摘 要
关键词:中国 国家形象 传播 新媒体 展开
关键词:中国 国家形象 传播 新媒体 展开
the connotation of national image is a new concept. And there is no agreed definition in academic circle. according to National Image by Guan Wenhu, national image is a complex which refers to general appraise and assessment of the country itself, its actions, various activities and achievements by both the external and internal public. National image has great impact and cohesive force, and it manifests national overall strength. the media plays a significant role in building up and spreading the national image. with the constant development of media technology, new forms of media spring up and internet, as a new form, leads the trends of public opinions. researching the internet and adjusting the way of advertising national image contribute to maintaining the national interest in new period. this thesis mainly focuses on analysing the current condition of China's national image and the law that should be observed in the process of building up and spreading the national image under the circumstance of internet and other new forms of media. the thsis attempts to focus on the theme of building up and spreading China's national image from the perspective of examining new media, and explores to analyse the characteristics, strategies and methods of new media in terms of its function in national image. this thesis aims to help create a better national image of China.
key words: China, national image, spreading, new forms of media
the connotation of national image is a new concept. And there is no agreed definition in academic circle. according to National Image by Guan Wenhu, national image is a complex which refers to general appraise and assessment of the country itself, its actions, various activities and achievements by both the external and internal public. National image has great impact and cohesive force, and it manifests national overall strength. the media plays a significant role in building up and spreading the national image. with the constant development of media technology, new forms of media spring up and internet, as a new form, leads the trends of public opinions. researching the internet and adjusting the way of advertising national image contribute to maintaining the national interest in new period. this thesis mainly focuses on analysing the current condition of China's national image and the law that should be observed in the process of building up and spreading the national image under the circumstance of internet and other new forms of media. the thsis attempts to focus on the theme of building up and spreading China's national image from the perspective of examining new media, and explores to analyse the characteristics, strategies and methods of new media in terms of its function in national image. this thesis aims to help create a better national image of China.
key words: China, national image, spreading, new forms of media

2025-02-25 广告
众多期刊推荐的编辑机构,12年专业品牌-美辑编译(MJEDITOR) ----垂询电话:18503080051(微信同号);座机:0755-25111772, 美辑编译(MJEDITOR)始创于2014年,是领先的学术语言解决方案提供商,针...
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