英文翻译 谢谢
1:照相写实主义的作品常常把对象放大 5~10倍,改变日常事物的尺寸,造成一种异乎寻常的美学和心理效果
:2:照相写实主义的画家们并不直接写生。他们往往先用照相机摄取所需的形象,再对着照片亦步亦趋地把形象复制到画布上。有时他们使用幻灯机把照片投射到幕布上 展开
:2:照相写实主义的画家们并不直接写生。他们往往先用照相机摄取所需的形象,再对着照片亦步亦趋地把形象复制到画布上。有时他们使用幻灯机把照片投射到幕布上 展开
1: The works of photographic realism often magnifies the object 5 to 10 times , changes the size of the daily things, therefore causes an unusual aesthetic and psychological effect.
2: The painter of photographic realism does not sketch directly. They often take the required image firstly,then copy to the canvas with a camera to the front of the photo slavishly the image . Sometimes they use a slide projector photos projected onto the curtain
2: The painter of photographic realism does not sketch directly. They often take the required image firstly,then copy to the canvas with a camera to the front of the photo slavishly the image . Sometimes they use a slide projector photos projected onto the curtain
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