Companies that subscribe to the traditional view of marketing have the bets chance of succeeding in markets where the consumer faces abundant choice.
2. The core business process called market sensing consists of all activities involved in gathering marketing intelligence, disseminating it within the firm, and acting on it.
3.Business and organizational customers always choose the highest delivered value when making an industrial product purchase.
4。Loyalty is defined as a deeply held commitment to re-buy or re-patronize a preferred product or service in the future, even in the face of situational or marketing influences with the potential to cause switching behavior.
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2. The core business process called market sensing consists of all activities involved in gathering marketing intelligence, disseminating it within the firm, and acting on it.
3.Business and organizational customers always choose the highest delivered value when making an industrial product purchase.
4。Loyalty is defined as a deeply held commitment to re-buy or re-patronize a preferred product or service in the future, even in the face of situational or marketing influences with the potential to cause switching behavior.
sorry.我英语水平太烂了 展开
2021-11-26 广告
2021-11-26 广告