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香港星光大道(英语:Avenue of Stars)位於香港九龙尖沙咀东部的尖沙咀海滨花园,沿新世界中心对出的维多利亚港。於2003年由新世界发展有限公司斥资4,000万港元赞助兴建,於2004年4月27日开幕,并且将管理事务交予香港特别行政区政府,供予香港市民休憩及游客观光。
星光大道是为了表扬香港电影业界的杰出人士的特色景点,仿效美国荷里活星光大道,杰出电影工作者的芳名与掌印均镶嵌在经过特别制作的纪念牌匾上,依据年代及次排列在星光大道上,目前星光大道可以容纳100块纪念牌匾。 展开
星光大道是为了表扬香港电影业界的杰出人士的特色景点,仿效美国荷里活星光大道,杰出电影工作者的芳名与掌印均镶嵌在经过特别制作的纪念牌匾上,依据年代及次排列在星光大道上,目前星光大道可以容纳100块纪念牌匾。 展开
Hongkong avenue of stars (English: Avenue of Stars) is located in the Hongkong and Kowloon Tsim Sha Tsui East Tsim Sha Tsui promenade, along the new world center of Victoria Harbour. In 2003 by the New World Development Co to pay HK $40000000 sponsorship to build, opened on April 27, 2004, and the management of affairs to the government of the Hongkong Special Administrative Region, for the Hongkong public open space and tourists.
Avenue of stars to outstanding people praise Hongkong film industry feature attractions, to follow the United States Hollywood starlight avenue, name and the handprint illustrious filmmakers are embedded in a specially made a commemorative plaque, based on the age and time arrangement in the avenue of stars, the avenue of stars can accommodate 100 commemorative plaque.
Avenue of stars to outstanding people praise Hongkong film industry feature attractions, to follow the United States Hollywood starlight avenue, name and the handprint illustrious filmmakers are embedded in a specially made a commemorative plaque, based on the age and time arrangement in the avenue of stars, the avenue of stars can accommodate 100 commemorative plaque.