在PADS logic里面编辑元件属性是会出现以下错误,请问高手这是怎么回事?换了好几个其它的版本也是那样!
这个是系统时间不对,改正确就可以了。 或是我也经常碰到,似乎跟自动backup有关系,后来我把自动backup的时间设长一点,出现的概率小一点,但是还是会出现
PADs : Fatal run-time Error
PADS的“fatal run time error相信用PADS(POWERPCB)都有遇到这个问题吧。有什么好的解决方法吗? PCB文件里的数据有错误了!无论powerPCB版本还是pads版本都存在这个问题。以下是综合了网友的几个建议 ,大家不妨了解一下。1\先将PCB文件导出成ASCII文件,重开pads,再导入ASCII文件,保存!2\问题是这样解决的,一般就是自己的GND走线的时候出现不的操作造成的,第一次的时候我就是每个每个网络的删除,看是哪个网络的信号线走的有问题,时间长了,基本都是GND的问题比较多,所以你试这把DNG的网络删除,再重新走看会不会出现你说的哪个问题了 3\关键是硬盘读写速度跟不上,软件安装在foremay 固态硬盘上,都不会出现这样的问题 4\这是从pads官方的英文论坛里看到的,大家可以看看。我大致翻译了一下。Re: PADs layout Fatal run-time Error Try to move the vias near the problem parts and see if you still get the Fatal Error. The problem might not be with the part but with the vias or traces attached to it. I had a similar problem recently and it turned out to be that a via on the board had attributes built into it that were causing the problem. I found that these particular attributes were only on the offending vias. Once I removed the attributes from these vias the problem went away. Just an idea...your case may be different, but maybe it's worth a try. 试着挪开有问题的parts附近的vias,看看是否任然出现这个问题。我最近就遇到过这样的问题,结果是因为板上 的一个via自身的内部属性导致了这个问题。我发现这些特殊属性只存在于那些有问题的vias上。一旦我把这些vias的属性删除,fata-run time error 就没有了。哦,这只是一个建议,你的问题也许与我的不同,但是我的建议可以试试啊。 If you are having problems and are stuck on an earlier version then doing a complete clean install with XP and ONLY installing the minimum software packages you absolutly must have on the computer may help minimise the number of times this happenes. 这段简单,不逐句翻译了。大致意思:早的Pads版本上遇到这个问题的话,你卸载掉软件,清理干净安装时的各种信息。安装你用的着的那几个软件包就可以了,这样出现fata run time error的概率就小很多了。 If you do get a Fatal Error event then you should shut everything down and do a Windows restart. 此句:重启电脑,再看看。 Also make sure your graphics card has LOTs of memory (512MB or more if possible) and all the drivers are up to date, as I have had problems from that too. 此句:确保显存足够大,最少512,还有更新驱动。 希望大家与我一样,搞清楚这个问题,基本上是pads软件本身的问题,大家多想办法克服克服啊--如:过一小会就保存一下。
PADs : Fatal run-time Error
PADS的“fatal run time error相信用PADS(POWERPCB)都有遇到这个问题吧。有什么好的解决方法吗? PCB文件里的数据有错误了!无论powerPCB版本还是pads版本都存在这个问题。以下是综合了网友的几个建议 ,大家不妨了解一下。1\先将PCB文件导出成ASCII文件,重开pads,再导入ASCII文件,保存!2\问题是这样解决的,一般就是自己的GND走线的时候出现不的操作造成的,第一次的时候我就是每个每个网络的删除,看是哪个网络的信号线走的有问题,时间长了,基本都是GND的问题比较多,所以你试这把DNG的网络删除,再重新走看会不会出现你说的哪个问题了 3\关键是硬盘读写速度跟不上,软件安装在foremay 固态硬盘上,都不会出现这样的问题 4\这是从pads官方的英文论坛里看到的,大家可以看看。我大致翻译了一下。Re: PADs layout Fatal run-time Error Try to move the vias near the problem parts and see if you still get the Fatal Error. The problem might not be with the part but with the vias or traces attached to it. I had a similar problem recently and it turned out to be that a via on the board had attributes built into it that were causing the problem. I found that these particular attributes were only on the offending vias. Once I removed the attributes from these vias the problem went away. Just an idea...your case may be different, but maybe it's worth a try. 试着挪开有问题的parts附近的vias,看看是否任然出现这个问题。我最近就遇到过这样的问题,结果是因为板上 的一个via自身的内部属性导致了这个问题。我发现这些特殊属性只存在于那些有问题的vias上。一旦我把这些vias的属性删除,fata-run time error 就没有了。哦,这只是一个建议,你的问题也许与我的不同,但是我的建议可以试试啊。 If you are having problems and are stuck on an earlier version then doing a complete clean install with XP and ONLY installing the minimum software packages you absolutly must have on the computer may help minimise the number of times this happenes. 这段简单,不逐句翻译了。大致意思:早的Pads版本上遇到这个问题的话,你卸载掉软件,清理干净安装时的各种信息。安装你用的着的那几个软件包就可以了,这样出现fata run time error的概率就小很多了。 If you do get a Fatal Error event then you should shut everything down and do a Windows restart. 此句:重启电脑,再看看。 Also make sure your graphics card has LOTs of memory (512MB or more if possible) and all the drivers are up to date, as I have had problems from that too. 此句:确保显存足够大,最少512,还有更新驱动。 希望大家与我一样,搞清楚这个问题,基本上是pads软件本身的问题,大家多想办法克服克服啊--如:过一小会就保存一下。