
明天有表演,要用这一段话,帮忙翻译一下这几句话,谢谢了!!!一部电影,一段故事,今天我将和大家分享我在看沙漠之花时的情感体验,首先我想通过几张照片,让大家了解女猪脚的生活... 明天有表演,要用这一段话,帮忙翻译一下这几句话,谢谢了!!!一部电影,一段故事,今天我将和大家分享我在看沙漠之花时的情感体验,首先我想通过几张照片,让大家了解女猪脚的生活环境,当你将剩下的饭菜倒进垃圾桶的时候,他却在为多分到了米饭而高兴,当你站在鞋店为买哪双鞋而发愁时,她的脚却被石头磨得破皮出血,当你牵着心爱的人手漫步于林荫小道时,他却要被父母用来换骆驼和羔羊,有人说:生活是不公平的,你要学会适应它。可你告诉我,该适应什么:饥饿?口渴?还是蒙昧的习俗?所以我们应该打破现实的枷锁,勇敢的追求自己的内心的梦想,就算受伤,但只要坚持,我相信终有一天会成功 展开
2013-03-20 · 超过36用户采纳过TA的回答
A movie, a story, today I will share my feelings in the desert flower's experience, first I want to pass a few photos, let everyone know the female's living environment, when you take the rest of the food in the garbage, he was to the steamed rice for more happy, when you stand in the shoe store to buy which pair of shoes and worry, her feet were stone mill to break the skin bleeding, when you hold the beloved people stroll in the tree-lined trail, he had to be parents for camels and lamb, some people say: life is not fair, you must get used to it. Can you tell me, what the adaptation: hunger? Thirsty? Or barbaric customs? So we should break the shackles, brave to pursue their dream, even if injured, but as long as we persist, I believe that one day will be successful




하나의 영화, 이야기, 오늘은 그럴 거 야 하 고 우리 공유 볼의 사막에서 보낸 시 피트의 그녀는 감정적 경험, 처음 몇 장 사진을 통해 우리는 생활 환경, dang 것입니다 식사의 왼쪽 아래로 쓰레기 통으로 할 때, 그는 쌀과 행복, 댕 당신이 역에서 신발이 게 신발 두 번 고 시에 대해 걱정 하는 구매에 대 한 더 많은 포인트에 여성 피 기를 이해 하 게 하 고 싶 었의 돌은 밀 피부 출혈을 위반 했다, 당신은 사랑과 주도 댕 직원 유 나무가 늘어선 트레일 시, 그는 낙 타와 양고기를 사용 하는 부모는, 말했다: 인생은, 공정 하지 않습니다 당신은 그것에 적응 하는 법을 배워야 합니다. 당신이 말해 줄 수이 적응: 기아? 목말라? 아직도 우 매 한 세관? 그래서 우리 현실의 체인, 용기 내에 그들의 꿈을 추구, 부상 하는 경우에 있지만 우리에 집착 한다면 언젠가 성공할 것 이다 생각


Один фильм, история, сегодня я буду и мы доля в вижу пустыне потратил Ши эмоционального опыта, во-первых я хотел, чтобы через несколько Чжан фотографии, пусть мы понимания женской Копилка жизни среды, Данг вы будете слева от еды вниз в мусора баррелей, когда он находится в на больше очков, чтобы рис и счастливые, Данг вы станция в магазине обувь Купить, который дважды обувь и беспокоиться о Ши, она футов является каменный мельница был разорвать кожу кровотечение, Данг вы привели с любимым человеком из сотрудников ходить ю обсаженной деревьями тропы Ши, он родители используется для для баранины и верблюдах, было сказано: жизнь это не справедливо, Вы должны научиться адаптироваться к нему. Вы можете сказать мне то, что эта адаптация: голод? Пить? По-прежнему benighted таможни? Поэтому нам необходимо разорвать цепи реальности, мужественно преследовать их мечты внутри, даже если ранен, но если мы будем придерживаться, я считаю, что один день получится


Um filme, uma história, hoje vou e nós parte vejo no deserto de gasto Shi da experiência emocional, primeiro eu queria através de várias fotos de Zhang, que temos a compreensão feminino porquinho do meio de vida, dang você á esquerda das refeições para baixo em barris de lixo de quando, ele está em mais pontos tem arroz e feliz, dang você estação na loja de sapatos para comprar que dobrar os sapatos e se preocupar com Shi, ela dos pés é é pedra moinho estava quebrando sangramento de pele, dang você levou com a pessoa amada de pessoal caminhada trilha arborizada do Yu Shi, ele deve é os pais costumava para camel e cordeiro, foi dito: vida é não é justo, Você tem que aprender a se adaptar a ele. Você pode me dizer o que esta adaptação: fome? Sedento? Aduaneira ainda ignorante? Por isso precisamos quebrar as cadeias da realidade, corajosamente perseguir seus sonhos dentro do mesmo se ferido, mas se mantivermos a, creio que um dia vai ter sucesso

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2013-03-20 · TA获得超过116个赞
A movie, a story, today I will share my feelings in the desert flower's experience, first I want to pass a few photos, let everyone know the female's living environment, when you take the rest of the food in the garbage, he was to the steamed rice for more happy, when you stand in the shoe store to buy which pair of shoes and worry, her feet were stone mill to break the skin bleeding, when you hold the beloved people stroll in the tree-lined trail, he had to be parents for camels and lamb, some people say: life is not fair, you must get used to it. Can you tell me, what the adaptation: hunger? Thirsty? Or barbaric customs? So we should break the shackles, brave to pursue their dream, even if injured, but as long as we persist, I believe that one day will be successful
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2013-03-20 · TA获得超过293个赞
A movie, a story, I would like to share my, see desert flower emotional experience, First of all, I want to pass a few photos, so that we understand the living environment of the female pig when you will pour the rest of the mealinto the trash when he was in for more than assigned rice pleased when you stand in the shoe store to buy which shoes to worry about her feet but was stone worn Popi bleeding, and when you hold beloved staffstroll through the tree-lined path, but he will by their parents to change camel and lamb, it was said: life is not fair, you have to learn to adapt to it. Can you tell me what the adaptation: hunger? Thirsty? Or ignorance of the customs? So we should break the shackles of reality, brave pursuit of their own inner dream, even injured, but if we continue, I believe that one day will be successful.
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2013-03-20 · TA获得超过145个赞
英文:A movie, a story, today I will share my feelings in the desert flower's experience, first I want to pass a few photos, let everyone know the female's living environment, when you take the rest of the food in the garbage, he was to the steamed rice for more happy, when you stand in the shoe store to buy which pair of shoes and worry, her feet were stone mill to break the skin bleeding, when you hold the beloved people stroll in the tree-lined trail, he had to be parents for camels and lamb, some people say: life is not fair, you must get used to it. Can you tell me, what the adaptation: hunger? Thirsty? Or barbaric customs? So we should break the shackles, brave to pursue their dream, even if injured, but as long as we persist, I believe that one day will be successful。
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2013-03-20 · TA获得超过1977个赞
A movie, a story, I would like to share my emotional experiencesee when i see a desert flower , First of all, I want to show a few photos, so that we understand the living conditionof the female, when you pour the rest of the meal into the trash , he was pleased with getting more food when you stand in the shoe store and worry about to buy which shoes , but her feet was bleeding with worn to stone, and when you hold your baby walking through the tree-lined path, but he will be changed to a camel a or a lamb, it was said: life is not fair, you have to learn to adapt to it. Can you tell me what should the adaptation be: hunger? Thirsty? Or custom of the signorance ? So we should break the shackles of reality, pursuit our own dream bravely, even injured, but if we continue, I believe that one day will be succes
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