WARNING:If a service tay was just installed,you will need to shut the system down and unpluy the AC adapter if present.Re-insert the ACadapter and power on the system to allow for proper functionality.
WARNING:The battery cannot be identified.
Thia syetem will be unable to charge the battery.
Stribe the F1key to continue,F2 to run the setup utility,Press F5 to run onboard diagnostics.
电脑就显示这个,是什么原因?求解答! 展开
WARNING:The battery cannot be identified.
Thia syetem will be unable to charge the battery.
Stribe the F1key to continue,F2 to run the setup utility,Press F5 to run onboard diagnostics.
电脑就显示这个,是什么原因?求解答! 展开