hakuna--“没有”, tata--“烦恼”, ma--复数词缀从此以后无忧无虑的意思。。。
在电影《狮子王》里头猫鼬丁满和野猪彭彭合唱过的一首歌就叫这个名字。Hakunamatata,it means no worries
同时,这也是《狮子王Ⅲ》的名字。《狮子王III HAKUNAMATATA》 原 名:The Lion King 1/2 HAKUNAMATATA 译 名:狮子王3 导 演:Bradley Raymond 演 员:Nathan Lane ................ Timon (voice) Ernie Sabella ............. Pumbaa (voice) Julie Kavner ................. Mom (voice) 类 型:卡通 片 长:77 分钟 上 映:2004年 国 家:美国
剧情介绍: 狮子王3讲的是丁满和彭彭的故事,并不和前两集连在一起,不过很像狮子王1的番外篇搞笑版。 以放电影的形式,讲述了在遇到辛巴之前彭彭和丁满的故事。这部影片显然是以丁满和彭彭为主角。 丁满过去和家族的人生活在一起,一直梦想着离开。他总是帮倒忙--在大家挖地道的时候破坏(虽然不是故意的),或是在放哨有没有土狼的时候唱歌。也许本性就是如此,丁满的性格让大家无法接受。丁满明白它会给大家添麻烦,于是告别了妈妈和麦斯叔叔,离开了生活很多年的地方。 虽然一直想着要离开,可是在真正离开了之后它又感到非常的孤独,难过。路上它遇到了荣耀国的长老拉飞奇,这个神秘的长老告诉他“超越自己的视线”。于是他“超越视线”,准备到荣耀石。在途中,他遇到了没有家的彭彭,两人一起到了荣耀石,并找到了属于自己的梦幻家园。两人每天说着“HAKUNA MATATA”过着安逸的生活,两个活宝也很快乐。后来遇到了晕倒的辛巴,他们就担任起了“父母”的责任。 辛巴渐渐长大,故事也告一段落。不过没有就这样结束,丁满的勇敢,让他的家族都赞叹,家里的所有人都搬来和他们住在了一起。
hakuna matata! what a wonderful phrase
hakuna matata! ain't no passing craze
it means no worries for the rest of your days
it's our problem-free philosophy
hakuna matata!
hakuna matata? yeah. it's our motto!
what's a motto? nothing. what's a-motto with you?
those two words will solve all your problems
that;s right. take pumbaa here
why, when he was a young warthog...
when i was a young wart hog
very nice thanks
he found his aroma lacked a certain appeal
he could clear the savannah after every meal
i'm a sensitive soul though i seem thick-skinned
and it hurt that my friends never stood downwind
and oh, the shame he was ashamed
thought of changin& my name what&s in a name?
and i got downhearted how did ya feel?
everytime that i... hey! pumbaa! not in front of the kids!
oh. sorry
hakuna matata! what a wonderful phrase
hakuna matata! ain& no passing craze
it means no worries for the rest of your days
it&our problem-free philosophy
hakuna matata!
i say "hakuna" i say "matata"
hakuna--“没有”, tata--“烦恼”, ma--复数词缀从此以后无忧无虑的意思。。。
在电影《狮子王》里头猫鼬丁满和野猪彭彭合唱过的一首歌就叫这个名字。Hakunamatata,it means no worries
同时,这也是《狮子王Ⅲ》的名字。《狮子王III HAKUNAMATATA》 原 名:The Lion King 1/2 HAKUNAMATATA 译 名:狮子王3 导 演:Bradley Raymond 演 员:Nathan Lane ................ Timon (voice) Ernie Sabella ............. Pumbaa (voice) Julie Kavner ................. Mom (voice) 类 型:卡通 片 长:77 分钟 上 映:2004年 国 家:美国
剧情介绍: 狮子王3讲的是丁满和彭彭的故事,并不和前两集连在一起,不过很像狮子王1的番外篇搞笑版。 以放电影的形式,讲述了在遇到辛巴之前彭彭和丁满的故事。这部影片显然是以丁满和彭彭为主角。 丁满过去和家族的人生活在一起,一直梦想着离开。他总是帮倒忙--在大家挖地道的时候破坏(虽然不是故意的),或是在放哨有没有土狼的时候唱歌。也许本性就是如此,丁满的性格让大家无法接受。丁满明白它会给大家添麻烦,于是告别了妈妈和麦斯叔叔,离开了生活很多年的地方。 虽然一直想着要离开,可是在真正离开了之后它又感到非常的孤独,难过。路上它遇到了荣耀国的长老拉飞奇,这个神秘的长老告诉他“超越自己的视线”。于是他“超越视线”,准备到荣耀石。在途中,他遇到了没有家的彭彭,两人一起到了荣耀石,并找到了属于自己的梦幻家园。两人每天说着“HAKUNA MATATA”过着安逸的生活,两个活宝也很快乐。后来遇到了晕倒的辛巴,他们就担任起了“父母”的责任。 辛巴渐渐长大,故事也告一段落。不过没有就这样结束,丁满的勇敢,让他的家族都赞叹,家里的所有人都搬来和他们住在了一起。
hakuna matata! what a wonderful phrase
hakuna matata! ain't no passing craze
it means no worries for the rest of your days
it's our problem-free philosophy
hakuna matata!
hakuna matata? yeah. it's our motto!
what's a motto? nothing. what's a-motto with you?
those two words will solve all your problems
that;s right. take pumbaa here
why, when he was a young warthog...
when i was a young wart hog
very nice thanks
he found his aroma lacked a certain appeal
he could clear the savannah after every meal
i'm a sensitive soul though i seem thick-skinned
and it hurt that my friends never stood downwind
and oh, the shame he was ashamed
thought of changin& my name what&s in a name?
and i got downhearted how did ya feel?
everytime that i... hey! pumbaa! not in front of the kids!
oh. sorry
hakuna matata! what a wonderful phrase
hakuna matata! ain& no passing craze
it means no worries for the rest of your days
it&our problem-free philosophy
hakuna matata!
i say "hakuna" i say "matata"