break up 的意思...

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推荐于2019-08-23 · 每个回答都超有意思的

break up 意思:

结束; (使)破碎; 放假; (使)散开

发音:英 [breik ʌp]  美 [brek ʌp] 


1、Break up the chocolate and melt it.  


2、First, the break up of Standard Oil permitted its shareholders to retain ownership and control of the 33 baby Standards. 


3、If they break up, the company will probably have to relocate one of them to make the workplace more comfortable. 




break through 突破;突围;有重要创见

break up 打碎,破碎;结束;解散;衰落

break down 分解;发生故障;失败;毁掉;制服

take a break 休息一下

break out v. 爆发;突发

break in 打断;闯入;训练;使逐渐习惯

break away 脱离;放弃;逃跑

break into 闯入;破门而入

break away from vt. 放弃;脱离……

. 使粉碎;弄破;解散;结束;解体解散;中断;终止;(学校)放假使苦恼;恳(地)
3. 分手
一般来说是分手 和破裂的意思比较常用的break up: vt. 开垦(破碎,破坏,解散,结束,衰弱) Examples: 1. He was breaking up under the strain. 他劳累过度,身体逐渐衰弱。 2. The Government has broken up the large private estates. 政府把大片的私人地产分割开。 3. The weather shows signs of breaking up. 好天气看样子要过去了. 4. Police were called in to break up the meeting. 出动了警察将集会驱散. 5. The meeting broke up at eleven o'clock. 会议在十一点钟散会. 6. They decided to break up the partnership. 他们决定终止合作关系. 7. Their marriage is breaking up. 他们的婚姻已破裂. 8. Sentences can be broken up into clauses. 句子可分成分句. 回答者:lmx69 - 榜眼 十二级 2-20 23:05英汉经贸大词典 break up n.崩溃,畸变 breach of promise n. Failure to fulfill a promise, especially a promise to marry. breach of promise n. Failure to fulfill a promise, especially a promise to marry. 毁约不履行承诺,尤指婚约 break 来自中古英语 breken<古英语 brecan [breIk] vt, vi broke, broken, breaking 打破;碰破;折断;打碎 The stone broke the window. 石头打坏了窗子。 The cup broke on the floor. 杯子摔碎在地板上了。 You'll break your neck if you aren't more careful! (喻) 你如果不加倍小心,你会摔死的! 分裂;裂开 The newly-published chronicle breaks down into eight major parts. 这部新出版的编年史分成八大部分。 毁坏;弄坏;损坏 He broke his wristwatch. 他把他的手表弄坏了。 (突然用力)变成;成为 The prisoner broke loose. 犯人脱逃了。 擦破 to break the skin 擦破皮肤 违背;违犯;不遵守 to break the law 犯法 He always breaks faith with his clients. 他对顾客总是不守信用。 It took all the members of the section the whole day to break the back of the job. 全组人员干了一整天才把工作的最主要部分完成了。 If smeone breaks a rule, the problem goes before the whole group. 如果有人违反了制度,就把问题提交给全体成员解决。 闯 He broke into the shop 他闯入商店。 驯服;制服 to break a horse 驯服一匹马 超过;超越 to break a record in sports 打破运动记录 泄露;发布;透露 to break the news 发布消息 中断 Let's break for a meal. 让我们休息一下去吃饭吧。 结束;停止 to break the silence 打破沉寂 突然发生,突然出现 as day breaks 拂晓时 Day breaks.; Day dawns. 天亮了。 衰退;减弱 His health broke. 他的健康衰退。 突变 His voice broke when he was 15. 他15岁时嗓音突然变了。 破译(密码) She broke their code. 她破译了他们的密码。 break the back of 完成主要的或最艰难的部分 It took all the members of the section the whole day to break the back of the job. 全组人员干了一整天才把工作的最主要部分完成了。 break camp 拔营 break cover 跳出躲藏处 break the ice 打破冷场 break new ground 有新发现 The scheme says nothing new; it doesn't break new ground. 这个方案没有新意,它没有提出新的见解。 break step 步伐紊乱 break wind 放屁 break n 破;破裂;破隙 a break in the clouds 云朵间的一线青天 暂停;休息 a coffee break 饮咖啡的小憩 Let's have a break. 让我们休息一会儿。 After a short break the play continued. 休息片刻后,戏继续开演。 We've been doing experiments 24 hours without a break. 我们的实验已连续不断地进行了二十四小时。 突变 a break from the past 一反过去的做法 A break anywhere in the circuit may cause the lights in the neighbourhood to go out. 电路上任一处断路,都会使这一带的电灯熄灭。 The cold weather broke at the beginning of April. 寒冷的天气到四月初开始变暖了。 破晓 at day-break 破晓时 〈台球〉连续击球得分 〈网球〉接发球得分 机会;运气 Give him a break. 给他一次机会。 break away 逃走;逃脱 The robbery suspect broke away from the lockup. 抢劫嫌疑犯从拘留所逃脱了。 Modern music like jazz has broken away from the old traditional rules. (喻) 现代音乐如爵士乐摆脱了旧的传统规则。 断裂;开裂 A large piece of ice broke away from the main block. 一大块冰从整个大冰块上断裂开来。 break down 破坏;拆散 The Congressmen of the Republican tried to break down the opposition from their opponents to their proposal. (喻) 共和党的议员们试图使他们的反对派不再反对他们的提案。 Chemicals in the body break our food down into useful substances. 人体中的化学元素把食物分解成有用的物质。 break down old conventions 打破旧框框 The robbers broke the door down. 强盗们把门砸开了。 The peace talks are said to have broken down. (喻) 据说和谈破裂了。 制服;被制服 (机器)损坏 Our truck broke down outside town. 我们的卡车在城外抛锚了。 The car broke down halfway to the destination. 汽车在到达目的地的中途抛锚了。 The car broke down halfway to the camp. 车子在去营地的半路上抛锚了。 The 8 o'clock train broke down at Ferngreen station and was taken off the line.' 8点钟的那趟车因在芬格林车站出了故障而被取消了。 失败;破裂 Their opposition broke down. 他们的反对意见打消了。 精神崩溃;失去控制 He broke down and wept. 他不禁失声痛哭。 起化学变化 Food is broken down by chemicals. 化学物质引起食物转化。 细分;分类 break even 不赚不赔;收支平衡 break in 闯入;强行进入 The burglar broke in and stole my money. 夜窃贼破门而入,偷了我的钱。 打断;插嘴 It's her usual habit to break in with some ideas of her own. 他常常打断别人的话来发表自己的观点。 Don't break in when the adventurer is telling his own story. 冒险家讲他自己的经历时,别打断他。 Children shouldn't break in on adults' conversation. 小孩子不要打断大人们的谈话。 The telephone ring broke in on/upon my thoughts. 电话铃声打断了我的思路。 训练;驯养;使(某人)熟悉工作 The engineering doctor from abroad only broke in with us last month. 从国外回来的工程博士是上个月才开始和我们一道工作的。 break into 闯入 The thieves broke into the office and stole some money. 小偷闯入办公室,偷了一些钱。 The bandits broke into the jewelry and stole near all the valuable necklaces. 土匪们闯进了珠宝店盗走了几乎所有值钱的项链。 打断;插话 突然…起来 to break into song 突然唱起歌来 The crowd broke into cheers and the drunk bowed. 观众们爆发出一阵欢呼,醉汉鞠了一躬。 The car windows broke into pieces when the two cars crashed into each other. 两辆车相撞时车上的窗玻璃破裂成碎片。 The new waitress dropped the dish on the floor, and it broke into fragments. 新来的女服务员把菜盘子掉在地上,摔成了碎片。 勉强动用 to break into one's savings 勉强动用存款 break of 除去(某人的)习性 They broke him of his addiction. 他们除去他吸毒的瘾。 Doctors keep trying to break him of smoking the drug. 医生多次设法使他戒毒。 break out 逃脱;逃出 to break out of prison 越狱而逃 突然发生 Fire broke out in the kitchen. 厨房突然发生了火灾。 It was almost midnight that a fire broke out in the neighbourhood. 昨天快半夜了这儿附近发生了火灾。 World War II broke out in 1939. 第二次世界大战是1939年爆发的。 His back broke out in spots. 他背上出现了许多斑点。 She broke out in curses in her dream. 她在梦中大声咒骂起来。 The fire broke out in the basement. 地下室着了火。 Hostilities have broken out between the two countries. 两国之间爆发了战争。 break through 突破 After the storm the sun broke through the clouds. 风暴过后太阳冲破了云层。 At last, those physicians and specialists broke through in their fight against heart disease. 那些内科医生和专家们终于在同心脏病的斗争中取得了突破。 The guerrillas soon broke through. 游击队很快就突围了。 break up 分裂 结束;解散 The crowd started to break up when the night fell. 天快黑时人群开始散开了。 The ice will break up when the warm weather comes. 天气转暖,冰层就会破裂。 Their marriage broke up. 他们的婚姻破裂了。 The police broke up the fighting crowd. 警察驱散了打架的人群。 He may break up under all this pressure. 在这么大的压力下他可能会崩溃。 Break it up! 别打啦! The company top meeting didn't break up until midnight. 公司高层会议到半夜才结束。 The police broke up the fight among the two black gangs. 警察驱散了两个黑帮间的殴斗。 (学校)开始放假 When will you break up this winter? 今年冬季你们什么时候放假? 使发笑;逗乐;使苦恼 That joke really broke me up. 那个笑话可把我逗乐了。 burst crack fracture interruption interval letup pause rest rupture violation mend repair break [breik] vt. (broke [brEuk]; broken [5brEukEn]) 毁坏, 损坏 打破, 撞破; 折断; 撕开 违反, 违背; 破坏; 破除; 取消, 解除 挖掘; 开垦, 翻(土), 梳(麻); 闯入; 越(狱), 突围, 打开(局面等), 开创(新路等) 使中止; 打断, 截断, 妨碍; 搅乱; 戒除; 放弃 兑开(大额钞票); 拆开(整体); 解开(难题, 链条等) 制服; 训练; 驯(兽); 制止; 阻止; 破获(案件); 破解(密码) 泄; 泄露 使衰败; 使破产, 免职, 降职; 葬送(前途) 打破, 超过(记录) 挫败, 压倒, 削弱 驳倒, 使(证据、辩辞等)不能成立 (棒球)投(变化球), (拳击)制止(扭抱) 【律】非法侵入 使(股票等)猛跌价 以大肆渲染而开始 break a cup 打坏一个杯子 break one's promise 食言 break the law 违反法律 break a strike 使罢工停止 break the tie 打破不分胜负的局面 break the case 破获案件 break the news to sb. 向某人泄露消息 The railway communication is broken. 铁路交通断绝了。 Trees break the force of the wind. 树使风力减弱。 The captain was broken for neglect of duty. 上尉因玩忽职守而被降职。 The prism broke the light into all the colors of the rainbow. 棱镜把光分解成虹的各种色彩。 break [breik] vi. 破裂, 碎; 损坏; 折断; 坏掉 受干扰; 受挫折; (军队等)溃败; (疮)溃烂 闯入(into); 逃出(from, out of); 摆脱, 分离; 决裂 突然发生, 突变; (消息)突然传出 (霜、雾等)消散; (天)破晓, 放晴 破产, 倒闭; (信用、名誉等)扫地 (健康等)垮掉, 变弱; (抵抗等)崩溃; 屈服 (花)发芽, 长(蕾) 折拢, 弯起, 折开 (工作中)稍作休息 发生, 发展, 进展 [美](证券)行市暴跌 突然转向; (舰艇等)突现于水面 [美]突然跑起来; 猛冲(for); (波浪)冲击(over, on, against) (奶酥)在制造黄油时分成流汁和脂肪 (棒球)曲行, 投歪 (从扭抱中)放开, 分开 跳霹雳舞 A piece of china breaks easily. 瓷器容易打碎。 Dawn began to break. 东方欲晓。 The story broke in a morning paper. 消息在一家晨报上透露出来了。 The storm broke. 风暴突然开始了。 The heat-wave broke. 热浪消散了。 His health is broken. 他的身体垮了。 The bank broke. 这家银行倒闭了。 Things are breaking right for us. 情况正朝着有利于我们的方向发展。
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