With the reason of having a long history and long-term historical accumulation, Traditional cartoon was made to keep constantly improving and form a set of complete system.
Developed profoundly and continually , It has possessed its own unique development features and excellent fabrication foundation. As the fabrication of traditional cartoon was chiefly dependent of manual work , Its fabrication process is so fine and smooth that its fabricated cartoon characters are vivid and fresh and alive ,which can adequately express the creator’s real idea . with abundant imagination and without the technical limit to manufacture the cartoon , It can be freely and flexibly exerted with great imagination
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The traditional animation has a very long history, due to their accumulation of long history that
their developments had been constantly improved to become a set of complete system, because of
their long term development, so that they have their own special development
characteristics and with an excellent production base. The reason for that is, the
traditional animations were produced by hands, so their process was more delicate
and the animations’ characters of their products were much more alive, which could
fully express their creators’ thoughts and with full of imaginations. Also the production
of the animations would not be restricted by skills and techniques that
creativities could be put to use freely.
The raditional cartoon ,which has a long history,with the historical pile and its continuious improvement in development,has formed a series of system。Due to long-term developed,it posses the unique developmental features and fine making foundition。Because the traditional cartoon - making depends on work by hand,its making-process is full of exact fine skills so the characters made in traditional cartoons are lIvely and vivid,which can fully express the ideas of the makers with extreme imagination。In addition,the technique is not finited in the making works and the makers can freely express what they want in mind。
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