海明威英语简介 5
欧内斯特 米勒 海明威,美国著名作家,20世纪20年代美国“迷惘的一代”的代表。代表作有《老人与海》《太阳照样升起》《永别了,武器》《丧钟为谁而鸣》等,凭借《老人与海》获得1953年普利策奖,1954年获诺贝尔文学奖。海明威被誉为美利坚名族的精神丰碑,并且是“新文体”小说的创始人。他一向享有“文坛硬汉”之誉,写作风格以简洁著称,对美国文学及20世纪世界文学的发展有深远影响。肯尼迪称他为“20世纪最伟大的作家之一。可以翻译吗?
Ernest miller Hemingway, a famous American writer, the United States representative of "lost generation" in 1920s.His representative work like "the old man and the sea" "the sun also rises" a farewell to arms "for whom the bell tolls,he won the Joseph Pulitzer in 1953 by the old man and the sea and won Nobel Prize in literature in 1954.He was known the spirit of USA and orginated "New novel".He is the tough in literary.His writing style is clear.The development of American literature and world literature in the 20th century has a far-reaching influence. Kennedy called him \"one of the greatest writers in the 20th century.