程序设计题目四 仓库产品管理系统
(1) 首先自己设计好数据结构及算法,在管理系统中涉及的产品信息包括产品名称、入库时间、库存总量、产品入库价格、货品种类等。
(2) 界面友好,可操作性强,设置管理员用户登录界面,需要输入用户名和口令才能登录管理界面。
(1) 产品入库功能:可在界面中方便地输入产品信息包括产品名称、入库时间、库存总量、产品入库价格、货品种类等,需要判断是新产品还是原有商品做不同的操作。
(2) 产品出库功能:通过修改产品的库存总量实现。
(3) 库存管理功能:能自动按照产品分类,生成每类产品的库存数量。
(4) 查询功能:可根据产品名称或入库时间两种条件来查询相应的产品信息。
(5) 提醒功能:如果产品库存低于设定的最低限额,自动发出提醒管理员补货的通知。 展开
关键词 管理信息系统 系统分析 系统设计 仓库管理系统
Title the warehouse management system of jinyuandianli
More and more thorough but extensive application on the management along with the information technique, the implement of the management information system is already gradually mature on the technique.Manage the information system is to develop the very greatly new course of potential, must build up the management information system that adapts mutually with the oneself characteristics.
This system is the warehouse management system that manages the realistic condition but designs and developments according to the warehouse of the gold source electric power equipments factory of the gallery shop.This system will carry out to pass in and out the database management.The development of this system is to adopt the stage of cent of the life cycle method to carry on:Analyze from the system, the system design till the last of system the implement and evaluations all follows the method of science strictly.Flow the diagram, E- R diagram, flow chart...etc. to carry on the analytical elucidation to the data process, function model, the information model of the system in the system analytical stage adoption function tree diagram data. Go forward the structure, code, database, importation of go the system to output and handle the program design on this foundation.
Keywords: Manage the information system system analysis
the system design warehouse management system
目 录
1 引言1
1.1 仓库管理系统概述 1
1.2 仓库管理系统现状分析 1
1.3 研究的问题和结构 2
2 系统分析2
2.1 系统需求分析 2
2.2 系统开发规划 3
2.3 系统的总体设计方案 4
2.4 系统功能分析 5
2.5 系统数据流图和数据字典 6
2.6 系统信息模型16
3 系统设计 18
3.1 系统设计目标18
3.2 系统设计思路18
3.3 代码设计19
3.4 数据库设计19
3.5 模块内部设计20
3.6 处理过程设计25
4 系统测试和试运行 31
4.1 系统测试31
4.2 系统运行和维护33
2021-03-18 广告