It is impossible to insist too much on so important a truth, and the place that Mr. Besant demands for the work of the novelist may be represented, a trifle less abstractly, by saying that he demands not only that it shall be reputed artistic, but that it shall be reputed very artistic indeed. It is excellent that he should have struck this note, for his doing so indicates that there was need of it, that his proposition may be to many people a novelty. One rubs one's eyes at the thought; but the rest of Mr. Besant's essay confirms the revelation. I suspect, in truth, that it would be possible to confirm it still further, and that one would not be far wrong in saying that in addition to the people to whom it has never occurred that a novel ought to be artistic, there are a great many others who, if this principle were urged upon them, would be filled with an indefinable mistrust. They would find it difficult to explain their repugnance, but it would operate strongly to put them on their guard. 'Art,' in our Protestant communities, where so many things have got so strangely twisted about, is supposed, in certain circles, to have some vaguely injurious effect upon those who make it an important consideration, who let it weigh in the balance. It is assumed to be opposed in some mysterious manner to morality, to amusement, to instruction. When it is embodied in the work of the painter (the sculptor is another affair!) you know what it is; it stands there before you, in the honesty of pink and green and a gilt frame; you can see the worst of it at a glance, and you can be on your guard. But when it is introduced into literature it becomes more insidious-there is danger of its hurting you before you know it. Literature should be either instructive or amusing, and there is in many minds an impression that these artistic preoccupations, the search for form, contribute to neither end, interfere indeed with both. They are too frivolous to be edifying, and too serious to be diverting; and they are, moreover, priggish and paradoxical and superfluous. That, I think, represents the manner in which the latent thought of many people who read novels as an exercise in skipping would explain itself if it were to become articulate. They would argue, of course, that a novel ought to be 'good,' but they would interpret this term in a fashion of their own, which, indeed, would vary considerably from one critic to another. One would say that being good means representing virtuous and aspiring characters, placed in prominent positions;
这是不可能坚持太多对如此重要的真相,以及地方,贝赞特先生要求的工作小说家可派代表,小事少抽象,他说,他的要求,不仅如此,它应被誉为艺术,但它应被誉为很艺术。这是很好的,他应该已在本说明,他这样做表明,有需要的,他的主张,可能很多人都一无新意。一的眼睛,在思想;但其余的贝赞特先生的散文,证实了启示。我猜想,在真理,这将有可能证实,它仍然进一步,并且一不会远错误的说,除了向人民负责的人但却从来没有发生的一种新颖的应该是艺术,有一伟大的许多其他谁,如果这个原则,敦促他们,将充满不信任。他们会发现很难解释他们的反感,他们会发现难解释他们的矛盾,但它在他们的卫兵上将强烈经营把他们放。 ‘艺术’,在我们的新教徒社区,许多事有那么奇怪地扭转,是假想的,在某些圈子,有一些隐晦地有害作用在做它重要考虑,让它介入平衡的那些人。 它被假设被反对以某一神奇方式道德,娱乐,指示。 当它在画家的工作被实现(时雕刻家是另一次事理!) 您知道什么它是; 它在您之前站立那里,在诚实桃红色和绿色和镀金面框架; 您能一览看最坏它,并且您可以是警惕的。 但,当它被介绍入文学时它变得更加阴险那里是它伤害的危险您,在您知道它之前。 文学应该是教育或可笑的,并且在印象这些艺术性的全神贯注,查寻形式,对两者都不末端贡献的确干涉两个的许多头脑里。 他们是太轻佻的以至于不能教化,和太严肃以至于不能牵制;并且他们是,而且,一本正经和似是而非和过剩的。 我认为,代表方式读小说许多人的潜在想法,因为一锻炼在跳将解释自己,如果它是变得表达清晰。 他们会争论,当然,小说应该是『好』,但是他们会解释这个期限他们自己的时尚,从一位评论家将可观地的确,变化到另一个。 你将认为是代表贞洁和令人想往的字符的好手段,安置在突出的位置;
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