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Japan is originally not text, so has been used Chinese characters. The Japanese ancient use and language, Japanese borrowed lots of Chinese vocabulary, the Chinese loanwords Japanese more than 30 percent. So Japan culture by Chinese deep influence. kimono Major Japanese nationality for large family, about 2.4 million Hokkaido region Ainu clansman, general Japanese, Hokkaido region has few people will Ainu language, Okinawa and a small number who will ryukyu language ryukyu. Major religions as Shintoism and Buddhism, belief population accounted for religious population 49.6% and development. Tokyo (Tokyo) is a modern metropolis 1290 million people there. Japanese cartoon industry extremely developed, is the first cartoon kingdom. Japanese islands in the 4th century on, didn't appear until after only tribe state, Japanese islands was not called Japan. In ancient Japanese mythology, Japan called it a "eight continents", "eight island", etc. According to "han", "HouHanShu" account, ancient Chinese called Japan "bonobos" or "Japan". The 5th century A.D., Japan after reunification, the name as large. Because the ancient Japanese people admire the sun god, so will the sun as its totem. Legend in the seventh century, Japan's early in the holy to emperor yangdi's prince wrote: "sunrise credentials to sunset in prince in prince", this is the prototype of the Japanese name. Until the seventh century, Japan sent tang history will its name changed to Japan, meaning "of sunrise" subsequently used as Japan's official name. The new tang book and Japan, it is recorded in the: biography xianheng reign (670), Japan, when bonobos contradiction into tang already "slightly acquisition kingdom XiaYan, evil, the more number Japan name bonobos. Angel from speech, for nearly sunrise, thought name." In addition, in Chinese language, "fu", "dong ying" is the nickname Japanese name. According to literally means "the sun place", which are of sunrise. So Japan, sometimes called the kingdom. Japan, the constitution for the constitutional monarchy countries specified in people "" sovereignty, and the emperor of Japan and is" people's symbol of unity ". Like the world most constitutional monarchy system, the emperor has no political power, but people respect. Japan is the world's only a constitutional monarchy not given to the monarchy countries any power. Japan's political system to the separation: legislative bicameral legislature congress; To the judicial power, namely court; Administrative power to the cabinet, ShengTing local public organizations and central. The highest power organ state constitution for congress, house 480 table, the senate 242 seats. Voters over the age of 20 for citizens. Since 1955, the original says conservative contract within the liberal Democratic Party (LDP) have been long-term ruling, just once in 1993 and 1996 short by the opponent since 1996 alternative power, have been ruling until 2008. The rest of the opposition parties including Japan Democrats, Japan social Democrats, communist party of Japan, etc. For the first time in 2009, Japan in the general election victory over democrat party, democratic leader, JiuShanYouJiFu stage ruling become Japan's prime minister. Cherry blossoms, kimono, haiku and warrior, wine and Shintoism constitutes the two aspects of traditional Japan with knives. - chrysanthemum In Japan to have the famous "three way", namely the Japanese folk tea, flower way, ShuDao. Japanese tea ceremony Tea is also called the tea tea (since the ancient times will), as a kind of aesthetic ceremony upper-class matchless by love. Tea is a unique tea ceremony and social etiquette. Japan by China tea was first to Japan zhen years of tang dynasty. In ancient times, Japan and China have connections earlier. Japan has sent tang period of coming to China, and by a Chinese envoy effect is deep. Japanese people say "China is Japanese tea ceremony hometown", Japanese tea ceremony and China work tea some similar chaoshan.
2025-02-12 广告
以下是一篇英文论文推荐翻译润色的示例:在学术研究领域,一篇高质量的英文论文往往能引发广泛的关注和讨论。对于寻求论文推荐与翻译润色的同仁们,我推荐关注国际知名学术期刊,如《Nature》和《Science》等,它们刊载的论文不仅内容前沿,而且... 点击进入详情页
In Japan, when people meet for the first time, they usually bow instead of shaking hands.And when you eat in a japanese house, you should make noise while eating noodles, that shows the food is delicious. Also, you can't stick your chopsticks into your food, it's impolite. And you should know you can't point at anyone with your chopsticks, it's rude to do that.What's more, you can't eat or drink anything while walking down the street.
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