请帮忙翻译一下,急用!!!! 10
由于 内 燃 机热效率高、适应性好、功率范围广,结构简单、比质量轻、移动
内燃 机 起 源于170年英国人纽卡姆发明的蒸汽机。1763年英国人詹姆斯•瓦特
展。1885 年 德 国人戈特利布•戴姆勒(GottliebDaimlcr)仿照四冲程煤气机的工作原理制成了第一台汽油机,并于1886年使第一台用汽油机驱动的汽车问世。由于汽油机具有轻小价廉、运转平稳及起动、使用简便等优点,便迅速在运输车辆上得
到了广泛应用。接着在1890 年英国的克拉克(nugaldclerk)和罗伯逊(Jamcs Robson)、德国的卡尔•奔驰(KariBcnz)成功地发明了二冲程内燃机。二冲程内燃机
目前二冲程和四冲程内燃机在不同的领域中都得到了广泛的应用。为 了研 制 使用廉价燃料的发动机,并进一步提高发动机的热效率,1892年德国工程师鲁道夫•狄塞尔(RudoffDiescl)首先提出了柴油机的工作原理。并于1897年研制成了世界上第一台柴油机(当时为煤油机)。随后,内燃机开始进入快速发展的时代。 展开
内燃 机 起 源于170年英国人纽卡姆发明的蒸汽机。1763年英国人詹姆斯•瓦特
展。1885 年 德 国人戈特利布•戴姆勒(GottliebDaimlcr)仿照四冲程煤气机的工作原理制成了第一台汽油机,并于1886年使第一台用汽油机驱动的汽车问世。由于汽油机具有轻小价廉、运转平稳及起动、使用简便等优点,便迅速在运输车辆上得
到了广泛应用。接着在1890 年英国的克拉克(nugaldclerk)和罗伯逊(Jamcs Robson)、德国的卡尔•奔驰(KariBcnz)成功地发明了二冲程内燃机。二冲程内燃机
目前二冲程和四冲程内燃机在不同的领域中都得到了广泛的应用。为 了研 制 使用廉价燃料的发动机,并进一步提高发动机的热效率,1892年德国工程师鲁道夫•狄塞尔(RudoffDiescl)首先提出了柴油机的工作原理。并于1897年研制成了世界上第一台柴油机(当时为煤油机)。随后,内燃机开始进入快速发展的时代。 展开
Because the internal combustion engine thermal efficiency is high, the compatibility is good, the power range is broad, the structure simple, is lighter than the quality, moves to be convenient, already widespread application in agricultural, industry, transportation shipping industry and national defense development enterprise. Therefore, internal combustion engine the industry's development, has the very vital role to the national economy and the national defense development. the internal combustion engine stems from the steam engine which 170 year English Niu Kamm invents. in 1763 English James watt mouth ameswatt) has improved the Niu Kamm steam engine, caused the steam engine to enter the practical stage. But, because steam engine has the thermal efficiency to be low, the structure is unwieldy, migration not convenient and shortcomings and so on operation trouble, thus could not adapt production need to develop .1876 year Germany industrialist Nicolas Otto gradually (NicolausA.otto) to formulate according to and so on has allowed to burn, used electricity the spark ignition four stroke coal gas engine, made the thermal efficiency to enhance 14%, as a result of the coal gas engine must the use gaseous fuel, but gaseous fuel's origin was quite at that time difficult, this hindered the coal gas engine to further send the exhibition. in 1885 German Gotley Lieb Daimler the (GottliebDaimlcr) imitation four stroke coal gas engine's principle of work has made the first gasoline engine, and caused first in 1886 the automobile which actuated with the gasoline engine to be published. Because the gasoline engine has light small moderately-priced, the revolution to be steady and starting, use simple and so on merits, then rapidly on carrier vehicle to widespread application. Then in 1890 Britain's Clark (nugaldclerk) and Robertson (Jamcs Robson), Germany's Cull ran quickly (KariBcnz) to invent two stroke internal combustion engines successfully. Two stroke internal combustion engine and the four stroke internal combustion engine compares, has the high unit volume power and the even torque, and the structure is simple, the use service is convenient; But its fuel oil and the lubricating oil consumption are high, cooling is difficult and the durability is bad. the present two strokes and the four stroke internal combustion engine obtained the widespread application in the different domain. In order to develop the use inexpensive fuel the engine, and further raises engine's thermal efficiency, in 1892 German Engineer Rudolph Di Sayre (RudoffDiescl) first proposed diesel engine's principle of work. And developed in the world in 1897 the first diesel engine (at that time for kerosene engine). Afterward, the internal combustion engine starts to enter fast development the time.