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中国的集体主义,指的是一种强调集体和国家的重要性,强调集体利益应该凌驾于个人利益之上的文化价值观念。它认为,人是集体中的一员,离开集体,个人几乎无所作为或者作用很小,所以... 中国的集体主义,指的是一种强调集体和国家的重要性,强调集体利益应该凌驾于个人利益之上的文化价值观念。它认为,人是集体中的一员,离开集体,个人几乎无所作为或者作用很小,所以社会中的每一个人必须重视合作和集体的力量,任何事情必须多为他人考虑,要珍视友谊和家庭。
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2013-03-17 · TA获得超过1.7万个赞

The Chinese collectivism refers to a kind of cultural value emphasized the importance of collectivity and nation and that collective interests shall outweigh personal interests. It thinks that an individual is member of collectivity and acts little without the collectivity. So everybody in the society must attach importance to the power of cooperation and collectivity. Consider others when do everything. Treasure friendship and family.美国的个人主义与此相反,认为个人虽然离不开社会集体,但是正是由于个人对自我利益和幸福的不断追求才最终推动了社会的前进,所以在社会事务中应首先考虑个人的幸福和需要。个人主义也认为人离不开社会,它也看重人际关系,但是它强调的是一种松散的社会人际关系及结构。
However, on the contrary, the American individualism thins that although the personal can't do without collectivity, it's because of personal continuous pursuit of personal interests and happiness that promote the progress of society. So personal happiness and demand shall be has privilege in social affairs. Also the individualism considers that an individual can't be outside of the society. It also thinks highly of human relations, but what it underlines is a kind of loose social human relations and structure. 中国人珍视家庭的亲切,因此在宴客过程中,他们希望客人在家里如同在自己家一样感到亲切、自然。会谈中,关心地询问对方的家庭近况反映的是相互之间的关切和帮助,而决非侦探似的调查。而美国人对此看法就不同了,虽然,主人对客人也是非常热情好客,但是对方的年龄、婚姻状况等等属于隐私,不能干涉。在西方人看来,每个人都是有着独立思想意识和隐私的个体,在人际交往中,这一价值理念得到了充分体现。
Chinese cherish warmth in family. So they hope their guests to enjoy themselves when entertaining guest at a banquet. It reflects mutual care and help, rather than detective investigation, to ask how things of others stand in conversation. However, things are completely different for American. The host is also very hospitable, but things like age, marital status, etc are one's secrets and can't be asked. From western people's point of view, everybody is an individual with independent thoughts and privacy, which has been fully reflected in communication. 集体主义和个人主义作为中国和美国价值观念的精髓,集中反映了东西方文化的差异,我们不能认为哪一种价值观念更好,因为他们是各自历史文化的产物。不同文化观念有其各自的土壤。我们在进行跨文化交际过程中,一定要克服文化差异的障碍,从文化角度来深入学习研究。
Collectivism and individualism are respectively the pith of values in China and America. They intensively reflect differences in eastern and western cultures. We can't regard any of them as a better one, as they are results of each historical culture. Diverse cultural thoughts has its
own soil. We mush conquer obstacles of cultural differences and deeply study from the cultural angle in process of intercultural communication.

2013-03-17 · TA获得超过398个赞
参考下吧- -有错地方稍微改改行了 格式自己对齐。。。
Chinese collectivism, refers to an emphasis on the collective and the state, emphasizing the importance of the cultural values of the collective interests should take precedence over personal interests. It is a collective, to leave the collective, the individual has done little or little effect, so everyone must attach importance to cooperation and collective strength, anything must be more consideration for others, to cherish the friendship and family .
American individualism and contrast, that although the individual is inseparable from the social collective, but it is precisely because the individual constant pursuit of self-interest and happiness finally promote social progress, so in the social affairs should first consider the well-being of individuals and needs. Individualism that people can not be separated from society, it is also value relationships, but it is a loose social relationships and structures.
The Chinese people cherish the family cordial, therefore banquet process, they hope to guests at home as in their own home feel warm, natural. Talks, care to ask the other recent family reflect concern and help each other, and certainly not the detective-like investigation. Americans views on different Although host of guests is very hospitable, but each other's age, marital status, etc. are private and can not interfere with. In the Western view, everyone has the the independent ideology and privacy of the individual, interpersonal, the value of the concept has been fully embodied.
Collectivism and individualism as the essence of Chinese and American values, epitomized the East-West cultural differences, we can not think that the values which one is better, because they are a product of their own history and culture. Different cultural attitudes of their respective soil. During our cross-cultural communication, cultural differences must be overcome obstacles, and to study in depth from a cultural perspective.
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Chinese collectivism, refers to an emphasis on the importance of the collective and the state, should emphasize the collective interests above personal interests of cultural values. It thinks, the person is a member of the collective, away from the collective, individual almost inaction or action is very small, so every individual in a society must attach great importance to cooperation and collective power, anything must be more consideration for others, to cherish friendship and family. Individualism in the United States, by contrast, argues that although people cannot leave the social collective, but it is because of individual self-interest and the pursuit of better happiness finally promoted the advance of the society, so in social affairs should first consider the happiness of the individual and needs. Individualism also think people from society, it also emphasis on interpersonal relations, but it is a loose social interpersonal relationships and structure. Chinese people value family is cordial, therefore in the process of parties, they hope the guest feel warm as at home in the home, natural. During the talks, was concerned about each other's family status reflects the mutual concern and help, rather than the detective survey. While americans view is different, though, host to the guest is also very friendly and hospitable, but each other's age, marital status and so on belong to privacy, can't interfere. In western opinion, everyone is a independent ideology and privacy of the individual, in interpersonal interaction, got fully embodies the value concept. Collectivism and individualism, as the essence of Chinese and American values, reflects the cultural differences between east and west, we can't think what kind of values is better, because they are the products of their history and culture. Different cultural concepts have their own soil. We are in the process of cross-cultural communication, must overcome the obstacles of cultural differences from the cultural perspective to study further.
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