
Boyleknowsthis.HisHudson-hegrewupinthearea,andwriteswiththenative'ssense4turfandterra... Boyle knows this. His Hudson-he grew up in the area, and writes with the native's sense 4 turf and terrainisn't the cheery stuff of which "I V NY" advertisements are made, but the unforgiving torrent that once swallowed a Bear Mountain excursion boat, killing a thousand picnickers. Boyle's Hudson flows past decaying towns like Newburgh, looking placid on the surface but ready at a whim to suck a ship down 230 cruel feet to World's End, where, he writes, "rotting spars groaned in a current that was like the wind and from which no body had even been recovered, deepest hole in a river that rarely ran more than a hundred feet deep." Boyle's Hudson has absorbed ichor of every sort, whether from dispossessed Indians and failed settlers or from drowned sailors and striking workers or that spilled at the Peterskill riots of 1949, when right-wing patriots helped usher in the Age of McCarthy by stomping a crowd of progressives who'd come to hear a folk-music concert by Peter Seeger and Paul Robeson.
The Peterskill Riots figure prominently in World's End. So does the murderous river, along with demonic possession, filial devotion, and the inevitable failure of fathers to live up to their sons' expectations (the terse dedication: "In memory of my own lost father"). Along the way Boyle illuminates not only his characters and their motivations, but our language. He has channeled his dogged research and accompanying flamboyance into the region's history and etymology, peeling back the layers of familiarity to reveal the Netherlandic origins of such as "Harlem" and "Dutch courage," and the New World roots of such as "Manhattan." Readers of World's End won't ever hear the word "Mohawk" in quite the same way. Nor "Mohonk," nor "Canarsie," nor "patroon," nor "stoop," nor scores of others.
Boyle's plottings for each century track one another as economically as a rock skipped on water tracks its reflection, and his pacing is spartan. Scarcely a disaster befalls a character in the 17th century that is not echoed somehow in the 20th, but all within reason, and all in the service of advancing the story. Boyle wallows occasionally in his thesaurean verbal facility, but let the boy rock 'n'roll; why'd Mr. Webster put those big'uns in the dictionary if we weren't supposed to buff 'em now and again? Rich to the point of surfeit, the language and sentence structure of World's End themselves add to the hallucinatory state of its central character and of the region in which he lives.
Boyle tells the story of the unholy and unbreakable thread linking the Van Brunts and the Van Warts, each a clan dating to the Dutch ascendancy, and the Kitchawanks, a sorry and all-but-exterminated Indian tribe once native to the land around what is now Peterskill. The Van Brunts are luckless peasants destroyed generation upon generation by a propensity for lickspittle toadying; the Van Warts, luckless patroons protected through the same generations only by the class system.
the toadying and lording over take place in the context of the feudal baronies into which the valley was divided by the Dutch; in the 20th, the toadying, lording over,, and feudalism are the same, only transferred to a modern factory town. As for the Kitchawanks, they fare the same in either century, having barely managed to avoid extinction when their only competition was other Indians, never mind an onslaught by rapacious white invaders. In the end, though, the revenge of the last Kitchawank is the blood knot that ties together the tale, offering a slim opportunity at uplift amid the wrecked lives and ruined chances of the Van Warts and Van Brunts.Bootwearer and bootlicker, aborigine and interloper, the inhabitants of World's End blunder through Boyle's universe dimly cognizant of- its patterns until Walter Van Brunt, the last of his line
2008-05-08 · TA获得超过247个赞
波义耳知道这一点。他的哈德逊-他在该地区成长起来的,并将其本土的意识写入与, 4草坪和terrainisn't该愉快的东西,其中包括"I V NY"的广告,关于那个无情的洪流,那个曾经吞下一只熊山游览船的洪流,炸死了一千郊游人士。波义耳的哈德逊流经过了腐烂的城镇,比如纽堡,寻找平和表面上,但随时准备在一种突发奇想,以吸吮的船舶,下跌230英尺,以残酷的世界的结束,其中,他写道, “腐烂的桅杆在水流中发出嘎吱的响声这样的风和从其中没有任何机构,甚至已追回,最深的洞在一条河很少然一百多英尺深。”波义耳的哈德逊也吸收了ichor每一个排序,无论是从一无所有的印度人和失败定居或从溺毙的船员和罢工工人,或泻出在peterskill暴动, 1949年,当右翼的爱国者的帮助,迎接时代的麦卡锡所踩的人群进步谁愿意来听到的民间乐器音乐会,任格彼得和保罗罗贝森。
该peterskill暴动的数字,突出在世界的结束。因此,是否杀人河,随着恶灵附身,孝,奉献,和必然失败的父亲活到他们的儿子的期望(简洁的献身精神: “在我的记忆中失去了自己的父亲” ) 。在前进的道路上波义耳照亮不只是他字和他们的动机,但我们的语言。他有他的渠道困扰的研究和陪同华丽进入该地区的历史和语言,剥离回到层熟悉透露netherlandic的起源,如“哈林”和“荷兰的勇气, ”与新的世界的根源,如“曼哈顿。 “读者世界的结束将不会以往任何时候都听到这个词“莫霍克”在不尽相同的方式。也不是“ mohonk ”也不是“ canarsie , ”也不是“ patroon , ”也不是“弯腰” ,也不是其他的得分者。
波义耳的plottings为每个世纪的轨道,彼此以经济作为一个岩石跳过对水的轨道,其反思,和他的起搏是斯巴达。几乎没有一场灾难的痛苦一个字符在十七世纪,这不是有点呼应,在第二十,但所有内部的原因,并在所有服务与时俱进的故事。波义耳wallows偶尔在他的thesaurean口头设施,但让该名男童摇滚n'roll ;为什么在韦伯斯特先生把这些big'uns在字典中,如果我们不是去迷'在现在和再次?富人的出发点引人入胜,语言和句子结构的世界的结束自己添加到幻觉状态,其中央的性质和该地区在他的生命。
波义耳故事讲述非神圣和牢不可破的螺纹连接的前列, brunts和Van疣,每1家族可追溯至荷兰崛起,以及kitchawanks ,对不起,所有-但-灭绝印第安部落,一旦本土向土地周围是什么现在peterskill 。面包车brunts是luckless农民摧毁了一代一代的一个倾向为lickspittle toadying ;面包车疣, luckless patroons保护,通过相同的后代只能由班制。
问题补充: 在谄媚的和统治着一切的封建男爵领地到这山谷分由荷兰; ,在1920年左右,谄媚者,统治者和封建主义是相同的,只有转移到一个现代化的工厂城镇。对于kitchawanks(似乎是印第安人的种族),他们的票价相同,无论世纪后,勉强设法避免灭绝时,他们唯一的竞争是其他印度人,不要紧的冲击,由一个贪婪的白色侵略者。在年底,虽然,报复的最后kitchawank是血的死结联系在一起的故事,提供渺茫的机会,在隆起中,破坏了生命和破坏的机会的前列,Van Warts 和Van Brunts.被拍马屁和拍马屁的人 ,土著居民和闯入者,居民世界的失误,最终通过Walter Van Brunt朦胧的认识它的模式,直到沃尔特车首当其冲,去年他的路线

2008-05-08 · 超过22用户采纳过TA的回答
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