area strictly adhere to the rule of "Son of Heaven occupying the Nineth Could," it has the plain simple characteristics of the North Quadrangle, no yellow glazed tiles, but roof with brick walls and gray tiles instead, so that the entire palace area of the building and Hill consistent architectural style, appears to be simple and unsophisticated,elegant. It can be said Mountain Resort is a China's royal garden with the richest artistic characteristics, which brings together the best of ancient gardening art, forms a unique national style, and enjoys a high degree artistic achievement. It is indeed a splendid Pearl of classical gardens in China, the miracle of the world's garden instances, and the pride of the Chinese nation.