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《老人与海》的哲学意味得益于作者高度的艺术修养,来自于作者对人生真谛刻骨铭心的体验,是他用痛苦、挫折、血泪换来的人生感受。只有饱经风霜的作家才能写出不同寻常的富有浓郁的哲... 《老人与海》的哲学意味得益于作者高度的艺术修养,来自于作者对人生真谛刻骨铭心的体验,是他用痛苦、挫折、血泪换来的人生感受。只有饱经风霜的作家才能写出不同寻常的富有浓郁的哲学意味的伟大作品。
以海明威为代表的这一代美国青年知识分子, 是以第一次世界大战和十月革命为分界的, 他们横跨两个时代, 厌弃传统而又鼓吹异端, 是一群新式的叛逆者。他们出生于中产家庭, 受到过良好的教育, 在充满梦想、自负的时代环境中长大。但当他们走出校园, 以“意气奋发、舍我其谁”的豪迈气概肩负起推进美国文化成熟的重任时, 却痛感社会的愚昧、狭隘与虚伪。以海明威为代表的美国青年爱国者们怀抱着“为国出力又不弄脏双手”的浪漫理想投笔从戎, 参加志愿军远征欧洲, 结果在残酷的世界大战中精神痛遭摧残, 理想几近幻灭。战争结束, 他们却发现自己已经成为弗罗伊 德尔所称的“精神漂泊者”或斯泰茵定义的“迷惘的一代”。这个充满着战争、暴力、恐惧、绝望和死亡的世界对海明威产生了严重的影响, 并在他的肉体和心灵上留下了难以治愈的创伤, 从而把他推上了痛苦、迷惘和绝望的边缘。在他看来,人生不过是一场悲剧, 但是人的唯一的价值和出路就是面对死亡, 无所畏惧, 他并没有被人生的厄运击垮, 他像一头“受伤的老狮子”,忠实地、不屈地再现了这个严酷时代的真实面貌。他塑造的“硬汉性”在美国20 世纪20 年代的后期文学中产生了深远影响, 虽然这种影响并不完全是积极的。可以说,《老人与海》不仅是一部小说, 也是一则有关人的命运的寓言。这篇小说是一曲对即使在物质的收获归于乌有时、仍然要坚持下去的“硬汉”精神的赞歌,“人可以被毁灭, 但不能被打败”[3],这句出自老渔民的话点明了作品的主题。海明威的文学创作来源于他对生活的亲身体验。
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2013-05-27 · TA获得超过522个赞
Philosophical benefit from the author of "the" the old man and the sea of the high degree of artistic accomplishment, from the author to the life true meaning profound experience, he is your pain, frustration, tears feeling in life. Only a weather-beaten writer can write unusual rich full-bodied great philosophical works.
Represented by Hemingway this generation of young intellectuals in the United States, in the first world war and the October revolution as the dividing line, across two times, they rejected the traditional and advocating heresy, are a group of new rebel. They was born in a middle-class family, received a good education, grew up in the period of dreams, conceit, environment. But when they came out of the campus, in order to "stir ourselves," the world the heroic spirit shoulder the important task of promoting American culture mature, but the pain of social ignorance, narrow and hypocrisy. Represented by Hemingway in the young American patriots holding "for output is not dirty hands" join the romantic ideal, to participate in voluntary European expedition, results in the brutal world war mental pain tortured, almost ideal disillusionment. The end of the war, they found himself has become del Roy calls the "spiritual rootlessness" or Mr. Yin definition of a "lost generation". This is full of war, violence, fear, despair, and death in the world has a serious impact on Hemingway, and left on his body and mind is difficult to cure the trauma, so as to push him to the pain, confusion, and to the very verge of despair. In his opinion, life is a tragedy, but there is only one value and way of facing death, fearless, he has not been the fate of life down, he is like a "wounded old lions", faithfully, to reproduce the real appearance of this harsh times. He shape of the "tough guy" in the United States in the late 1920 s literature had a profound effect, although this effect is not entirely positive. Can say, "the old man and the sea" is not only a novel, is also a parable about the destiny of man. This novel is a song about even in material gain to nothing, still want to insist on the "tough guy" spirit song of praise, "a man can be destroyed but not defeated" [3], this points to the theme of his works was from an old fisherman. Hemingway's literary creation from his experience of life.
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The old man and the sea" philosophical meaning due to the high artistic accomplishment, from the true meaning of life experience is the imprint is engraved on my heart., in exchange for his pain, frustration, and feeling of life. The great works only have experienced years of wind and frost writer to write an unusually rich philosophical implication.

With Hemingway as the representative of the United States of America this generation of young intellectuals, is in the first World War and the October revolution as a dividing line, they across two age, from traditional and advocate of heresy, is a new traitor. They were born in a middle-class family, received a good education, grew up in a dream, own time environment. But when they go out of the campus, "spirits, who" heroic plays a part in promoting the responsibility of the United States of America culture of mature, but the pain society folly, narrow and hypocritical. With Hemingway as the representative of the American young patriots who embrace the "contribute to the country and not getting your hands dirty." the romantic ideal, join the volunteer European expedition, results in the spirit of destruction by brutal World War pain, ideal nearly disillusion. The end of the war, they found themselves have become Eph Roy Del called a "spiritual wanderer" or STAI Yin definition of "the lost generation". This is war, violence, fear, despair and death of Hemingway the world influence, and left to heal the scars on his body and mind, so as to push him on to the pain, confusion and despair. In his view, but life is a tragedy, but the value and the only way out of man is facing death, be fearless, he was not the life misfortune down, he looked like a "wounded lion", faithfully, unyielding representation of the real face of the harsh times. He shaped the "tough guy" in the late nineteen twenties in American literature had a profound impact, although this effect is not completely positive. Can say, "the old man and the sea" is not only a novel, but also a parable about the fate of people. This novel is a song of even in material gains come to an end when, still need to continue the spirit of "tough guy" hymn, "a man can be destroyed, but not defeated" [3], it comes from the old fisherman words point out the theme. Hemingway's literary creation from his life experience.
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