Scene 1
(In the restaurant, a man and a woman are having coffees)
Siu Ming: Well, sweetie, you know, I am really thankful that I haveyou beside me for so many years…I love you.
Rose: (Smile) Honey, I love you too.
Siu Ming: I know you do. Listen, I’ve been thinking about this formonths seriously…sweetie, will you marry me?
Rose: Oh! What a surprise! How sweet! But dear, I need to thinktwice about it…you know, I’m pretty serious about marriage.
Siu Ming: Yeah, yeah, certainly. So…
Rose: (Drinking the coffee) Oh my god! This is so disgusting!
Siu Ming: Oh dear, are you OK?
Rose: No!! I’m not OK! (Angry) OK…I’m sorry but I don’t haveconfidence in our future because you can’t even find a decent restaurant forthis important moment. I’m sorry. Bye-bye. (run away)
Siu Ming: Sweetie…how can this be…? It must be the coffee! (lookingaround) Where is the manager? (turn to William) You are in trouble!
Scene 2
Daniel: Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Eaties’ Grouphead office! I’m Daniel (Corporate Communication Department Manager).(greeting)
Joyce: This is Joyce (Human Resources Manager).
Arthur: Oh, regular weekly meeting again! I’m Arthur (CorporateConsultant). Nice to meet you all.
Emily: Good day. This is Emily (Coffee Specialist). I seldom attendmeetings…I’m more technical in a sense. But they just need me present today…(drink coffee)
William: I am William, I’m managing the Eaties’ Café chain. UsuallyI don’t need to be here. (worried) But this time I think I’m in trouble…Oh, itseems that the meeting is about to start, wish me good luck!
Scene 3
(In Meeting Room One, meeting in progress)
Daniel: OK we are done with the routine stuff. Now let’s come to thespecial issues about Eatie’s Café…A gentleman is complaining that our coffee failshim in proposing to a lady. And he’s trying to make us liable to that.
Emily: Oh… I believe that we have the best Brazilian coffee beans.
Joyce: I am not looking forward to receiving a letter from thesolicitor. Let’s get to the point real quick. Who manages the café, and who madethe coffee?
William: I am the manager, and a trainee made the coffee…We hiredhim last week.
Joyce: Ah ha, so you are the one.
William: I’m sorry that I didn’t train him very well. I will takethis responsibility.
Joyce: I have told you. How can this happen? How can you be amanager? You should never let a trainee make coffees or prepare food. This willonly cause trouble. The best solution would be to fire that trainee and we’llget you downsized. I believe the customer would be pleased to accept ourapology.
William: OK if this is the only solution…
Arthur: It’s OK, we won’t put all the blame on you. To be fair, itis extremely funny that not getting married because of a cup of coffee. Wecan’t be liable to that, right?
(Everybody laughs except William and Joyce)
Daniel: Frankly speaking, the fault is on William’s side coz he didnot provide adequate training to the new-hired staff. But of course, we have toadmit that most of our stores cannot afford to do that either. We didn’t givethem the resources.
Arthur: Can we do this? We can implement a new policy. From now on onlytrained baristas can brew coffee. They have to go through internal training andqualification test to be a barista.
Joyce: But this would probably increase our workload. We will haveto train the staff all from nothing. We need to put a lot more resources inthat. Why can’t we simply fire the ones who are responsible and let this end?
Daniel: Joyce, of course there would be costs. But providingtraining is also a good way to minimize our liability in the future.
Arthur: Well, having five of us sitting here to solve problems alsocost us time and money in a way.
Emily, Daniel: Haha, that’s true.
Daniel: So, good news for you, William. You can keep your position!
(The meeting is over, and the minutes is shown on screen 5-10s)
Scene 4
(In the office)
Daniel: (looking at the business letter) What do you think, Arthur?
Arthur: It looks good.
Daniel: Great. So we’ll send it out today!
(camera turns to the memo)
William: (looking at the memo) Oh I can’t believe this. I was notpunished…
Emily: No, you were. See, your workload is increased. You’ll beresponsible for arranging the tests for everybody who works at the café. Andyou will have to pass the test and get the qualification yourself too.
William: I’m not afraid of that! But I’m sorry that your workloadhas been increased because of this incident…
Emily: Haha, it’s OK. I love coffee. (smile) But you really need tobe more careful when you hire new staff next time!
(In the restaurant, a man and a woman are having coffees)
Siu Ming: Well, sweetie, you know, I am really thankful that I haveyou beside me for so many years…I love you.
Rose: (Smile) Honey, I love you too.
Siu Ming: I know you do. Listen, I’ve been thinking about this formonths seriously…sweetie, will you marry me?
Rose: Oh! What a surprise! How sweet! But dear, I need to thinktwice about it…you know, I’m pretty serious about marriage.
Siu Ming: Yeah, yeah, certainly. So…
Rose: (Drinking the coffee) Oh my god! This is so disgusting!
Siu Ming: Oh dear, are you OK?
Rose: No!! I’m not OK! (Angry) OK…I’m sorry but I don’t haveconfidence in our future because you can’t even find a decent restaurant forthis important moment. I’m sorry. Bye-bye. (run away)
Siu Ming: Sweetie…how can this be…? It must be the coffee! (lookingaround) Where is the manager? (turn to William) You are in trouble!
Scene 2
Daniel: Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Eaties’ Grouphead office! I’m Daniel (Corporate Communication Department Manager).(greeting)
Joyce: This is Joyce (Human Resources Manager).
Arthur: Oh, regular weekly meeting again! I’m Arthur (CorporateConsultant). Nice to meet you all.
Emily: Good day. This is Emily (Coffee Specialist). I seldom attendmeetings…I’m more technical in a sense. But they just need me present today…(drink coffee)
William: I am William, I’m managing the Eaties’ Café chain. UsuallyI don’t need to be here. (worried) But this time I think I’m in trouble…Oh, itseems that the meeting is about to start, wish me good luck!
Scene 3
(In Meeting Room One, meeting in progress)
Daniel: OK we are done with the routine stuff. Now let’s come to thespecial issues about Eatie’s Café…A gentleman is complaining that our coffee failshim in proposing to a lady. And he’s trying to make us liable to that.
Emily: Oh… I believe that we have the best Brazilian coffee beans.
Joyce: I am not looking forward to receiving a letter from thesolicitor. Let’s get to the point real quick. Who manages the café, and who madethe coffee?
William: I am the manager, and a trainee made the coffee…We hiredhim last week.
Joyce: Ah ha, so you are the one.
William: I’m sorry that I didn’t train him very well. I will takethis responsibility.
Joyce: I have told you. How can this happen? How can you be amanager? You should never let a trainee make coffees or prepare food. This willonly cause trouble. The best solution would be to fire that trainee and we’llget you downsized. I believe the customer would be pleased to accept ourapology.
William: OK if this is the only solution…
Arthur: It’s OK, we won’t put all the blame on you. To be fair, itis extremely funny that not getting married because of a cup of coffee. Wecan’t be liable to that, right?
(Everybody laughs except William and Joyce)
Daniel: Frankly speaking, the fault is on William’s side coz he didnot provide adequate training to the new-hired staff. But of course, we have toadmit that most of our stores cannot afford to do that either. We didn’t givethem the resources.
Arthur: Can we do this? We can implement a new policy. From now on onlytrained baristas can brew coffee. They have to go through internal training andqualification test to be a barista.
Joyce: But this would probably increase our workload. We will haveto train the staff all from nothing. We need to put a lot more resources inthat. Why can’t we simply fire the ones who are responsible and let this end?
Daniel: Joyce, of course there would be costs. But providingtraining is also a good way to minimize our liability in the future.
Arthur: Well, having five of us sitting here to solve problems alsocost us time and money in a way.
Emily, Daniel: Haha, that’s true.
Daniel: So, good news for you, William. You can keep your position!
(The meeting is over, and the minutes is shown on screen 5-10s)
Scene 4
(In the office)
Daniel: (looking at the business letter) What do you think, Arthur?
Arthur: It looks good.
Daniel: Great. So we’ll send it out today!
(camera turns to the memo)
William: (looking at the memo) Oh I can’t believe this. I was notpunished…
Emily: No, you were. See, your workload is increased. You’ll beresponsible for arranging the tests for everybody who works at the café. Andyou will have to pass the test and get the qualification yourself too.
William: I’m not afraid of that! But I’m sorry that your workloadhas been increased because of this incident…
Emily: Haha, it’s OK. I love coffee. (smile) But you really need tobe more careful when you hire new staff next time!