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体态语的文化差异英国人类学家泰勒在《原始文化》一书中指出,文化是一个复合的整体,其中包括知识、信仰、艺术、法律、道德、风俗以及作为社会成员而获得的任何其他的能力和习惯。文... 体态语的文化差异
2008-05-31 · TA获得超过2.7万个赞
Body language of cultural differences
British anthropologist Taylor in "original culture" a book that is a composite culture as a whole, including knowledge, belief, art, law, ethics, customs, as well as members of society and any other access to the ability and habit. Culture and language are complementary to each other, culture includes language, and influence the language, culture and language is an important component of, but also the preservation of cultural and exchange of culture and the culture reflects an indispensable tool. Body Language and spoken language, is a product of certain socio-cultural, from generation to generation, are long-term accumulation from the history and culture of a society's common habits, as a social group within the membership total, constitute the Part of the culture of groups. In a sense, the body language of the rich cultural content. Body language and culture are inseparable, and many cultural body language acquisition are the result of the formation of body language and the results are always a certain cultural environment by the decision. In the United States, once popular men wearing Topper, into social occasions, "Tuomao" has become a typical form of etiquette. However, the contemporary American men wearing Topper are very few, of course, there is not a Tuomao salute. Body Language is the most important attribute differences, such differences are different nations, different regions, different times of cultural accumulation results. Between the different ethnic differences in body language. For example, Chinese people often use that praised thumbs up, put up little finger that stigma, but the Japanese nation that thumbs-up to "Laoye Zi," said the little finger up, "Valentine", said thumbs up in the United Kingdom to take other people's cars . Hands raised, palm outward, this gesture in the United Kingdom that please the audience quiet in Greece is a humiliating act. Met many Chinese people to shake hands Sincerely, Britain and the United States and other countries with more people embrace and kiss. In the same ethnic regions, different places in the body language there are some differences. For example: in most parts of China, the masters of Jingcha receive guests, usually Gongshen, hands to tea, to show their gratitude, and in Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, the guests with his right index finger while bending point inconsistent with the desktop, the same as that kow-tow Thanks. Body language and cultural differences mainly in the following areas: First, the same meaning in different cultures have different body language expression. For example: In the oath, the English-speaking countries are Youshou Zhang Kai, the right arm held high, sometimes to the left on the "Bible", can also hold high the right hand is the "Bible" and the Chinese people swear by the use of the Pay tribute to the international communist movement, that is, hold the right hand, palm Chaowai cite the shoulder; Japanese Binglong that is the right hand, right arm raised on the diagonal. In affirmed or consent, the Chinese people usually nod, while Japan's Ainu people to give arms and chest from top to bottom shake, Malaysia Mainland Mengchong black head forward to India's Punjab people head back Meng Yang Sri Lanka will chin falls to a downward arc and then shift to the left shoulder, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Albania and some countries in Africa were swaying its head around, with or deny that we do not agree with the action without much difference between shaking his head . [Second, the same body language in different cultures have different meanings. This body language in understanding and follow the example of the problem in the most vulnerable, we must pay special attention to.
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