Rather, in view of the Appellate Body's observation on the limitationof its mandate under Articles 17.6 and 17.13 of the DSU in its recent report onthe Periodicals case 56 , the Panel felt all the more strongly the need toavoid a legal vacuum in the event that, upon appeal, the Appellate Body were toreverse the Panel's findings on Article 70.8.
.In India's view, the more appropriate question was whetherArticle 70.9 obliged Members to grant exclusive marketing rights to particularproducts that met the conditions specified in that provision or whether thisprovision obliged Members to authorize their executive authorities to grantsuch rights before the occasion to exercise such authority arose.
According to India,India did not argue that Article 70.9 applied only as from certain dates oronly during certain periods, nor could India be reasonably expected to indicatesuch dates. India's essential argument was that, because operators would "normally"be interested in exclusive marketing rights only in the five-year periodpreceding patentability, the objective of Article 70.9 could not have been tooblige developing countries to change their laws as from the entry into forceof the WTO Agreement. 展开
Rather, in view of the Appellate Body's observation on the limitationof its mandate under Articles 17.6 and 17.13 of the DSU in its recent report onthe Periodicals case 56 , the Panel felt all the more strongly the need toavoid a legal vacuum in the event that, upon appeal, the Appellate Body were toreverse the Panel's findings on Article 70.8.
.In India's view, the more appropriate question was whetherArticle 70.9 obliged Members to grant exclusive marketing rights to particularproducts that met the conditions specified in that provision or whether thisprovision obliged Members to authorize their executive authorities to grantsuch rights before the occasion to exercise such authority arose.
According to India,India did not argue that Article 70.9 applied only as from certain dates oronly during certain periods, nor could India be reasonably expected to indicatesuch dates. India's essential argument was that, because operators would "normally"be interested in exclusive marketing rights only in the five-year periodpreceding patentability, the objective of Article 70.9 could not have been tooblige developing countries to change their laws as from the entry into forceof the WTO Agreement. 展开
一相反,鉴于上诉机构观察其第17.6和17.13 DSU在其最近的报告中强奎期刊案件56下的任务限制,委员会感到了更强烈的需要toavoid一个法律真空的事件,上诉后,上诉机构关于第70.8条的扭转小组的调查结果。