1、考上大学 美国学生为了能从大学毕业而拼命学习,上了大学才开始认真学习, (注:美国的大学是“宽进严出”,中国的大学是“严进宽出”。)
2、向老师发问 在课堂上,美国学生为了装懂而故意向老师发问,美国学生还认为坐得横七竖八才能更好地与老师进行交流。
3、解题方法 老师给出同一道题目:“现在是12点整,时针和分针刚好重在一起,请问,要经过多少时间,时针和分针才能再次重合?”老师的话音刚落,美国学生的反应是不约而同地拨动腕上的手表,用这种其实是很聪明的“笨方法”看看时针和分针什么时候能够再次重合。
4、受教育方式 美国学生的受教育方式是“放羊”,轻松得要命,因此他们大多数喜欢异想天开,想象力无比丰富。
5、数学头脑 美国学生一向不大有数学头脑,不得不长期依赖电子计算器。
6、零用钱 美国学生的父母说:“我们不得不通知你,你这个月的零用钱已经快要超出预算了。去,把车库打扫一下,把游泳池刷一刷或者把花园里的草割了,我们就可以支给你一些钱花。”
7、旅游 美国学生对自己的父母说:“我已经攒够钱了,我要去旅游了。”
8、女朋友 美国学生把女孩子带回家, 自豪地对父母说:“这是我的女朋友。”
而中国学生面对拿着自己已经被撬锁的日记本的气急败坏的父母,心虚地说: “我没有早恋……”
9、新赛车 美国学生喜欢夸耀自己“瞧,这辆新赛车是我自己组装的。”
10、自己做主 美国学生的父母对他们说:“亲爱的,你已经长大成为一个男子汉了,自己的事情应该自己做主了!不要老是依赖我们给你提供意见.”
2、向老师发问 在课堂上,美国学生为了装懂而故意向老师发问,美国学生还认为坐得横七竖八才能更好地与老师进行交流。
3、解题方法 老师给出同一道题目:“现在是12点整,时针和分针刚好重在一起,请问,要经过多少时间,时针和分针才能再次重合?”老师的话音刚落,美国学生的反应是不约而同地拨动腕上的手表,用这种其实是很聪明的“笨方法”看看时针和分针什么时候能够再次重合。
4、受教育方式 美国学生的受教育方式是“放羊”,轻松得要命,因此他们大多数喜欢异想天开,想象力无比丰富。
5、数学头脑 美国学生一向不大有数学头脑,不得不长期依赖电子计算器。
6、零用钱 美国学生的父母说:“我们不得不通知你,你这个月的零用钱已经快要超出预算了。去,把车库打扫一下,把游泳池刷一刷或者把花园里的草割了,我们就可以支给你一些钱花。”
7、旅游 美国学生对自己的父母说:“我已经攒够钱了,我要去旅游了。”
8、女朋友 美国学生把女孩子带回家, 自豪地对父母说:“这是我的女朋友。”
而中国学生面对拿着自己已经被撬锁的日记本的气急败坏的父母,心虚地说: “我没有早恋……”
9、新赛车 美国学生喜欢夸耀自己“瞧,这辆新赛车是我自己组装的。”
10、自己做主 美国学生的父母对他们说:“亲爱的,你已经长大成为一个男子汉了,自己的事情应该自己做主了!不要老是依赖我们给你提供意见.”
There are many differences between American students and Student’s from other countries. Some of these differences are cultural differences that stem from the way people all over the world look at themselves and their relationship to others. The typical American student studies on average between 12 to 20 hours a week. This is very different when compared to most Asian countries where students can study up 40 to 60 hours a week.
American students also spend a large portion of their time participating in extra-curricular activities like American Football, Cheerleading and Volleyball. While these activities can be available to students in other countries they are rarely pursued with as much enthusiasm as American students. This is because there are greater and more plentiful rewards for athletes in the United States then in most countries and there are many opportunities to excel at many different levels i.e. High School, College and minor league sporting teams. American students are very independent in their educational goals. They study alone and it is considered a matter of pride to succeed without the help of others, this usually breeds fierce competition among students to out achieve each other on assignments or in the classroom. This is very different among students from other countries where a collaborative environment is created and students naturally tend to help each other.
In some countries exams are given and a small group of students are asked to work on it together. This process of collaborative learning is just beginning to become popular in the United States, but is already looked upon as too different from what is considered traditional education. American students usually have a part time job while studying, and there is usually no uniform or dress code associated with education in the United States. Education in the United States is free until you are 18 years old, but college is paid for through scholarships, grants and loans. In some other countries School is always paid for. And students must wear uniforms this can make going to school very expensive.
There are many similarities and differences between American students and students from other countries, and that is what makes learning such a fun thing to do.
American students also spend a large portion of their time participating in extra-curricular activities like American Football, Cheerleading and Volleyball. While these activities can be available to students in other countries they are rarely pursued with as much enthusiasm as American students. This is because there are greater and more plentiful rewards for athletes in the United States then in most countries and there are many opportunities to excel at many different levels i.e. High School, College and minor league sporting teams. American students are very independent in their educational goals. They study alone and it is considered a matter of pride to succeed without the help of others, this usually breeds fierce competition among students to out achieve each other on assignments or in the classroom. This is very different among students from other countries where a collaborative environment is created and students naturally tend to help each other.
In some countries exams are given and a small group of students are asked to work on it together. This process of collaborative learning is just beginning to become popular in the United States, but is already looked upon as too different from what is considered traditional education. American students usually have a part time job while studying, and there is usually no uniform or dress code associated with education in the United States. Education in the United States is free until you are 18 years old, but college is paid for through scholarships, grants and loans. In some other countries School is always paid for. And students must wear uniforms this can make going to school very expensive.
There are many similarities and differences between American students and students from other countries, and that is what makes learning such a fun thing to do.