5、当上司要求你做违法的事或违背良心的事时——平静地解释你对他的要求感到不安,亦可以坚定地对上司说:“你可以解雇我,也可以放弃要求,因为我不能这么做。”如果你幸运,老板会自知理亏并知难而退。但假若你不能坚持自身的价值观,不能坚持一定的准则,那只会迷失自己,最终还是要影响工作的成绩,以致断送自己的前途。 展开
5、当上司要求你做违法的事或违背良心的事时——平静地解释你对他的要求感到不安,亦可以坚定地对上司说:“你可以解雇我,也可以放弃要求,因为我不能这么做。”如果你幸运,老板会自知理亏并知难而退。但假若你不能坚持自身的价值观,不能坚持一定的准则,那只会迷失自己,最终还是要影响工作的成绩,以致断送自己的前途。 展开
Will encounter such situation frequently: Boss is called you to do a matter, you accepted immediately down, even if this matter should not you do, or has surpassed your load. Perhaps is awed by boss's pressure, perhaps stems from other kind of consideration, you will often not reject. Actually, in the life, we should learn to boss to say No.
1st, works as the boss to give the much works you, enables you shoulder extremely when - - you to be possible to request that the boss helps you to decide on the priority order, so long as the boss understood that realized you earnest discrete, will give others naturally some minor details work processing.
2nd, works as the boss to think highly of you and to link you rises two levels, but that duty is not time the work which you want to be engaged in - - you may indicate that must consider for several days, then explained slowly why you don't suit this work, gives the solution which again he satisfies both sides. Discusses directly, human who may cause you regards as pays great attention the community spirit and has the opinion.
3rd, when you because of individual reason, has not been able to deal with time the odd work - - tells the boss you the actual situation, then the guarantee can process with every effort the normal business, but exceeds the quota the work could not deal with. Goes to work when you must whole-heartedly, the performance extremely high working efficiency.
4th, when boss settles “crazily” when working life - - you need to illustrate this work content the difficulty, the time which certain consideration and makes a decision after for boss, then requests the extension. If by a set time really ironclad does not change, that requests the invitation temporary staff. The boss possibly appreciates your frank. Many bosses indicated that can promote these to be possible to estimate accurately completes the operating time staff. Certainly bad luck time also has, that is regards as a low efficiency. However such boss also will sooner or later let you be disappointed, because in his heart has not counted the son.
5th, works as the boss to request you to do the illegal matter or violates the conscience the matter - - explained tranquilly you feel restless to his request, may also say firmly to the boss: “you may dismiss me, may also waive claim, because I cannot such do.”If you are lucky, boss will know oneself bes in the wrong and gives way before difficulties. But if you cannot insist that own values, cannot insist certain criterion, that will only lose itself, must interfere with the work finally the result, so that will kill own future.
1st, works as the boss to give the much works you, enables you shoulder extremely when - - you to be possible to request that the boss helps you to decide on the priority order, so long as the boss understood that realized you earnest discrete, will give others naturally some minor details work processing.
2nd, works as the boss to think highly of you and to link you rises two levels, but that duty is not time the work which you want to be engaged in - - you may indicate that must consider for several days, then explained slowly why you don't suit this work, gives the solution which again he satisfies both sides. Discusses directly, human who may cause you regards as pays great attention the community spirit and has the opinion.
3rd, when you because of individual reason, has not been able to deal with time the odd work - - tells the boss you the actual situation, then the guarantee can process with every effort the normal business, but exceeds the quota the work could not deal with. Goes to work when you must whole-heartedly, the performance extremely high working efficiency.
4th, when boss settles “crazily” when working life - - you need to illustrate this work content the difficulty, the time which certain consideration and makes a decision after for boss, then requests the extension. If by a set time really ironclad does not change, that requests the invitation temporary staff. The boss possibly appreciates your frank. Many bosses indicated that can promote these to be possible to estimate accurately completes the operating time staff. Certainly bad luck time also has, that is regards as a low efficiency. However such boss also will sooner or later let you be disappointed, because in his heart has not counted the son.
5th, works as the boss to request you to do the illegal matter or violates the conscience the matter - - explained tranquilly you feel restless to his request, may also say firmly to the boss: “you may dismiss me, may also waive claim, because I cannot such do.”If you are lucky, boss will know oneself bes in the wrong and gives way before difficulties. But if you cannot insist that own values, cannot insist certain criterion, that will only lose itself, must interfere with the work finally the result, so that will kill own future.
Will encounter such situation frequently: Boss is called you to do a matter, you accepted immediately down, even if this matter should not you do, or has surpassed your load. Perhaps is awed by boss's pressure, perhaps stems from other kind of consideration, you will often not reject. Actually, in the life, we should learn to boss to say No.
1st, works as the boss to give the much works you, enables you shoulder extremely when - - you to be possible to request that the boss helps you to decide on the priority order, so long as the boss understood that realized you earnest discrete, will give others naturally some minor details work processing.
2nd, works as the boss to think highly of you and to link you rises two levels, but that duty is not time the work which you want to be engaged in - - you may indicate that must consider for several days, then explained slowly why you don't suit this work, gives the solution which again he satisfies both sides. Discusses directly, human who may cause you regards as pays great attention the community spirit and has the opinion.
3rd, when you because of individual reason, has not been able to deal with time the odd work - - tells the boss you the actual situation, then the guarantee can process with every effort the normal business, but exceeds the quota the work could not deal with. Goes to work when you must whole-heartedly, the performance extremely high working efficiency.
4th, when boss settles “crazily” when working life - - you need to illustrate this work content the difficulty, the time which certain consideration and makes a decision after for boss, then requests the extension. If by a set time really ironclad does not change, that requests the invitation temporary staff. The boss possibly appreciates your frank. Many bosses indicated that can promote these to be possible to estimate accurately completes the operating time staff. Certainly bad luck time also has, that is regards as a low efficiency. However such boss also will sooner or later let you be disappointed, because in his heart has not counted the son.
5th, works as the boss to request you to do the illegal matter or violates the conscience the matter - - explained tranquilly you feel restless to his request, may also say firmly to the boss: “you may dismiss me, may also waive claim, because I cannot such do.”If you are lucky, boss will know oneself bes in the wrong and gives way before difficulties. But if you cannot insist that own values, cannot insist certain criterion, that will only lose itself, must interfere with the work finally the result, so that will kill own future
1st, works as the boss to give the much works you, enables you shoulder extremely when - - you to be possible to request that the boss helps you to decide on the priority order, so long as the boss understood that realized you earnest discrete, will give others naturally some minor details work processing.
2nd, works as the boss to think highly of you and to link you rises two levels, but that duty is not time the work which you want to be engaged in - - you may indicate that must consider for several days, then explained slowly why you don't suit this work, gives the solution which again he satisfies both sides. Discusses directly, human who may cause you regards as pays great attention the community spirit and has the opinion.
3rd, when you because of individual reason, has not been able to deal with time the odd work - - tells the boss you the actual situation, then the guarantee can process with every effort the normal business, but exceeds the quota the work could not deal with. Goes to work when you must whole-heartedly, the performance extremely high working efficiency.
4th, when boss settles “crazily” when working life - - you need to illustrate this work content the difficulty, the time which certain consideration and makes a decision after for boss, then requests the extension. If by a set time really ironclad does not change, that requests the invitation temporary staff. The boss possibly appreciates your frank. Many bosses indicated that can promote these to be possible to estimate accurately completes the operating time staff. Certainly bad luck time also has, that is regards as a low efficiency. However such boss also will sooner or later let you be disappointed, because in his heart has not counted the son.
5th, works as the boss to request you to do the illegal matter or violates the conscience the matter - - explained tranquilly you feel restless to his request, may also say firmly to the boss: “you may dismiss me, may also waive claim, because I cannot such do.”If you are lucky, boss will know oneself bes in the wrong and gives way before difficulties. But if you cannot insist that own values, cannot insist certain criterion, that will only lose itself, must interfere with the work finally the result, so that will kill own future