I believe that Hong Kong will be the Major economic and communication center forChinabecause of its present and future skills base it is an excellent port it works, despite the politics
It’s a great opportunity , despite the fright they got when mrs, thatcher announced they were going back to china , they have regained considerable confidence the poeperty markets are strong , the top income tax rate is only1 8.5% per cent , there is no exchange control, trade figure are good, and there is a very strong financial industry , with over one hundred banks registered
It’s a great opportunity , despite the fright they got when mrs, thatcher announced they were going back to china , they have regained considerable confidence the poeperty markets are strong , the top income tax rate is only1 8.5% per cent , there is no exchange control, trade figure are good, and there is a very strong financial industry , with over one hundred banks registered