Social insurance programmes originated with the passage of the Social Security Act of 1935. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), with its compulsory coverage of the working population is the prototype social insurance programme. SSDI, the largest and most important government programme targeted to the long-term disabled population, makes cash payments to covered workers who become disabled and also the dependents of those disabled workers. SSDI pays benefits on the basis of impairments but always with the insistence that the person demonstrate disability by almost complete total withdrawal from the labour force. To collect SSDI benefits, an applicant must demonstrate both the withdrawal from the labour force and its connection with the chronic condition (1, p.12). Labor Code section 139.5 as amended in 1975 made it mandatory for employers/insurance providers to offer rehabilitation to any injured worker who as a result of an industrial accident or an industrial injury was unable to return to his/her usual and customary occupation.A workers’ compensation programme requires employers to provide cash benefits, medical care, and rehabilitation services to their employees for injuries or illnesses arising out of and in the course of employment. The workers’ compensation laws are state laws, which provide for mandatory coverage in forty-seven states, with New Jersey, South Carolina, and Texas being elective states. The system emerged with aquid pro quo.In exchange for giving up their right to tort actions, employees are to get swift and certain payment from the workers’ compensation programme without having to demonstrate the employer was at fault. In return, employers enjoy limited liability for industrial injury or disease. Employers can fulfil their obligations to provide workers’ compensation coverage by purchasing insurance from a private insurance carrier or from an insurance fund run by the state or by self-insuring