
2013年4月春季新番动画介绍7分--9分的音乐アステリズム谁能发给我?我找到了这个视频ChuableSOFT]アステリズム-Astraythem-(PV)歌名好像是St... 2013年4月春季新番动画介绍 7分--9分的音乐 アステリズム 谁能发给我? 我找到了这个视频 Chuable SOFT]アステリズム -Astraythem- (PV)
歌名好像是StarryRain 谁能发给我?
 我来答
2013-05-25 · TA获得超过132个赞

Starry starry night繁星点点的夜晚paint your palette blue and grey把颜料调成灰白和淡蓝look out on a summer's day往窗外看那个夏日的时光with eyes that know the darkness in my soul.你的眼,将我灵魂里的阴郁看穿Shadows on the hills山峦上的影子sketch the trees and the daffodils勾勒树丛和水仙花catch the breeze and the winter chills捕捉微风和冬日冰寒in colors on the snowy linen land.在覆盖亚麻地的雪色上呈现And now I understand现在我才明白what you tried to say to me你想告诉我什么话语and how you suffered for your sanity你为无人相知倍受摧残and how you tried to set them free.你曾多么想让他们释放They would not listen they did not know how没人愿意聆听,没人能够懂得perhaps they'll listen now.也许只有到了今天…Starry starry night繁星点点的夜晚flaming flowers that brightly blaze殷红的鲜花,恍若明亮的焰火swirling clouds in violet haze漩涡形的云彩,笼罩紫色的轻烟reflect in Vincent's eyes of China blue.映照在梵高湛蓝的瞳孔Colors changing hue色调随着颜色演变morning fields of amber grain黎明的原野,琥珀色的稻田weathered faces lined in pain风化的大地痉挛般褶皱are soothed beneath the artist's loving hand.钟情的画笔,将它抚摸And now I understand现在我才明白what you tried to say to me你想告诉我什么话语and how you suffered for your sanity你为无人相知倍受摧残and how you tried to set them free.你曾多么想让他们释放They would not listen they did not know how没人愿意聆听,没人能够懂得perhaps they'll listen now.也许只有到了今天…For they could not love you没有人曾爱戴于你but still your love was true但你的柔情始终切切and when no hope was left in sight on that看不到了希望,在那个starry starry night.繁星点点的夜晚You took your life as lovers often do,你结束自己的生命,失去爱的怨侣But I could have told you Vincent假如我在,梵高,我要对你说this world was never meant for one as beautiful as you.完美如你,这个世界从未懂得挽留Starry starry night繁星点点的夜晚portraits hung in empty halls空虚的展厅悬挂起肖像frameless heads on nameless walls无框的头像,摆在不起眼的墙头with eyes that watch the world and can't forget.眼睁睁看这世间,难以抑止的留恋Like the stranger that you've met和那些看你的陌生人没什么不同the ragged men in ragged clothes贫乏的面孔褴褛的衣裳the silver thorn of bloody rose血红的玫瑰,带着银辉的花刺lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow.弯折、压碎,覆盖上无暇的雪And now I think I know现在我才明白what you tried to say to me你想告诉我什么话语and how you suffered for your sanity你为无人相知倍受摧残and how you tried to set them free.你曾多么想将他们释放They would not listen they're not listening still没人愿意聆听,直到现在perhaps they never will.也许永远没人懂得

[al:GWAVE SuperFeature's vol.22 ア]
[00:12.00]PC ゲーム 「AstrayThem!」op
[00:35.00]lrc by: 芳乃ツクモ QQ:648910979
[00:54.29]本当(ほんとう)の笑颜(えがお)さえ もう见(み)ることも出来(でき)ず
[01:01.31]一瞬(いっしゅん)の出来(でき)事(こと)が 绝望(ぜつぼう)に変(か)わってく
[01:09.14]交(か)わした约束(やくそく) それさえ果(は)たせず
[01:15.91]自分(じぶん)の无力(むりょく)さを噛(か)み缔(し)めて 身(み)を震(ふる)わせる
[01:25.09]雨(あめ)に濡(ぬ)れ 失意(しつい)の果(は)てに
[01:39.79]差(さ)し伸(の)べられた 手を握(にぎ)って
[01:47.32]全(すべ)てを信(しん)じて 星空へと踏(ふ)み出(だ)す
[01:54.81]Take me to the day.
[01:57.85]I'll reach the starry sky.
[02:01.89]This Light shines on me.
[02:05.23]Decide in the starry rain.
[02:39.34]偿(つぐな)いの时间(じかん)さえ もう残(のこ)り少(すく)なくて
[02:46.64]大切(たいせつ)な人を守るため 走(はし)り出(だ)す
[02:54.19]胸秘(むねひ)めた决意(けつい) 运命(うんめい)さえも変(か)える
[03:01.26]掴(つか)んだその手(て)を 离(はな)さずに力(ちから)を込(こ)める
[03:10.66]星空(ほしぞら)に 愿いを托(たく)し
[03:25.24]すがる想(おも)いは 光が示(しめ)す
[03:32.71]未来(みらい)を信(しん)じて 时の扉(とびら)开(あ)けよう
[03:40.39]Take me to the day.
[03:43.69]I'll reach the starry sky.
[03:46.91]This Light shines on me.
[03:50.67]Decide in the starry rain.
[03:54.42]Take me to the day.
[03:57.97]I'll reach the starry sky.
[04:01.55]This Light shines on me.
[04:05.22]Decide in the starry rain.
[04:35.29]永远(えいえん)の想い 抱(だ)いてる  
[04:59.21]时(とき)を越(こ)え 星(ほし)降(ふ)る夜(よる)
[05:14.43]あの笑颜(えがお) 取(と)り戻(もど)せるなら
[05:21.75]希望(きぼう)の星空(ほしぞら) 彼方(かなた)へと駆(か)け出(だ)す
[05:29.16]Take me to the day.
[05:32.42]I'll reach the starry sky.
[05:36.15]This Light shines on me.
[05:39.73]Decide in the starry rain.
[05:43.55]Take me to the day.
[05:47.25]I'll reach the starry sky.
[05:50.72]This Light shines on me.
[05:54.37]Decide in the starry rain.
[06:02.75]lrc by: 芳乃ツクモ QQ:648910979
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