give me a reason 中文音译

注意是音译,不是翻译比如sister音译就是四诶斯特尔是整首歌的音译... 注意是音译 ,不是翻译 比如sister 音译就是四诶斯特尔
 我来答
2013-11-03 · TA获得超过276个赞
just give me a reason
Right from the start
r-ai f-ong 的 思达
You were a thief
U w-e 呃 吸(附)
You stole my heart
U (四)都 买 哈(特)
And I your willing victim
N I 哟 V领 V(克)疼
I let you see the parts of me
I 列 U 西 的 怕 锁 米
That weren’t all that pretty
d-诶 we登 哦 d-诶 皮踢
And with every touch you fixed them
N V附 诶V 踏池 U 肥死 登(姆)
Now you’ve been talking in your sleep oh oh
闹 U(附)并 拖k-ing in 哟 思里(谱)o o
Things you never say to me oh oh
sing(思) U n-e w-e s-ei 吐 米 o o
Tell me that you’ve had enough
挑 米 d-诶 U(附)h-诶 ing-那(附)
Of our love, our love
哦(附) 奥w-e 拉(幅) 奥w-e 拉(幅)

Just give me a reason
j-思 gi-(附)米 呃 r-V 森
Just a little bit’s enough
j-思 呃 里头 比 ing那(附)
Just a second we’re not broken just bent
j-思 呃 s-诶 肯 V(附) 诺 b-肉肯 j-思 BEN
And we can learn to love again
N V KEN 冷 吐 拉(幅) 额g-N
It’s in the stars
E-思 ing 的 思达(思)
It’s been written in the scars on our hearts
E-思 并 r-V 疼 ing 的 思嘎 ong 奥w-e 哈次
We’re not broken just bent
V(附)诺 b-肉肯 j-思 BEN
And we can learn to love again
N V KEN 冷 吐 拉(幅) 额g-N

I’m sorry I don’t understand
IM s-o r-V I 东 恩德斯d-N
Where all of this is coming from
w-诶儿 哦 哦(附) 第四 E-思 肯明 f-ong
I thought that we were fine
I sh-o d-诶 V w-e f-ai
(Oh we had everything)
(O V h-诶 诶V s-ing)
Your head is running wild again
哟 h-诶 E-思 润宁 外 呃g-N
My dear we still have everythin’
买 地儿 V 死丢 h-F e V s-ing
And it’s all in your mind
N E-思 哦 ing 哟 买
(Yeah but this is happenin’)
(耶 b-e 第四 E-思 h-诶碰宁)
You’ve been havin’ real bad dreams oh oh
U(附) 并 h-诶w-ing r-iu b-诶 j-r-ing o o
You used to lie so close to me oh oh
U U-思 吐 来 馊 可搂死 吐 米 o o
There’s nothing more than empty sheets , Between our love, our love
d-诶(思 诺s-ing 摸 d-N M-T sh-E(思) 比t-wing 奥w-e 拉(幅)x2
Oh our love, our love
O 奥w-e 拉(幅) 奥w-e 拉幅

Just give me a reason
j-思 gi-(附) 米 呃 r-V 森
Just a little bit’s enough
j-思 呃 里头 比 ing那(附)
Just a second we’re not broken just bent
j-思 呃 s-诶 肯 V(附)诺 b-肉肯 j-思 BEN
And we can learn to love again
N V KEN 冷 吐 拉(幅) 额g-N
I’ll never stop
I w-iu n-诶 w-e 思多(普)
You’re still written in the scars on my heart
U (R) 死丢 r-V 疼 ing 的 思嘎 ong 买 哈特
You’re not broken just bent
U (R) n-o b-肉肯 j-思 BEN
And we can learn to love again
N V KEN 冷 吐 拉(幅) 额g-N

Oh tear ducts and rust
O 提尔 德思 N r-a死
I’ll fix it for us
I(附)f-E 西斯 佛 饿死
We’re collecting dust
V R 克列听 德斯
But our love’s enough
吧 奥-e 拉幅思 ing那(附)
You’re holding it in
U (R) 后顶 一(特) ing
You’re pouring a drink
U(R) 泼r-ing 呃 j-ring
No nothing is as bad as it seems
No n-o s-ing E-思 饿死 呗 饿死 一特 辛思
We’ll come clean
V(附)k-阿姆 k-令

Just give me a reason
j-思 gi-(附)米 呃 r-V 森
Just a little bit’s enough
j-思 呃 里头 比 ing那(附)
Just a second we’re not broken just bent
j-思 呃 s-诶 肯 V(附) 诺 b-肉肯 j-思 BEN
And we can learn to love again
N V KEN 冷 吐 拉(幅) 额g-N
It’s in the stars
E-思 ing 的 思达(思)
It’s been written in the scars on our hearts
E-思 并 r-V 疼 ing 的 思嘎 ong 奥w-e 哈次
We’re not broken just bent
V(附)诺 b-肉肯 j-思 BEN
And we can learn to love again
N V KEN 冷 吐 拉(幅) 额g-N

2013-05-04 · TA获得超过105个赞
Right from the startYou were a thief打一开始,你就是个小偷You stole my heart盗走我对你的倾心And I your willing victim而做你爱的俘虏,我心甘情愿I let you see the parts of me让你看到我的每一面That weren’t all that pretty那些未经修饰的瞬间And with every touch you fixed them每次交往,你都修复了一些瑕疵Now you’ve been talking in your sleep oh oh如今我听到你在梦中呓语Things you never say to me oh oh说着些未曾吐露的心声Tell me that you’ve had enough你说你已经受够了Of our love, our love我们的爱,我们的爱…Just give me a reason只要你给我一个说法Just a little bit’s enough哪怕一句也好Just a second we’re not broken just bent但求时光能倒流,那是我们还没分开And we can learn to love again做出退让,这样我们能够从新来过It’s in the stars我们的爱如同天上的星星It’s been written in the scars on our hearts被铭刻于内心的伤痕We’re not broken just bent只求能回到从前And we can learn to love again各自退让,这样我们还能再爱一次I’m sorry I don’t understand对不起,我也不知道什么时候开始Where all of this is coming from你会有这些奇怪的想法I thought that we were fine我想我们并没有遭遇什么坎坷(Oh we had everything)嗯,我俩如同天天照地设Your head is running wild again你又开始胡思乱想了My dear we still have everythin’我们仍属于彼此And it’s all in your mind别想太多了(Yeah but this is happenin’)但这已经成了无可驳辨的事实You’ve been havin’ real bad dreams oh oh看来你又做了噩梦了You used to lie so close to me oh oh以前你是如此紧密的依偎与我There’s nothing more than empty sheets如今却有一点隔阂Between our love, our love横贯我们的爱之间Oh our love, our love在爱之间Just give me a reason只要你给我一个说法Just a little bit’s enough哪怕一句也好Just a second we’re not broken just bent但求时光能倒流,那是我们还没分开And we can learn to love again做出退让,这样我们能够从新来过Oh I’ll never stop噢,我从来没有放弃过You’re still written in the scars on my heart爱仍然铭刻于我内心的伤痕之中You’re not broken你未崩溃just bent,And we can learn to love again各自让步,这样我们还能再爱一次Oh tear ducts and rust别再去理会那些纷扰I’ll fix it for us我会修补裂缝We’re collecting dust纵使纷争难免会发生But our love’s enough我们的爱就是最好的保障You’re holding it in你总盯着纷争不放You’re pouring a drink你在对事态上雪上加霜No nothing is as bad as it seems不,事情看上去并没有那么不可救药We’ll come clean我们会克服一切的!Just give me a reason只要你给我一个说法Just a little bit’s enough哪怕一句也好Just a second we’re not broken just bent但求时光能倒流,那是我们还没分开And we can learn to love again做出退让,这样我们能够从新来过It’s in the stars我们的爱如同天上的星星It’s been written in the scars on our hearts被铭刻于内心的伤痕That We’re not broken just bent这样我们能回到从前And we can learn to love again各自退让,这样我们还能再爱一次Just give me a reason只要你给我一个说法Just a little bit’s enough哪怕一句也好Just a second we’re not broken just bent但求时光能倒流,那是我们还没分开And we can learn to love again做出退让,这样我们能够从新来过It’s in the stars我们的爱如同天上的星星It’s been written in the scars on our hearts被铭刻于内心的伤痕We’re not broken just bent也没让我们崩溃And we can learn to love again各自退让,这样我们还能再爱一次Oh, we can learn to love again噢,再爱一遍Oh, we can learn to love again噢,再爱一遍Oh oh, that we’re not broken just bent噢,那时我们还未分开And we can learn to love again彼此让步,还有机会再爱一遍
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Right from the startYou were a thief
汝爱特 福入木 资 斯大,油 乌 而 斯诶福,
You stole my heart

油 斯豆儿 麦 哈特,
And I your willing victim

按的 爱 哟~ 威灵 威克提姆,
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2013-05-05 · TA获得超过446个赞
给吴 米 额 蕊怎
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