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今天起来时,看到外头的天气还是像往日样灰蒙蒙的。对,像往日样生活在这个无比压抑的环境中。在这里不存在任何的自由,或是人权,唯一存在的只是屈服和服从,而你不必去思考。。。所... 今天起来时,看到外头的天气还是像往日样灰蒙蒙的。对,像往日样生活在这个无比压抑的环境中。在这里不存在任何的自由,或是人权,唯一存在的只是屈服和服从,而你不必去思考。。。所有人都这样,我们没有办法。每天都在重复同样的工作,做同样的动作,说同样的话,做同样的表情,而今天当然也不例外。
下班之后,我又沿着早上那条路,走了回去。政府的宣传画,和Big Brother 的画像令人恐惧。我们都是像被蹂躏过的绵羊,乖乖的服从着领导的指示。
2008-05-27 · 超过39用户采纳过TA的回答

When got up, it looked gloomy out of window as like the other days. Sure, I led a life in such a depressed environments just like the past days. There was no freedom,or human rights, and there was nothing to do but submission and obedience because you need not to think. Every one was in the same situation, and we had no choice. We did the same things every day, the same actions, the same words, and the same countenances. Today was a similar day.


The peace in the early morning was pirced by a long voice of horn, which was a signal beginning a day as we know. Alike to before,I went on my way to the office after washed, that was the way I walked for countless times. We suffered a lot from the billboards around us. Working in the small office, what I had to do was creating the history. In fact I would change all memory from non-official sources, e.g. newspapers and articles. The so-called non-official history was actually those of disadvantage to the party. I hated to do so, but i had to do it for living. I had ever altered the history and maken up lies for heaps of times, and I was unable to do something against it. Here is the case that we should remove all history of friendship between Estasia and us after we declared war on him.

下班之后,我又沿着早上那条路,走了回去。政府的宣传画,和Big Brother 的画像令人恐惧。我们都是像被蹂躏过的绵羊,乖乖的服从着领导的指示。
After work, I walked along the way home. The air of terror emitted from the propaganda of governments and the Portraits of brothers was around us, and we seemed the ravaged sheep, and follow docilely the order of the leaders.

At home, we took no relaxation,let alone other entertainments. We finised supper on supervision of the damned camera, I returned back the seat I sat now. It is a position that let me escape from surveillance and operate the crime. I know I will be caught some time or other, and be tortured to die.
2008-05-26 · TA获得超过336个赞
下班之后,我又沿着早上那条路,走了回去。政府的宣传画,和Big Brother 的画像令人恐惧。我们都是像被蹂躏过的绵羊,乖乖的服从着领导的指示。

Today when gets up, saw outside the weather looked like the type to be former days dusky. Right, looked like former days the type life, in this incomparably constrained in environment. Does not have any freedom in here, perhaps the human rights, the only existence is only submits and obeys, but you do not need to ponder. . . All people like this, we do not have the means. Every day in the redundant similar work, makes the similar movement, said that the similar words, make the similar expression, but today certainly is not exceptional. Early morning is broken tranquilly by a bang's loudspeaker. We knew that this is tasteless one day-long start. Former days the type, after washing likely rinsed, walks in leads to the office building on the road. Was actually already innumerable on this road how many time, periphery each kind of picture poster is devastating our brains every day. I work in that narrow office, every day must do is only “the creation history”, is actually must change all unofficial historical record all newspapers and the article. The so-called unofficial history refers to is possesses to the parties and groups disadvantageous history. I hate this procedure, but I to survive actually must such do. I was once innumerable the time change history, compiles the rumor, but I am actually helpless. According to an example: If couple of days ago we and Estasia were in peace, but we actually declared war today with him, then we must destroy and Estasia have peace stage history to erase. After getting off work, I along early morning that road, walked. Government's picture poster, is frightening with the Big Brother portrait. We are look like has devastated the sheep, the obedient obedience is leading instruction. After getting the home, we do not have any relaxed feeling, let alone any entertainment. After that should die under camera's surveillance has the dinner, I returned to my seat at this moment. May hide the surveillance which in here me conceives, and implements me this crime which does. I knew that sooner or later one day of me to grab by them, and by them is suffered until dies.
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when getting up today, it is misty as usual!...
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2008-05-28 · TA获得超过8953个赞
Today, again, that the weather is like outside-Hui Mengmeng the past. Right, like the past like living in this very oppressive environment. Here there is no freedom or human rights, but only the yield and obey, and you do not have to think about. . . All of this, we can not. Every day, repeating the same work, do the same action, say the same thing, doing the same expressions, and today is no exception.
The morning quiet was broken by Speaker of the explosion. We all know that this is the beginning of boring day. Like the past like, Xishu, walk in the road leading to the building. Have been numerous in this road is taking a number of times, the various posters around every day in the destruction of our minds. I work in that narrow the office every day have to do is "create history", in fact, is to change all non-official historical records of all newspapers and articles. The so-called non-official history refers to all the parties adverse history. I hate this, but I must do so in order to survive. I had numerous changes in history, concocted lies, and I was powerless. It is a example: If two days ago and we Estasia at peace, but today we have with him a declaration of war, then we must destroy the peace and Estasia there have been wiped off the stage of history.
After work, I am那条along the road, and take back. Government posters, and Big Brother is the portrait of fear. We are all like sheep were torn off, the Guaiguai obey the instructions of the leadership.
At home, we do not have any easy sense, let alone what the entertainment. In that Taiwan damned camera under the supervision of eating dinner, I returned to my seat at this point in time. Here I can escape the idea of surveillance, and implement I do this crime. I know that sooner or later one day I will be their抓着and was tortured until they died.
Add: Please do not use computer translation Thank you
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2008-05-31 · 超过13用户采纳过TA的回答
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2008-06-02 · TA获得超过117个赞
Today when gets up, saw outside the weather looked like the type to be former days dusky. Right, looked like former days the type life, in this incomparably constrained in environment. Does not have any freedom in here, perhaps the human rights, the only existence is only submits and obeys, but you do not need to ponder. . . All people like this, we do not have the means. Every day in the redundant similar work, makes the similar movement, said that the similar words, make the similar expression, but today certainly is not exceptional.
Early morning is broken tranquilly by a bang's loudspeaker. We knew that this is tasteless one day-long start. Former days the type, after washing likely rinsed, walks in leads to the office building on the road. Was actually already innumerable on this road how many time, periphery each kind of picture poster is devastating our brains every day. I work in that narrow office, every day must do is only “the creation history”, is actually must change all unofficial historical record all newspapers and the article. The so-called unofficial history refers to is possesses to the parties and groups disadvantageous history. I hate this procedure, but I to survive actually must such do. I was once innumerable the time change history, compiles the rumor, but I am actually helpless. According to an example: If couple of days ago we and Estasia were in peace, but we actually declared war today with him, then we must destroy and Estasia have peace stage history to erase.
After work, I am那条along the road, and take back. Government posters, and Big Brother is the portrait of fear. We are all like sheep were torn off, the Guaiguai obey the instructions of the leadership.
At home, we do not have any easy sense, let alone what the entertainment. In that Taiwan damned camera under the supervision of eating dinner, I returned to my seat at this point in time. Here I can escape the idea of surveillance, and implement I do this crime. I know that sooner or later one day I will be their抓着and was tortured until they died.
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