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2013-04-07 · TA获得超过119个赞
Worf's command: 2610 BC, Pharaoh Khufu came here to inspect itself is near the completion of the tomb-the pyramid. Worf found the quarry was also left behind a Boulder. Worf immediately ordered stone Mason who, according to his face, carve a sphinx. Masonry heat, one year after year refinement, eventually made it. 20 meters high, is 57 meters long, faces up to five metres, wearing a "naimusi" Crown, forehead got "kubola" (the Cobra: Cobra) snake-embossed, mandibular Imperial flag--hanging long. In one ear, there are more than two meters long.
Profile If not the pyramids of the Sphinx is the wonders of the world, it cannot be said to have been to Egypt. W/a few kilometers from Cairo, came to the village of Giza, pyramids one of the seven architectural wonders of the ancient world, will stand. In the East of the largest Khufu pyramid, Sphinx, its seductive magic, attracts tourists from all over. "Monster"-Sphinx-the Sphinx's head, really is with worf as a model, do you? But unfortunately the Sphinx's nose was broken by Napoleon, so now no matter what, and that is very uncomfortable, it was ever repaired, but due to the effects of technology and restoration work are not guaranteed, so is the way.
狮身人面像 如果不说金字塔是世界奇观,就不能说是到过了埃及。从开罗西行数公里,来到吉萨村,世界古代七大建筑奇迹之一的金字塔,便屹立眼前。在最大的胡夫金字塔东侧,便是狮身人面像,它以诱人的魔力,吸引了各地的游客。“怪物”--斯芬克斯狮身人面像的头像,真的是以胡夫作模特儿的吗?不过比较可惜的是狮身人面像的鼻子被拿破仑打破了,所以现在不管怎么看都是会很别扭,也有人曾想过修缮,但由于技术和修缮后的效果都不敢保证,所以才是现在的样子。
A sphinx (Ancient greek: Σφ�0�7γξ / Sphinx, sometimes Φ�0�7ξ /Phix) is a mythological figure which is depicted as a recumbent lion with a human head. It has its origins in sculpted figures of Old Kingdom Egypt, to which the ancient Greeks applied their own name for the male monster, the "strangler", an archaic figure of Greek mythology. (Alternatively, Susan Wise Bauer suggests that the word is a Greek corruption of the Egyptian name "shesepankh," or "living image."[1]) Similar creatures appear throughout South and South-East Asia. In European decorative art, the sphinx enjoyed a major revival from the Renaissance Later, the sphinx image, something very similar to the original Egyptian concept, was exported into many other cultures, albeit often interpreted quite differently due to translations of descriptions of the originals and the evolution of the concept in relation to other cultural traditions.Generally the role of sphinxes was as temple guardians; they were placed in association with architectural structures such as royal tombs or religious temples. The oldest known sphinx was found in Gobekli Tepe, Turkey and was dated to 9,500 B.C.[2] Perhaps the first sphinx in Egypt was one depicting Hetepheres II, of the fourth dynasty that lasted from 2723 to 2563 BC. The largest and most famous is the Great Sphinx of Giza, Arabic: �1�5�1�0�1�2 �1�9�1�8�1�1�1�2�1�8, sited at the Giza Plateau on the west bank of the Nile River and facing due east, is also from the same dynasty (29°58′31″N 31°08′15″E / 29.97528°N 31.1375°E / 29.97528; 31.1375). Although the date of its construction is uncertain, the head of the Great Sphinx now is believed to be that of the pharaoh Khafra.What names their builders gave to these statues is not known. At the Great Sphinx site, the inscription on a stele erected a thousand years later, by Thutmose IV in 1400 BCE, lists the names of three aspects of the local sun deity of that period, Khepera - Rê - Atum. The inclusion of these figures in tomb and temple complexes quickly became traditional and many pharaohs had their heads carved atop the guardian statues for their tombs to show their close relationship with the powerful deity, Sekhmet.Other famous Egyptian sphinxes include one bearing the head of the pharaoh Hatshepsut, with her likeness carved in granite, which is now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, and the alabaster sphinx of Memphis, currently located within the open-air museum at that site. The theme was expanded to form great avenues of guardian sphinxes lining the approaches to tombs and temples as well as serving as details atop the posts of flights of stairs to very grand complexes. Nine hundred with rams' heads, representing Amon, were built in Thebes, where his cult was strongest.
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The Egyptian SphinxA great symbol of Ancient Egypt is the Sphinx. A magnificent monument carved out of living rock, sits outstandingly in the Giza Plateau. It is a carving of the body of a lion with a head of a king or god, symbolizing strength and wisdom. It is 200 feet long and 65 feet high with paws being 50 feet long. The body of the sphinx was buried in the desert sand for thousands of years and only in 1905, about a century ago, the sands has been cleared away from it. Thus, the sphinx has several layers of erosions, those that are horizontal are due to sand and stone, while some are vertical due to water (probably rain) erosions. It is believed that the sphinx was built by king Khafre (Chephren 2558-2532B.C.) who was one of he 4th Dynasty kings and whom the 2nd pyramid of Giza was built for him. The sphinx faces due to the east, to the horizon and this has an astronomical belief to the ancient Egyptians. It is also thought that it is a guardian of the horizon for the later journey of the kings in the life-after. There is a large stela between the front paws of the sphinx. It was placed by king ThutmoseIV and describes the king during his hunting in the young days ,while falling asleep min the shade on the sphinx. During his sleep, he dreamt that the sphinx talked to him and told him to clear away the sand around his head and he will be rewarded by making him a pharaoh.However the sphinx misses some pieces, his ritual beard that is now placed in the British museum. While his nose was used as a target by Napoleon’s troops. The sphinx has undergone many major restorations. It now features a sound and light display where it seems as though narrating its story. This is a much delightful tourist attraction by itself.
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