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2008-05-23 · TA获得超过1029个赞
八种时态 主动语态 被动语态
一般现在时 (经常,反复,爱好,特点,条件,真理) do; does am;is;are done
一般过去时 (过去发生的事,不强调现在的结果) did; -ed was;were done
一般将来时 (将要发生的事) will do will be done
现在进行时 (现在正在发生的事) am;is;are doing am;is;are being done
过去进行时 (当时正在发生的事) was;were doing was;were being done
现在完成时 (过去发生的事,强调现在的结果) have;has done have;has been done
过去完成时 (过去完成的事;过去以前发生的事) had done had been done
过去将来时 (过去将要发生的事) would do would be done
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
不定式: do; not do; to do; not to do 命令式: do; don't do
现在分词: doing 动名词: doing 过去分词: done
( ) Look. Mary _____ a nice dog. She _____ it just now.
A) has drawn, drew B) drew, has drawn C) is drawing, drew D) is drawing, has drawn
在“Look”、“It’s evening”、“Where is sb. …?”等句子后面,可能要用“现在进行时”,也有可能要用“现在完成时”。反正,要根据具体情况来具体分析,考虑问题一定要从整体情况着眼。本题后半句“just now”意为“刚才”,很明显要用“一般过去时”,因此前句如用“现在进行时”就不妥,造成句意逻辑上的错误。前句用“现在完成时”才对。所以本题答案应该选“A”。
( ) This kind of fridge _____ very well.
A) sell B) sells C) are sold D) is sold
在英语中,表达某物销路不错,要用表示“特点”的“一般现在时”形式,而不能用“被卖”这种被动语态形式来表示。由于本句主语“this kind of fridge”是单数第三人称,所以本题答案应该选“B”。
( ) What _____ Mr. Smith? He looks worried so much.
A) happens with B) happens to C) happened with D) happened to
在英语中,“发生”通常可译为“happened”或“took place”,要注意它不能变“被动语态”。本题之意是“史密斯先生发生了什么事?他显得很焦虑。”因此,“发生”不能用表示经常行为的“一般现在时”形式,应该用“一般过去时”的“happened to sb.”固定词组来表达。所以本题答案应该选“D”。
( ) Mary: Shall I tell Michael about the news?
Jack: No, you __________. He’s already known it.
A) can’t B) mustn’t C) needn’t D) don’t
本题是考核情态动词句型的正确回答。在“Must I do …?”、“Shall I do …?”、“Would you like me to do …?”问句后面都可以用“No, you needn’t.”(不必要)来回答。本题根据后句的句意应该选此回答为妥。所以答案应该选“C”。在“May I …?”问句后面,通常有以下几种否定回答:1. No, you mustn’t. 2.No, you may not. 3. Sorry, you can’t. 4.I’m afraid you can’t. 5. No, you can’t.
( ) _____ clothes are usually _____ near a fire in winter.
A) Washed, hung B) Washed, hanged C) Washing, hung D) Washing, hanged
( ) The book _____ by me. I _____ it to a friend of mine.
A) is written, sent B) is written, have sent
C) was written, sent D) was written, have sent
( ) Mr. Jackson _____ the city quite well since he _____ in the city for a couple of years.
A) knows, was B) has known, was C) knows, has been D) has known, has been
( ) Could you tell me _____?
A) how to do it B) why do it C) how to do D) what to do it
由于“do”通常用作及物动词,因此要注意它有否宾语。要避免“C”的没有宾语和“D”的重叠宾语的错误。“B”是不定式遗漏了“to”,所以本题答案应该选“A”。关于“do”的这种特点很重要,为了熟记它,可以背一句口诀:“how to do it, what to do”。
( ) English is his favourite subject. He can _____ it very fluently.
A) say B) talk C) speak D) tell
由于后句“it”指的是“English”,因此要用动词“speak”才对。所以本题答案应该选“C”。“talk”是不及物动词,后面不跟宾语。“speak”既可作不及物动词用,也可作及物动词,宾语只能是语言。“tell”的宾语有限;有“a story”、“the difference”、“the truth”、“a lie”、“the time”等。“say”可跟的宾语最多,不再一一例举。由此句我们得到启示;即我们在做习题时不要被单词的表面现象所迷惑,一定要看清楚它的内涵,即注意到它的真正含义是什么。再举两个例子来说明注意内涵的重要性:例1. A recorder is used to learn English in our class. 例2. His spoken English is poor. He only speaks a word of it.
( ) Mr. Black is the manager of this company. He _____ this company.
A) takes charge of B) is responsible to C) is in the charge of D) has the duty from
在英语中,“他负责这家公司”有多种说法,如:1. He is in charge of this company. 2. His job is to be in charge of this company. 3. This company is in the charge of him. 4. He is responsible for this company. 5. He has the duty of this company. 6. He takes charge of this company. 在这里要注意动词与介词的搭配关系,不要记错了。本题答案应该选“A”。
( )10. Please _____ the city map before you go sightseeing.
A) look at B) have a look C) watch D) read
在英语中,“看”在不同场合有不同的译法。“look at”意为“粗略地看”;“have a look”意为“看一下”,其后不能跟宾语;“watch”意为“注视、仔细地看”,虽然可以跟“地图”搭配,但是,它只是表示一种“看”的状态,没有“查看路线”之意。“看书”、“看地图”都要用动词“read”,意为“阅读”、“查看”。所以本题答案应该选“D”。
Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C或D表示,填入空格内):
( ) 1. They _____ any food. They’ve got plenty of _____ for the picnic.
A) needn’t, it B) needn’t, them C) don’t need, it D) don’t need, them
( ) 2. His favourite _____ is _____ a taxi driver.
A) job, to be B) job, / C) work, to be D) work, /
( ) 3. Why does _____ like _____ this uniform?
A) he not, wearing B) not he, wearing C) he not, wear D) not he, wear
( ) 4. You can not only learn _____ make the delicious drink, you can also _____ it.
A) to , eat B) to, eat C) how to, enjoy D) how to, enjoy
( ) 5. Have you all _____ your pens yet?
A) prepared B) prepared for C) preparation D) preparation for
( ) 6. Danny practises _____ twice _____ week.
A) to swim, a B) to swim, every C) swimming, a D) swimming, every
( ) 7. You must _____ to catch fish here near the pond.
A) not try B) try not C) not to try D) to try not
( ) 8. When we _____ on the air-conditioner in summer, we feel more comfortable.
A) sit B) put C) turn D) open
( ) 9. Would you mind _____ the window ?
A) my closing B) my close C) to close D) for close
( )10. The teacher kept the pupils ______ for five hours.
A) waiting B) to wait C) to waiting D) waits
( )11. Mr. Green _____ China for six years.
A) has been in B) has been to C) has come to D) has gone to
( )12. They could hardly understand what the engineer said, ______?
A) couldn't they B) didn't they C) could they D) did they
( )13. Tell him _____ afraid of dogs.
A) not be B) not to be C) don't be D) won't be
( )14. If he _____ here tomorrow, please tell him when his uncle _____.
A) will come, comes B) comes, comes C) comes, will come D) will come, will come
( )15. The postage on the parcel _____ me a lot of money.
A) took B) spend C) paid D) cost
( )16. Have you _____ who took away your key ?
A) found B) found out C) looked for D) got
( )17. Paris isn't the capital of Britain, is it ? _____.
A) Yes, it is B) No, it isn't C) Yes, it isn't D) No, it is
( )18. The boss made the workers _____ for hours.
A) work B) to work C) working D) works
( )19. My hope is _____ an engineer in 10 years' time.
A) become B) to become C) becoming D) became
( )20. We will go to the factory to work for _____.
A) sometimes B) some time C) some times D) sometime
( )21. Which subject do you _____, English or maths ?
A) like best B) prefer best C) like most D) prefer
( )22. If it is true, it _____ many interesting questions.
A) is raised B) rose C) raises D) rises
( )23. Please your hands if you’ve got the answer.
A) put up B) set up C) get up D) make up
( )24. By the age of ten, the little girl her first collection of poems. She’s now very famous.
A) has published B) had published C) published D) would publish
( )25. Mary should _____ at once.
A) operate on B) be operated C) be operated on D) operate
( )26. Do you mind my using your dictionary for a while? _____.
A) Of course not B) Yes, please C) It doesn't matter D) Yes, here you are
( )27. Where _____? To the teachers' office.
A) have you gone B) has he gone C) is he going to D) have you been to
( )28. Please _____ make the same mistake again, Tom.
A) don’t try to B) try don’t to C) try to not D) try not to
( )29. Q: _____ you _____ Jim this morning? A: Yes. I _____ him just now.
A) Have…seen, saw B) Did…see, saw
C) Have…seen, have seen D) Did…see, have seen
( )30. English is the language _____ in Australia, isn’t it?
A) using B) used C) speaking D) is spoken
( )31. When you go out, don’t forget to keep the windows _____.
A) open B) opening C) opened D) to open
( )32. We _____ the lady was good at skiing.
A) told B) wondered C) were asked D) were told
( )33. Sorry, I _____ understand the business letter. Because it _____ written in English.
A) don’t, is B) don’t, was C) didn’t, is D) didn’t, was
( )34. Some boys were seen _____ into the hospital.
A) going B) entering C) taking D) to send
( )35. He, with another policewoman, _____ the streets in City Centre.
A) walk on B) walk around C) walks on D) walks around
( )36. The soup bowl _____. _____ it _____ yesterday?
A) was broken, Was…broken B) is broken, Was…broken
C) was broken, Did…break D) is broken, Has…broken
( )37. Unluckily, they were _____ with a big storm halfway.
A) caught B) come across C) met D) happened
( )38. He is poor at spoken English. He can’t even _____ a word of it.
A) say B) talk C) speak D)tell
( )39. Jack _____ be absent today. I saw him playing in the playground a moment ago.
A) mustn’t B) needn’t C) isn’t able to D) can’t
( )40. You should go on _____ the text until you _____ able to recite it.
A) reading, are B) reading, were C) to read, will be D) to read, were
( )41. Q: Must we do eye exercises every day, Miss Liu? A: I’m afraid _____.
A) you mustn’t B) you must C) you needn’t D) you can’t
( )42. We may _____ each other somewhere before.
A) meet B) met C) have met D) to meet
( )43. He doesn’t know _____ next.
A) how to do B) what to do it C) when to do D) where to go
( )44. The lady thinks she is too fat, and she is planning _____ now.
A) to keep fit B) reduce his weight C) to go on a diet D) stop her from eating
( )45. The house is on fire. Let’s go and _____ the fire together.
A) put off B) put out C) put down D) put away
( )46. It’s _____ these days. You’d better _____ your greatcoat before you go out.
A) snowing, in B) snowy, wear C) snowing, have on D) snowy, put on
( )47. His family used to _____ in the past.
A) go hungry B) be hungry C) going hungry D) being hungry
( )48. Never forget _____ “Excuse me” when you trouble someone.
A) to speak B) to say C) speaking D) saying
( )49. The music _____ so wonderful that I liked it very much.
A) looked B) heard C) listened D) sounded
( )50. The flat _____ him nearly all his money.
A) cost B) took C) spent D) paid
( )51. You may _____ the book for another week.
A) borrow B) lend C) keep D) hold
( )52. He _____ go to work by bike but now he _____ taking a bus
A) is used to, is used to B) used to, used to
C) is used to, used to D) used to, is used to
( )53. The music is nice. But it's too loud. Please _____ the radio.
A) turn down B) turn up C) turn on D) turn off
( )54. A: _____ I play football now? B: No, you mustn't.
A) Need B) Must C) May D) Will
( )55.What _____ you _____ I'm a teacher?
A) makes, to think B) make, to think C) makes, think D) make, think
( )56. What did you _____ at the meeting?
A) talk B) speak C) tell D) say
( )57. Let's go for a walk after supper, _____?
A) will you B) don’t we C) shan’t we D) shall we
( )58. Neither he nor I _____ good at drawing.
A) am B) is C) are D) don't
( )59. A: What's in the box? B: _____ in it.
A) There are letters B) It is a letter C) They are letters D) There is a letter
( )60. It _____ me half an hour to get there.
A) spends B) pays C) takes D) costs
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