【起】开头This age is one in which the popularity of the Internet is ruining everything in the information industries, particularly newspapers. It is likely that before very long newspapers will never again be considered seriously as an important source of stories for the general public. What can you say about a modern invention that is providing you with more news more quickly for free?
【承】接头Newspaper readership is getting smaller and smaller because the current generations choose their news online at no cost. This is an indicator that print circulations are in for further decline, probably to an inevitable fall world-wide. It used to be that newspapers industry was one of the most profitable businesses, selling a great number of copies and charging handsome fees for any sort of advertising, big and small. Once upon a time, news customers were expecting newspapers to arrive at the door-step first thing in the morning. It was then, and this is now when news is available 24/7 at a click. Indeed, with the possible exception of free TV broadcasts rivaling on the screen, Web pages have far and widely outdone printed pages in news supply.
【转】转头What is more, since the up-to-minute Web pages have a great deal more information to deliver to the public, doubtlessly readers are abandoning newspapers for internet media. Therefore, people who still think that newspapers will continue to be an important source of informationmust think again. It cannot fail to be realized that the rise of the Internet is an unmistakable sign of the beginning of the end of all newspaper kingdoms. Nowadays young non-newspaper readers are heavy online news consumers, while printed papers are too late in coming to satisfy their news curiosities. Predicting the destiny of newspapers is not unlike watching the sun reluctantly setting under the horizon, almost surely never to rise again. In short, newspapers are going out of business.
【合】回头The Internet is also destroying other information industries ranging from magazines to books to movies to music, but none has suffered as much as newspapers, alarmingly cutting circulations and decreasing incomes. Now that people can have the pleasure of getting informed from minute to minute via the Internet, the future of newspapers is shrouded in shadows. Of course, that the Internet is for the better or for the worse in changing the way people read news may depend on who you ask.
【承】接头Newspaper readership is getting smaller and smaller because the current generations choose their news online at no cost. This is an indicator that print circulations are in for further decline, probably to an inevitable fall world-wide. It used to be that newspapers industry was one of the most profitable businesses, selling a great number of copies and charging handsome fees for any sort of advertising, big and small. Once upon a time, news customers were expecting newspapers to arrive at the door-step first thing in the morning. It was then, and this is now when news is available 24/7 at a click. Indeed, with the possible exception of free TV broadcasts rivaling on the screen, Web pages have far and widely outdone printed pages in news supply.
【转】转头What is more, since the up-to-minute Web pages have a great deal more information to deliver to the public, doubtlessly readers are abandoning newspapers for internet media. Therefore, people who still think that newspapers will continue to be an important source of informationmust think again. It cannot fail to be realized that the rise of the Internet is an unmistakable sign of the beginning of the end of all newspaper kingdoms. Nowadays young non-newspaper readers are heavy online news consumers, while printed papers are too late in coming to satisfy their news curiosities. Predicting the destiny of newspapers is not unlike watching the sun reluctantly setting under the horizon, almost surely never to rise again. In short, newspapers are going out of business.
【合】回头The Internet is also destroying other information industries ranging from magazines to books to movies to music, but none has suffered as much as newspapers, alarmingly cutting circulations and decreasing incomes. Now that people can have the pleasure of getting informed from minute to minute via the Internet, the future of newspapers is shrouded in shadows. Of course, that the Internet is for the better or for the worse in changing the way people read news may depend on who you ask.
Network effects on people both advantages and disadvantages