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1 South Korea's kimchi practice :
The world-renowned Korean kimchi, Korea has become basically the signs.

韩国泡菜的韩国语读音:“听其” South Korea's kimchi Korean pronunciation: "listen to his"

配料:大白菜、蒜、盐、鱼露、辣椒粉、糖。 Ingredients: Chinese cabbage, garlic, salt, fish sauce, chili powder, sugar.

注意:鱼露是最必不可少的东西,也是为什么中国的酸辣泡菜和韩国泡菜最不同的地方,在韩国几乎家家自己做鱼露,中国人不吃这个东西,不过在大的超市里面有卖的,大约8-10元一瓶,多半是泰国的鱼露。 Note: The sauce is the most essential thing is the reason why the Chinese hot and sour kimchi and Korean kimchi to the greatest difference, almost every family in South Korea to do their own fish sauce, Chinese people do not eat this thing, but in the big supermarkets inside There are sales of about 8-10 yuan a bottle, most of the fish sauce in Thailand.

准备材料: To prepare materials:

1.白菜 1. Cabbage

白菜绿叶多,表皮薄,叶子密实,没有过多需要去除的外层叶子,看起来既干净又新鲜的为上选。 Chinese cabbage leaves, thin sheet, leaf density, there is no need to remove too much of the outer leaves, it looks clean and fresh for the last election. 储藏白菜以有绿叶,看起来新鲜的白菜为宜,新产的白菜越大越好,秋季白菜以大小适中,结球程度好,重量重的为好。 Storage Empoasca have to cabbage, Chinese cabbage fresh look is appropriate, the new production of the better Chinese cabbage, Chinese cabbage in the fall to size, the degree of cabbage, heavy weight for good. 白菜不仅含有丰富的维生素或矿物质,还含有各种具有多种药理作用的成分。 Chinese cabbage is not only rich in vitamins or minerals, but also contain a variety of pharmacological effects with a variety of ingredients. 据学术论文发表,白菜中含有的methyLmethionine是蛋氨酸的生物活性物质,对动脉硬化症具有疗效,而methyLsysteinsuLfoxid具有强化胆固醇的效果。 According to published academic papers, cabbage contains methyLmethionine the Met is the biological active substance, with effects on atherosclerosis, and methyLsysteinsuLfoxid have to strengthen the effectiveness of cholesterol.

2. 萝卜 2. Radish

萝卜主要由水分组成,含有丰富的维生素C和消化酶—淀粉糖化酶素,若生吃,则有助于消化。 Radish by water, rich in vitamin C and digestive enzymes - starch-glucoamylase, if raw, it helps digestion. 与萝卜心相比,维生素C主要分布在萝卜皮上,因此最好不要削皮,洗净后食用。 With the heart radish, vitamin C mainly in the Luobu Pi, so best not to peel, wash after eating. 萝卜以粗大而均匀、无疤痕、新鲜、色泽光润、肉质结实柔软、不太辣、有甜味的为上选。 The big carrot in uniform, no scars, fresh color Guangrun, succulent fruit is soft, not too spicy, sweet as the last election.

3.辣椒 3. Pepper

辣椒除胡萝卜素和维生素C之外,还含有多种成分。 In addition to the chili carotene and vitamin C, also contains a variety of ingredients. 辣椒素具有杀菌及除菌作用,能够促进唾液或胃液的分泌,促进消化。 Capsaicin has a role in sterilization and disinfection, saliva or be able to promote the secretion of gastric juice, and promote digestion. 此外,还具有提高体内各种代谢作用。 In addition, it has to raise all kinds of body metabolism. 腌制泡菜时使用的辣椒面宜选用在阳光底下晒干的色泽鲜红、肉质厚、表皮光润的尖椒。 Kimchi pickled pepper powder used in the selection should be dried in the sun under the bright red color, thick flesh, skin Guangrun Pepper's.
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