求英语高手把下面这段话翻译一下,不要那种在线翻译的,Google 有道什么的就不要往这粘贴了,谢谢!!! 20
Several research studies have shown that unbound pavement layers exhibit anisotropic properties. Anisotropy is caused by the preferred orientation of the aggregate, to which both the shape characteristics of the aggregate and the compaction force itself contribute. The result is that unbound pavement layers have higher stiffness in the vertical direction than in the horizontal direction. The efÞcacy of using anisotropic properties to represent unbound layers is demonstrated by comparing pavement surface deßection measurements under wheel loads to Þnite element predictions based on models that incorporate isotropic and anisotropic properties for the unbound base and subbase layers. The surface deßections in the ßexible pavements of the AASHO road test were selected for this comparison because the AASHO road test is such a widely used database and because of the tight control of trafÞc, pavement cross sections, and material quality at the road test. The paper also analyzes the inßuence of characterizing pavement layers as isotropic and anisotropic on the predictions of fatigue and permanent deformation performance of ßexible pavements using the recently developed National Cooperative Highway Research Program 1-37A models. The results show that the anisotropic behavior of pavement layers explains part of the shift and calibration factors used to relate laboratory measurements to Þeld performance.
有意思吗诸位,那话都不通顺,就别往过粘了行吗? 展开
有意思吗诸位,那话都不通顺,就别往过粘了行吗? 展开
Several research studies have shown that unbound pavement layers exhibit anisotropic properties. Anisotropy is caused by the preferred orientation of the aggregate, to which both the shape characteristics of the aggregate and the compaction force itself contribute. The result is that unbound pavement layers have higher stiffness in the vertical direction than in the horizontal direction. The efÞcacy of using anisotropic properties to represent unbound layers is demonstrated by comparing pavement surface deßection measurements under wheel loads to Þnite element predictions based on models that incorporate isotropic and anisotropic properties for the unbound base and subbase layers. The surface deßections in the ßexible pavements of the AASHO road test were selected for this comparison because the AASHO road test is such a widely used database and because of the tight control of trafÞc, pavement cross sections, and material quality at the road test. The paper also analyzes the inßuence of characterizing pavement layers as isotropic and anisotropic on the predictions of fatigue and permanent deformation performance of ßexible pavements using the recently developed National Cooperative Highway Research Program 1-37A models. The results show that the anisotropic behavior of pavement layers explains part of the shift and calibration factors used to relate laboratory measurements to Þeld performance.
一些研究已经表明,飘散的路面层各向异性属性。展览各向异性是由择优取向的骨料,既形状特征的骨料和压紧力本身的贡献。结果是,飘散的路面层有较高的刚度在垂直方向比水平方向。使用各向异性性质的efÞcacy代表飘散的层次对比,证明了路面表面deßection测量车轮负荷下,Þnite元素预测基于模型,结合各向同性和各向异性属性飘散的基地和底基层层。在ßexible表面deßections AASHO人行道的道路试验被选为这个比较因为AASHO路考是这样一个广泛使用的数据库和由于严格控制trafÞc,路面横截面和材料质量的道路试验。本文还分析了表征路面层的inßuence作为各向同性和各向异性预测上的疲劳和永久变形性能的ßexible人行道使用新近开发的国家合作公路研究项目1-37A模型。结果表明,各向异性行为的路面层部分解释了这种转变和校准因子用于涉及实验室测量Þeld性能。
一些研究已经表明,飘散的路面层各向异性属性。展览各向异性是由择优取向的骨料,既形状特征的骨料和压紧力本身的贡献。结果是,飘散的路面层有较高的刚度在垂直方向比水平方向。使用各向异性性质的efÞcacy代表飘散的层次对比,证明了路面表面deßection测量车轮负荷下,Þnite元素预测基于模型,结合各向同性和各向异性属性飘散的基地和底基层层。在ßexible表面deßections AASHO人行道的道路试验被选为这个比较因为AASHO路考是这样一个广泛使用的数据库和由于严格控制trafÞc,路面横截面和材料质量的道路试验。本文还分析了表征路面层的inßuence作为各向同性和各向异性预测上的疲劳和永久变形性能的ßexible人行道使用新近开发的国家合作公路研究项目1-37A模型。结果表明,各向异性行为的路面层部分解释了这种转变和校准因子用于涉及实验室测量Þeld性能。